Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Bayesian Predictive Analyses For Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process In Software Reliability With Musa-Okumoto Intensity Function

ABSTRACT Due to rapid increase in development of complex computer systems over the past decades, there is need to estimate and predict the reliability of software systems during the testing process. Reliability refers to how well software meets its requirements and the probability of failure free operation for the specified period of time in a specified environment. The high demand and use of software has led to increased quest for more reliable software. For the past few decades several soft...

SSA Research 64 PAGES (16480 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Chemical And Sensory Quality Evaluation Of Newly Developed Tea Clones In Kenya

A study was conducted on the newly developed purple tea clones in Kenya. Green tea quality analyses on theanine and catechins were done using HPLC, while total polyphenols were done using the Folin- Ciocalteu phenol reagent method. Sensory analysis was also done on green tea samples. Plain black tea quality parameters were determined (total theaflavins and individual theaflavins, brightness and total colour percentages, total thearubigins and fractions and total soluble solids) for all t...

Environmental Problems Of Industrial Wastewater In Ikeja Local Government Area Of Lagos State

ABSTRACT This study examined the effects of industrial wastewater on the environment of Ikeja by identifying the industries that generate and discharge wastewater. It also examined the physico-chemical composition of the wastewater and determined the spatial distribution of wastewater discharge and its relationship with environmental pollution. It compared the waste water quality of the sampled industries in the study area with LASEPA regulatory standards. Field collection of wastewater samp...

Antiplasmodial And Toxicity Activities And Characterization Of Chemical Compounds Extracted From Selected Medicinal Plants In Uganda

Malaria caused by Plasmodium parasite is at the moment the one of the highest killer disease in the tropics. In developing countries, where malaria is one of the most prevalent diseases, some people still rely on traditional medicine for the treatment of this disease. In the present study an ethnobotanical survey was conducted to document antimalarial medicinal plants. In vitro antiplasmodial and in vivo toxicity activities were carried out on crude root extracts and on the isolated pure...

AfroAsia Research 162 PAGES (49151 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Isolation And Characterization Of Lactic Acid Bacteria And Their Inhibitory/Safety Potential In Traditionally Fermented Milk, Mursik In Kenya

Commercial fermented milks have health benefit potential attributed to pure probiotics used as starter culture. Lactic acid bacteria (LABs) are the probiotics used. LABs promote stabilization of the gastrointestinal microecology of humans by producing secondary metabolites like lactic, acetic and propionic acid, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins (bactericidal proteins). These metabolites are health benefiting. Mursik, an indigenous fermented milk product is consumed by many Kenyan commu...

Antiplasmodial And Toxicity Activities And Characterization Of Chemical Compounds Extracted From Selected Medicinal Plants In Uganda

ABSTRACT Malaria caused by Plasmodium parasite is at the moment the one of the highest killer disease in the tropics. In developing countries, where malaria is one of the most prevalent diseases, some people still rely on traditional medicine for the treatment of this disease. In the present study an ethnobotanical survey was conducted to document antimalarial medicinal plants. In vitro antiplasmodial and in vivo toxicity activities were carried out on crude root extracts and on the isolated ...

SSA Research 163 PAGES (49154 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Isolation And Characterization Of Antibacterial Secondary Metabolites From Polyscias Fulva And Its Endophytic Fungi

Infectious diseases remain to be a global health burden due to the development of antibiotic resistance by pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotic resistance has led to increased number of deaths among children and adults. Medicinal plants have been used over the years in the treatment and remedy of various infections affecting human beings. The use of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants and fungal endophytes can be an alternative to disease management without the negative impact o...

Evaluation Of The Performance Of Bacillus Cereus And Bacillus Subtilis As Test Organisms For Assay Of Tetracyclines And Beta-lactams In Chicken Meat

The uncontrolled and unrestricted use of antimicrobials may lead to the accumulation of undesirable drug residues in the treated animals and their products. To avoid adverse effects from antibiotic residue consumption such as drug resistance, regulations such as maximum residue limits (MRLs), acceptable daily intakes (ADIs) for humans and withholding times for pharmacologically active substances have been set. However, in the Kenyan poultry industry there lacks affordable, easy to perfor...

