Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Investigatingthe Performance Of Ryu Software Defined Network Controller On Different Network Topologies

ABSTRACT With the increasing complexity of networks, Software Defined Networks have been developed to logically control all networking devices such as switches and bridges centrally through the use of software defined network controllers. Controllers include beacon, opendaylight, floodlight, pox, ryu and many more. Ryu SDN controller is one of the most popular python developed controller. Just as many other controllers’ Ryu may become a bottleneck since all other network controller controls...


ABSTRACT This study examined the modelling for maize prices using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models so as to determine the most efficient and adequate model for analyzing the maize monthly prices at the Gairo market in Morogoro Region, Manyoni market in Singida Region and Kibaigwa market in Dodoma Region. The results indicate that ARIMA (1, 1, 4) model is the most adequate and efficient model for Gairo market, ARIMA (2, 1, 3) model is the most adequate and efficient mode...

Development Of A Mobile Phone Service To Increase Women Awareness About Cervical Cancer

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at developing a mobile phone service (SMS based) to be used to raise awareness among women about cervical cancer in United Republic of Tanzania. The study investigated and analyzed factors that hinder the use and implementation of mobile phone service to increase women awareness about cervical cancer. Furthermore, the study determines content that should be included in a mobile phone service to increase awareness about cervical cancer. The designed SMS based facil...

Development Of Support Vector Machine Model For Prediction Of Students’ Dropout In Higher Learning Institutions: A Case Of The University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT Students’ dropout from completing courses in higher learning institutions is a prevailing problem in Tanzania as in other countries. The intensity of the problem varies from one institution to another. Several measures have been taken by the institutions so as to reduce the number of students’ dropout. In this study, a support vector machine model is developed and tested in the prediction of the students’ dropout to help reduce the number of students dropping out of studies by...

A Trend Model On Quarterly And Yearly Rainfall Over Tanzania; Conventionaland Modern Approach

ABSTRACT The study deals with the analysis of a trend model on quarterly and yearly rainfall over Tanzania; conventionally and modern approach for the last 30 years. The yearly rainfall data from 1986 to 2016 was obtained from the Tanzania Meteorological Agency, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The rainfall data from representative stations in the homogeneous rainfall zones over Tanzania were analyzed for trends by graphical and statistical Methods. In order to achieve the main and specific objectiv...

Seasonal Variation Of Tsetse Fly Species Abundance And Prevalence Of Trypanosomes In The Maasai Steppe, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tsetse flies, the vectors of trypanosomiasis, represent a threat to public health and economy in sub-Saharan Africa. Despite these concerns, information on temporal and spatial dynamics of tsetse and trypanosomes remain limited and may be a reason that control strategies are less effective. The current study assessed the temporal variation of the relative abundance of tsetse fly species and trypanosome prevalence in relation to climate in the Maasai Steppe of Tanzania in 2014-2015. ...

Knowledge And Perception On Tuberculosis Transmission In Tanzania: Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis Of Secondary Data

Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most important public health problems in Tanzania and was declared as a national public health emergency in 2006. Community and individual knowledge and perceptions are critical factors in the control of the disease. The objective of this study was to analyze the knowledge and perception on the transmission of TB in Tanzania. Multinomial Logistic Regression analysis was considered in order to quantify the impact of knowledge and perception on TB. The ...

Statistical Analysis Of Maize Supply In Kibaigwa Maize Market

ABSTRACT The operation of maize markets has been associated with a number of challenges. These challenges have affected maize supply in the markets. Because the adaptation of interrelationships among construct is limited in most of studies especially in Tanzania, this study intended to analyze the maize supply in Kibaigwa maize market using Time Series Techniques and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study employed retrospective longitudinal research design. Secondary data that were u...

Improving Environmental Education Delivery Through Mobile Phone

ABSTRACT Environmental conservation is a great concern for the sustainable economic development. To archive high degree of environmental conservation, efforts shall be kept in educating people on environmental uses and conservation. This study aimed at improving environmental education delivery through the use of mobile phone SMSs and devised a prototype for delivering SMSs. The study identified the major sources of environmental degradation and found that charcoal production lead followed b...

ICT Based Agricultural Information Distribution Framework For Small Scale Farmers: A Case Of Kondoa District Council

ABSTRACT The study aimed to develop an ICT based framework that can be able to disseminate agricultural information to small scale farmers at the local levels. The study was conducted in Kondoa District Council. The study used qualitative and quantitative approach. The study adopted cross-section survey design. The sample size was calculated from population of four purposely selected wards of Kondoa District Council. Questionnaire, interview, observation and documentary review were used as a...

Naked Singularity In Generalized Vaidya Spacetime

ABSTRACT In this study we find the conditions of mass function for the formation and existence of naked singularity of the metric given in generalized Vaidya spacetime. We study and clarify how naked singularity is brought about interms of the apparent and event horizon. We analyse the components of the metric as given in the Vaidya spacetime equation. We consider the collapsing model in which the imploding radiation collapses at the center of symmetry in the universe through which we derive...

Teachers Factors Affecting Performance Of Standard Two Pupil’s In Numeracy Skills In Primary Schools In Songea Municipality, Ruvuma Region

ABSTRACT Numeracy education is a very important component in human life activities and survival. It is useful in science, technology, commerce, economics, and education. The purpose of the study was to investigate the teacher factors affecting performance of standard two pupil‟s in numeracy skills in public primary schools in Songea Municipality, Ruvuma Region. Three research objectives guided the study. The objectives sought to find out the extent to which attitudes of teachers affects th...

Investigation Of Usability Shortcomings On The User Interfaces Of Web Based E-Government Systems: A Case Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT ICT has presented a great opportunity for governments to offer better and quicker services to its citizens through e-Government platform. However, the expected goals of e-Government can only be realized if such e-Government systems are usable. Usability, which relate to user interface design aspects, play a pivotal role in the success or failure of e-Government systems. For the case of Tanzania, reports indicate low citizens’ participation in the use of e-Government systems. Severa...

Improving Authentication Security In Php Web Based Applications: A Case Study Of Court Case Management System In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT The focus of this dissertation was Improving Authentication Security Mechanism in Web Based Applications: A Case Study of Court Case Management System in Zanzibar. The study focused on two objectives. The first objective was to analyze the weaknesses of authentication security mechanism on the existing web based CMS. The second one was to devise the secured web based CMS prototype. Three techniques were used in collecting data. These are document review, penetration tests and observa...


ABSTRACT Health care is essential to the general welfare of society. Studying the hospital patients‟ data distribution through the probability distribution analysis and forecasting time series model is very important in the health care system. This study has examined the hospital inpatients and outpatients' daily data for two years taken from DRRH through the hospital electronic health management information system. This study seeks to identify comprehensively the appropriate statistical di...

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