Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Classical And Nonclassical Problems For Parabolic Equations With Bessel Operators

ABSTRACT A number of phenomena in modern science can be conveniently described in terms of problems for parabolic equations with Bessel operator and nonlocal conditions. The purpose of this study is to give a survey of classical and nonclassical problems for parabolic differential equations with Bessel operator, give introduction to several different research approaches and show how the choice of a method depends on the nature of the problem. Another aim is to study the solution to the proble...

Gold Recovery By Cyanide Leaching: A Case Study Of Small Scale Miners In Tanzania.c

Abstract In this study, sodium cyanide leaching technology has been used to recover gold from tailings that are used by Mawelo small scale miners, located in Chunya district, Mbeya region, Tanzania. The sample collected was sent for analysis of mineralogical composition and average particle size. The fractions retained on each sieve, which ranged 180 – 500 μm were used in the leaching experiments. The leaching was implemented using sodium cyanide with concentration in the range of 500 – ...

Expanding The Capabilities Of Social Network Applications To Supporte-Commerce Activities

ABSTRACT This study aimed at expanding e-commerce activities (application) on Social Network Application (SNA) by entrepreneurs beyond products/services advertisement in Tanzania. Surveys show that there is a large number of entrepreneurs and customers who are not using e-commerce for business and shopping activities in Wazo Ward. Instead, the majority use SNA. Therefore, this study used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to determine users’ perception on the use of SNA. The study was ba...

A Logistic Regression Model Of Customer Satisfaction Of Airline

Abstract Evaluation of customer satisfaction differs from one study to another. Studies have been differing with their focus and coverage. Most of studies focused on evaluating factors influencing customer satisfaction or associate customer satisfaction and quality of services. This paper used logistic regression to develop customer satisfaction model for Precision Air. Five dimensions or variables have been considered: on time performance; aircraft safety; schedule integrity; on board servi...

Charged Anisotropic Models For Quark Stars

Abstract We perform a detailed physical analysis for a class of exact solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The linear equation of state consistent with quark stars has been incorporated in the model. The physical analysis of the exact solutions is performed by considering the charged anisotropic stars for the particular nonsingular exact model obtained by Maharaj, Sunzu and Ray. In performing such an analysis we regain masses obtained by previous researchers for isotropic and anisotr...

Effect Of Annealing On The Efficiency Of Ambient-Atmosphere Fabricated Mapbi3 Perovskite Solar Cells

We describe a novel and cost-effective method to enhance the photo-conversion efficiency of blended PbI2/TiO2 perovskite photovoltaic cells by pre-annealing the constituent film components during the fabrication. This approach is also unique because it does not presume a strictly controlled fabrication environment. The average conversion efficiencies of the cells of the final devices were observed to rise from 6.6% to 10.8% for annealing temperatures of 60 ◦C to 100 ◦C, respectively. Anne...

The Effectiveness Of Multiple Choice Questions In Mathematics

ABSTRACT Multiple choice examinations are commonly used to assess student learning. However, instructors often find it challenging to write good items that ask students to do more than memorize facts and details. Multiple choice test items are generally more complex and time-consuming to create than other types of tests. It requires a certain amount of skill. However, this skill may be increases through study, practice and experience. This dissertation discusses a number of issues related to...

The Contribution Of Teaching Aids (Counting Objects) In Numeracy Skills Performance For Standard Two Pupils: A Case Of Kiteto District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the contribution of teaching aids (counting objects) in numeracy skills performance for standard two pupils. The main objective of this study was to introduce an effective intervention for enhancing pupils‟ achievement levels in numeracy. The study revealed that there is a low numeracy skill which is caused by many reasons such as unsuitable teaching and learning environment, few teaching methods, negative attitude of pupils and parents towards nu...

Review Of Numerical Solution And Simulation Of Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

ABSTRACT This dissertation reviews numerical solution of parabolic partial differential equations. A short description and classification of parabolic partial differential equation is presented. The explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson numerical techniques are discussed in relation to consistency, convergence and stability. Analytical and numerical solutions of well-posed problem are obtained by Crank- Nicolson and Laplace transform methods, and discussed through a practical example. Simulat...

Biomass And Nutritive Value Of Spirulina (Arthrospira Fusiformis) Cultivated In A Cost-Effective Medium

Abstract Introduction Cultivation of spirulina at commercial-scales relies on analytical grade–based media, which are expensive and so are the product. Purpose This study assessed the biomass, proximate composition, and other useful compounds in Spirulina (Arthrospira fusiformis) produced with a cost-effective culture medium (LCMA), and the results were compared with those from a standard Zarrouk medium– grown spirulina. Methods The LCMA medium was formulated by using a commercial NPK10-2...

An Empirical Study On E-Learning Adoption In Tanzanian Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT The overall goal of this research work was to develop and validate an e-Learning adoption model in Tanzanian secondary schools as literature had not revealed any comprehensive model that is specifically used in determining the adoption of e-Learning in Tanzanian secondary schools. The existence of this gap encouraged the carrying out of this research to empirically test and validate the combination of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Task Technology Fit (TTF) and Technology Rea...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Journal Management System (A Case Study Of Sokoto International Journal Of Counselling Psychology)

ABSTRACT This project research titled “Design and Implementation of an Online Journal Management System which is a case study of Sokoto International Journal of Counselling Psychology (SIJCP)” is a web-based system which is aimed at using the potent ability of the Computer System to solve many of the challenges faced by the current manual system of Journal and Publication processes. It provides numerous benefits which include: Automation of the Submission process, review process, payment ...

Statistical Modelling Of Household Water Usage In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT Water is one of the fundamental element for life. For that reason, water usage forecasting is required for a proper planning and management. Because there is no single methodology that is used to forecast water demand (quantity of water to be used) across the world, this study intended to develop a statistical model for household water usage in Dodoma Municipality. Longitudinal and cross-sectional research design data from DUWASA, NBS and 395 households connected with piped water wer...

Survey Of Plants Used In Beauty Care Among The Fulanis In Wamakko Local Government Area Of Sokoto State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page……………………………………………………………………………….i Certification…………………………………………………………………………….ii Dedication……………………………………………………………………….……..iii Acknowledgment………………………………………………………………….……iv Abstract……………………………………………………�...

The Involvement Of Men In Maternity Care In Dodoma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Men‘s involvement in maternity care has been recognized as one of the key strategies in improving maternal health and accelerating reduction of maternal mortality. Men impact women‘s reproductive health through their role as partners, fathers and close family providers in terms of financial power and decision control they have. Factors that determine men‘s involvement in maternity care have been documented in other parts of the globe, but very little research has been conducted...

SSA Research 204 PAGES (50720 WORDS) Physics Thesis

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