Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Prevalence Of Bovine Cysticercosis, Taeniasis And Associated Zoonotic Risk Factors In Kajiado County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Taeniasis is a common zoonosis whose epidemiology is estimated at 50 million cases of infestation worldwide with economic losses in Kenya amounting to $1.289 million by 2003. The infection has been grouped among the neglected tropical diseases thus its impact has been trivialized. A slaughter house survey was undertaken to determine the prevalence rate of bovine cysticercosis in carcasses slaughtered within selected abattoirs in Kajiado County and establish the viability of Cysticerc...

SSA Research 72 PAGES (16636 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
Profiling For Antihypertensive Amino Acid (Theanine) In Selected Kenyan Tea Clones.

ABSTRACT Tea is a beverage and also a stimulant that is consumed by many people all over the world. It contains various bioactive compounds like alkaloids, polyphenols, and amino acids among others. Amino acids play the role of moderating taste of the tea infusion. Theanine is a unique amino acid found in the Camellia sinensis species and has been reported to reduce high blood pressure, improve learning and concentration and reduce premenstrual symptoms. This study was conducted to determine ...

SSA Research 98 PAGES (21039 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Quality And Safety Of Peanut Butter Processed By Small And Medium Enterprises In Dar Es Salaam Region

ABSTRACT  The aim of this study was to assess the quality and safety of peanut butter processed by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Dar es Salaam region. Samples for peanut butter were collected randomly from 33 SMEs selected from the list provided by Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO). Production knowledge and challenges facing these SMEs were assessed using pretested structured questionnaire and checklist. Chemical composition and microbiological qualities were evaluate...

Drought Responsive Genes In Tea Cultivars Grown In Kenya.

ABSTRACT Tea is one of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages worlwide, and a leading foreign exchange earner and source of livelihood to over three million people in Kenya. However, tea growing areas in Kenya experience abiotic stresses with drought been the most predominant. Tea plants tolerate drought through poorly understood physiological, cellular/biochemical and molecular processes. Development of tea cultivars adapted to water-deficit stress greatly relies on an understanding of me...

Efficiency Evaluation In Modelling Stock Data Using Arch And Bilinear Models

ABSTRACT Modelling of stock market data has witnessed a significant increase in literature over the past two decades. Focus has been mainly on the use of the ARCH model with its various extensions due to its ability to capture heteroscedasticity prevalent in the financial and monetary variables. However, other suitable models like the bilinear models have not been exploited to model stock market data so as to determine the most efficient model between the ARCH and bilinear models. The underl...

SSA Research 79 PAGES (20342 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Computational Statistical Model For Group Testing With Retesting

ABSTRACT Screening of pooled urine specimen was suggested during the Second World War as a method for reducing the cost of detecting syphilis in U.S. soldiers. Recently, pooling has been used in epidemiological studies for screening of human immunodeficiency virus HIV/AIDS antibody to help curb the spread of the virus. Pooling reduces the cost but also – and more importantly – offers a feasible way to lower the misclassifications associated with labeling specimens when imperfect tests are...

SSA Research 74 PAGES (18082 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Investigation Of Secondary Metabolites From Withania Somnifera And Hagenia Abyssinica For The Control Of Maize And Bean Pathogens

ABSTRACT Maize (Zea mays L.) and the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are the two most important staple foods not only in Kenya but also in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the importance of these two crops, there have been production constraints due to diseases caused by bacterial and fungal pathogens. The major diseases affecting maize production are Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) and maize ear rot which are caused by fungal pathogens, Cercospora zeae-maydis, Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium graminear...

SSA Research 78 PAGES (17331 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Analysis Of Total Hla-G Levels And Its Isoforms In Placental Malaria

ABSTRACT The present study examined the total, membrane bound and soluble HLA-G in infected and uninfected placentas using quantitative real time PCR, ELISA and immunohistochemistry. The total HLA-G transcripts differed significantly (p = 0.009) between infected and uninfected primigravidae. The membrane bound HLA-G transcripts were significantly more abundant than the soluble HLA-G in infected placentas (p = 0.04) in all mothers. At the protein level infected placentas had higher mean level...

SSA Research 65 PAGES (14462 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
The In Vitro Effects Of Lactic Acid Bacteria Screened From Gastrointestinal Tracts Of Lates Niloticus On E. Coli And Salmonella Spp.

ABSTRACT Biopreservation systems in foods are of increasing interest in the food industry. It is the use of naturally occurring microorganisms and/or their inherent antibacterial compounds of defined quality and quantity to extend shelf life and to enhance the safety of foods. Bacteriocinogenic LAB and/or their isolated bacteriocins are considered safe additives, useful to control the frequent development of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms in foods. The spreading of bacterial antibiotic...

Characterisation Of Mosquito Larvicidal Compounds From Cultures Of A Basidiomycete Coriolus Hirsutus

ABSTRACT Mosquitoes transmit serious human diseases, resulting into millions of deaths globally every year. The use of synthetic insecticides to control vector mosquitoes has caused physiological resistance and adverse environmental effects in addition to high operational costs. Mosquito larvicidal compounds from certain plant and fungal species have been reported. Basidiomycetes fungi are known to synthesize a wide range of bioactive secondary metabolites. The objective of this work was to ...

SSA Research 72 PAGES (13640 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Protein, Anti-Nutrient And Sensory Qualities Of Complementary Food Made From Malted Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana L.) And Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L.) Composite Flour

ABSTRACT Protein-energy malnutrition remains a huge problem for children in sub-Saharan Africa. Kenyan children are no exception. These children rely on cereal porridge such as finger millet (Eleusine coracana) for nutrient supply. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), a locally available nutritious legume, could be an excellent complement to lysine-deficient millet diets. Therefore, the present study aimed at innovatively improving the protein quality and sensory properties of the complementary food, ...

Spectrophotometric Determination Of Chromium(Iii) And Chromium(Vi) Using 2-[E)-[{3-[(2-Hydroxybenzylidene) Amino]Phenyl}Imino)Methyl]Phenol

ABSTRACT The Schiff base ligand, 2-[(E)-[{3--[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]phenyl}imino)methyl]phenol was synthesized by condensing 1,3-diaminobenzene and 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde in absolute ethanol. Its Cr(III) and Cr(VI) complexes were equally synthesized. The ligand was characterized via UV, IR and NMR spectroscopy, whereas the complexes were characterized based on UV and IR spectroscopy and conductivity values. Stoichiometric studies indicated 1:1 metal to ligand ratio for both complexes. C...

Nutritional Characterisation Of Baobab (Adansonia Digitata L.) Fruits Based On Africa Geographical Regions

ABSTRACT Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) is an indigenous fruit tree occurring in the savannah drylands of sub-Saharan Africa. A vast population of people in this region suffers from hidden hunger and malnutrition. Baobab fruits are a source of micronutrients, and their utilization in local diets has potential to improve health of the rural poor. The present study was conducted to determine the nutritional characteristics of baobab pulp and seeds across Africa geographical regions. Mature baob...

SSA Research 152 PAGES (43522 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Gravity Modeling Of The Paka Geothermal Prospect In Baringo County, Northern Kenya Rift

ABSTRACT Paka volcano is situated in active northern Kenya rift. It is considered one of the geothermal prospects. It has been covered by most studies that focused on the regional tectonic evolution of the East Africa Rift, lithospheric and crustal structural analysis. However, regional analysis overlooked local analysis, where key geothermal structural features like thin massive intrusive and shallow faults that are significant have remained relatively poorly constrained. Hence, the key conc...

SSA Research 95 PAGES (27461 WORDS) Physics Thesis

3856 - 3870 Of 8880 Results