Heavy Metal Concentrations And Degradation Efficiency Of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons On Environment In Ibeno Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Heavy metal concentrations and degradation efficiency of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) on environment in Ibeno Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria was investigated. Experimental design method was adopted for this study. Fifteen composite samples each of soil, leaves of Telfairia occidentalis, sediment and water were collected in December 2012 and June 2013. The sediment and water samples were collected using corer and clean plastic bottles respectively. Soil and se...

Purification And Structural Elucidation Of Mosquito Larvicidal Compound(S) From Cultures Of An Ascomycete Species Jo5035 Against Aedes Aegypti

Mosquito transmitted diseases such as yellow fever, elephantiasis, dengue and malaria are some of the most deadly vector-borne diseases, affecting millions of people mainly in the tropics. In spite of major efforts undertaken for control of the diseases, through drug treatment and vector control, an increase in mosquito borne disease incidences has been witnessed in the last decades. Africa suffers most from mosquito borne diseases since mosquito vectors are distributed almost throughout...

Transmisibility And Virulence Study Of Drug Sensitive And Resistant Trypanosoma Congolense In Mice

ABSTRACT To enhance our understanding of epidemiology of Trypanosoma congolense infection and to mitigate the development of drug resistance in the field, this study sought to assess whether there is any correlation between sensitivity and/or resistance to drug and virulence, and also to establish the relative efficiency of transmission of drug sensitive and resistant T. congolense by Glossina pallidipes in mice. The other aim was to assess possible molecular changes in T. congolense (savanna...

SSA Research 64 PAGES (14506 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Determination Of Volatility Clustering In Garch Family Models Using R

ABSTRACT This work investigated the volatility clustering of exchange rate of Nigeria Naira against the United States of America Dollar. The data used in the present study consist of the monthly exchange rates of the Naira to Dollar from January 1999 to December 2012 obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria. The main focus is to provide a proper understanding of the theory and empirical working of GARCH family models and to determine volatility clustering. The EGARCH(2,2) model was selected...

Transmissibility And Virulence Of Drug Sensitive And Resistant Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense Isolates From Kenya

Trypanosome parasite isolates are routinely collected within Human African Trypanosomiasis foci in the region and cryopreserved in a parasite cryobank at theTrypanosomiasis Research Center of the Kenya Agriculture Research Institute (KARI-TRC).  Investigations were conducted to compare pathogenicity and transmissibility of drug sensitive (KETRI 2427) and resistant (EATRO 237) Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense isolates obtained from the KARI-TRC bank. Glossina pallidipes (tsetse fly vector) ...

The Effects Of Temperature Variation, Pressure, And Bends On The Quality Of The Output Signal Generated By Continuous Wave (Cw) Laser In Single Mode Optical Fiber

ABSTRACT Information signals need to be transmitted fast, efficiently and accurately. Optical fiber cables are the transmission medium used in optical fiber communications. Optical fiber communication has exhibited many advantages over other means of communication. However, natural and physical environment within the vicinity where the cable is installed poses a great challenge to signal transmission. The effect of bends on the quality of the output signal generated by a continuous wave (CW)...

SSA Research 50 PAGES (10403 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Isolation Of Antifungal Secondary Metabolites From Phytolloca Dodecandra, Basella Alba And Lippia Javanica Against Maize Fungal Pathogens

ABSTRACT Maize is an important cereal crop and a staple food in most parts of Africa. Food insecurity is one of the major challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa. The food situation is worsened by fungal infestation of maize crops in the fields. The most prevalent fungi on maize crops are Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium graminearum that cause red ear rot, stalk rot and Grey leaf spot (GLS) respectively. The development of antifungal resistance and side effects associated with synthetic pesticides ...

SSA Research 108 PAGES (25134 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis

3781 - 3795 Of 8880 Results