Abstract Few studies of rock-lobster diet have included analyses of mature females or juveniles of either sex. This study focused on the diet of male and female West Coast rock lobsters (Jasus lalandil) in three size classes (viz.: 10 - 35 mm CL (carapace length) - small, 40 - 59 mm CL - medium and 70 - 85 mm CL - large), using visual analyses of stomach contents. The principle aims were to examine potential differences in diet between: (1) male and female rock lobsters; (2) changes in diet ...
ABSTRACT Most ecological assessments often focus on one ecosystem without investigating the integrity of contiguous ecosystems and implications thereof on the habitat of interest. From a conservation perspective, ignored ex situ processes may counteract management interventions in an ecosystem of interest if the former aren’t taken into account. This study sought to assess land-use cover change and its potential relationship or impact on the integrity of contiguous mangroves downstream. Car...
ABSTRACT The causes of malnutrition among women of reproductive age are complex but it is mainly attributed to diets lacking diversity. Agro-biodiversity is widely perceived as a promising strategy to improve dietary diversity and ultimately nutritional status. The main objective of this study was to assess the relationship between agro-biodiversity, dietary diversity and nutritional status of women aged 15-49 years in two different agro-ecological zones (low and high agricultural potential a...
ABSTRACT Onsetof uncomplicated malaria is characterized by fever, headache, joint pains, myalgia and lack of appetite. These non-specific signs and symptoms also presentin patients with arthropod borne viral (arboviral) infections complicate differential diagnoses. The lack of diagnosticsthat can detectarboviral infections in Kenyan public hospitals coupled with malaria diagnostic tools incapable of detecting low Plasmodiumparasitemia,has led to diagnosis based on clinical symptoms only,favou...
Abstract Seagrass meadows have important ecological roles in coastal ecosystems and provide high-value ecosystems services compared to other marine and terrestrial habitats. Despite this, there is growing evidence that this key ecosystems is declining on a global scale. Much of these declines have been attributed to the effects of human alterations of marine habitats. Continued destructive activities, in both South Africa and elsewhere, if not managed properly will result in the demise of sea...
ABSTRACT The diseases transmitted by mosquito continue to be rampant and in most case fatal especially in the developing countries. Mosquito is the main vector for malaria. Malaria is a scourge and according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimations, over 40% of the world population remain exposed to malaria. In Kenya, about 25,000 children die of malaria each year; although the actual number of deaths is unknown since most of them occur at home. Since prevention is better than cure...
Abstract This study utilized combination of phase plots,time Steps distribution and adaptive time steps Runge-Kutta and fifth order algorithms to investigate a harmonically Duffing oscillator.The object is to visually compare fourth and fifth order Runge-Kutta algorithm performance as took for seeking the chaotic solutions of a harmonically excited Duffing oscillator.Though fifth order algorithms favours higher time steps and as such faster to execute than fourth order for all studied cases.T...
ABSTRACT Life threatening diseases like, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases have been linked to oxidative stress in the human body. Oxidative stress results from the uncontrolled generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body. Naturally, the normal body regulates ROS through in situ production of antioxidants. However, the human body is not capable of quenching ROS exceeding a certain level and this can result in oxidative stress. Hence the need of exogen...
ABSTRACT Testing for homogeneity of proportions in handling over-dispersion is employed in toxicology, teratology, consumers purchasing behavior, alcohol drinking behavior, in studies of dental caries in children and other similar fields. An important inference problem of interest is to compare proportions of certain characteristic in several groups. However, these proportions often exhibit variation greater than predicted by a simple binomial model. In real world applications, the binomial ...
ABSTRACT Maize is the main staple food crop in Kenya and is of vital concern to agricultural policy decisions, food security and overall development of the sector and the economy. It is also the dominant staple food crop in Kuria east sub-County. However, there has been a declining trend in maize production among farmers in the study area threatening household food security. This study was conducted in Kuria east sub-County using cross sectional survey research design and sought to achieve th...
ABSTRACT The study area is located in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State Nigeria. It lies between latitudes 6° 49' N, and 6° 50' N, and longitudes 7° 15' E, and 7° 21' E respectively. The area is underlain by Nsukka Formation, which is capped by the laterites, and underlain by heterolithic Sandstone / Siltstone layers with some clays or shale at some deeper horizons. Geophysical investigation using Electrical Resistivity and IP methods with ABEM Terameter, SAS 1000, reveal...
ABSTRACT The Nsukka area is a sedimentary basin within the Anambra basin which is part of the lower Benue trough. The Nsukka sheet (covering the aeromagnetic data of Nsukka) lies between latitudes 6030΄ and 7000ʹNorth and longitudes 7000ʹ and 7030ʹEast. The IGRF corrected aeromagnetic data ofNsukka sheet, southeastern Nigeria has been interpreted using the standard Euler deconvolution, source parameter imaging,forward and inverse modelling methods with the objectives of determining the d...
ABSTRACT The syntheses of benzothiazinophenothiazine derivatives from simple heterocyclic compounds as precursors is described. Condensation of 2-aminothiophenol with 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone in an alkaline medium furnished a good yield of the intermediate, 6-chloro-5H-benzo[a]phenothiazin-5- one. Further condensation of the intermediate with 2,4-diamino-6-hydroxypyrimidine-5-thiol obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of 2,4-diamino-6-hydroxy-5-thiacyanatopyrimidine gave the benzothiazinop...
Abstract A discussion of somc burial and thermal history modelling techniques is given, together with the applicability of these to some sedimentary basins in Nigeria. The rilcchanisms of basin formation discussed follow the basic concept that basin subsidence is an isostatic response to thinning of the crust and cooling of a thermal anomaly. The rate of subsidence! is mainly a function of thc cooling rate, further modificd by additional load related to replaccrnent of sea water by accumulati...
ABSTRACT In this study, instant kunun zaki powders were produced from millet-cowpea malt and millet- soybean malt. The instant powders were packaged in polypropylene plastics and stored for 3 months. During this period, studies of the changes in physiochemical and functional properties of the packaged flour were carried out every 30 days for 3 months. Production of instant powders was by blending millet with malt of cowpea for millet cowpea malt (MCm) and millet with malt of soybean for mill...