Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Comparative Analysis Of Sarima And Setar Models In Predicting Pneumonia Cases In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Acute respiratory infection (ARI) range, in spectrum, from mild colds and coughs to life threatening pneumonias. ARI particularly pneumonia is the major cause of morbidity and mortality among young children under five in developing countries with Ghana not an exception. In this study, we compared the linear SARIMA Model and the nonlinear two regime SETAR Model in predicting pneumonia cases in northern region of Ghana. Data on monthly pneumonia cases obtained from the Tamale Teachin...

Pub Network 103 PAGES (19568 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
The Application Of Queuing Theory To Customer Service At Selected Branches Of The Standard Chartered Bank Ghana Limited

ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the Application of Queuing theory to customer services at selected branches of the Standard Chartered Bank in Accra. The problem investigated was to determine among other things whether the customer service points of the bank functions well without bottlenecks or undue delays. That is this thesis intends to investigate, (a) If the bank current system of operation at the customer service points is satisfactory. (b) If not what changes are required to improve t...

CDR Coalition 111 PAGES (25819 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Photocatalytic Degradation Of Organic Dyes Using Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles.

ABSTRACT Nanocrystalline zinc oxide particles were synthesized via sol-gel method using zinc acetate as precursor. Calcination temperature was varied to determine its effect on particle size. The resultant samples were subjected to X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), UVvisible and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) characterization techniques. X-ray diffraction results showed nanocrystalline wurtzite ZnO particles with crystallite size ranging from 16 nm to 30 nm resp...

Survival Analysis Of Male And Female Hiv/Aids Patients In Northern Region - A Kaplan & Meier Approach

ABSTRACT   Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by a virus known as Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus attacks a person's immune system (white blood cells) and as such weakens the immune system and making the person vulnerable to opportunistic diseases e.g. tuberculosis, diarrhoea, to mention a few.  HIV was first diagnosed more than twenty years ago and up to now there is no known cure for the disease. The rate at which HIV is spreading in sub-Sahara ...

Pub Network 74 PAGES (16565 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Misclassification Cost Sensitive Learning For Predicting Gonorrhea Infection Status In Ghana

ABSTRACT Gonorrhea, which is one of the most frequently reported sexually transmitted infection is caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This disease can causes a serious public health problem worldwide, with about 88 million new infections occurring each year. Failure to treat this disease can result into pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), chronic pain and also damage the female reproductive organ. In males it can lead to reduced fertility and sterility. In developing countries...

CDR Coalition 86 PAGES (17343 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Investigating Factors Influencing Variation In P. Falciparum Invasion Phenotyping Assays

ABSTRACT Malaria caused by P. falciparum, is the most life-threatening human parasitic disease, claiming over 400,000 deaths from about 200 million cases in 2017. Despite the yet unsuccessful efforts in the quest for an effective malaria vaccine, antigens expressed in the erythrocytic stage of P. falciparum represent highly promising vaccine candidates given their natural exposure to the immune system. Understanding the mechanism of erythrocyte invasion by P. falciparum mainly during active c...

The Effects Of Inoculum Acclimatisation On The Methanogenesis Of Ecklonia Maxima

ABSTRACT In the present scenario of the over dependence and shortcomings of fossil fuels, integrated biorefinery techniques have been developed to process biodegradable and sustainable feedstock for use as green energy. Brown seaweed biomass, recently has been under the spotlight for the production of biogas via anaerobic digestion. In this study, the effects of acclimatising inoculum to Ecklonia maxima, a brown seaweed type for the production of biogas have been investigated. Biomass of Eckl...

Nutritional Status Of Adolescent Offenders In Accra

ABSTRACT Background: Adolescent offenders in juvenile detention centers are generally dependent on the centers for their nutrient intakes, and therefore their food selection may be limited, which could have a negative consequences for their nutritional status. We examined the nutritional status of adolescent inmates at the Senior Correctional Centre, Junior Girls Correctional Centre and the Boys Remand Home in Accra Methods: The study was cross-sectional involving inmates (N= 79) between 13-1...

Utilisation Of Health Care Services In The Obuasi Municipality

ABSTRACT Globally, attention and investments towards demand-side strategies to enhance health care utilisation have improved over the years. Despite this significant investment in health care, its utilisation is far from adequate. Against this backdrop, this study examined the utilisation of health services in the Obuasi Municipality. Drawing on Kroeger’s (1983) health behavioural model, it specifically examined the incidence of major diseases and people’s perception about disease causati...

SSA Research 218 PAGES (55876 WORDS) Geography Thesis
The Nature And Content Of Television Food Advertising And Children’s Food Preferences

ABSTRACT Exposure to television (TV) is reported to be associated with unhealthy dietary behaviours among children. The surge in new television channels on TV sets in Ghana comes with all sort of advertisements. The aim of the current survey was to examine the nature and content of television food advertising and to explore the association between such exposure and children’s food preferences. In a cross-sectional survey with multistage sampling, 400 primary school children (mean age 10 (S...

Statistical Assessment Of Imputation Algorithms For Estimation Of Missing Values In Cross Sectional Data

ABSTRACT The validity and quality of data analysis relies largely on the data accuracy and completeness of the data matrix. Missing values are unavoidable statistical research problems in almost every research study and if not handled properly, may provide negative and bias conclusion. This study purposely sought to investigate the efficacy and accuracy of the convergence of five imputation algorithms: expectation maximization (EM), multiple imputation by chained equation (MICE), k nearest ne...

SSA Research 119 PAGES (28947 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Spatial Patterns Of Mycobacterium Ulcerans Infection (Buruli Ulcer) In The Akwapim South District

Abstract This study is about the spatial patterns of the Mycobacterium ulcerans infections (Buruli ulcer) in the Akwapim South district. The Triangle of Human Ecology model was used to account for the observed spatial patterns of the disease. The spatial distribution of the disease was mapped through the residential addresses of the patients as shown in the district medical records. The endemic communities were stratified into three segments namely the high, low and nonendemic areas or zones....

CDR Coalition 150 PAGES (33466 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells And Preeclampsia In Women With Placental Malaria

ABSTRACT Background Placental malaria and preeclampsia are major complications of pregnancy associated with high incidence of maternal/foetal morbidity and mortality particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Similarities in pathophysiology such as systemic inflammation and generalized endothelial activation/dysfunction exist and are exacerbated in concurrent situations. The combined pathologic and immunologic effects of these pregnancy disorders, prevalent in malaria endemic regions, have not been ...

Diversity And Ethnobotanical Uses Of Plants In Proposed Apra Hills Forest Reserve In Southern Ghana

ABSTRACT The Southern Margin forest type in Ghana now occur in small forest fragments due to the overharvesting of plant resources for purpose of food, medicine, construction and fuelwood. The proposed Apra Hills Forest Reserve is one of the remaining forest fragments of this forest type in southern Ghana although there are no previous in depth studies to support effective forest management of its plant resources. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, plant diversity study and eth...

SSA Research 127 PAGES (18935 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Impact Of Anaemia During Third Trimester Of Pregnancy On Birth Outcomes In Tatale And Zabzugu Districts, Northern Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Anaemia in pregnancy continues to be a major public health problem affecting 45% of pregnant women in Ghana and 47% in the Northern Region. This study examined the impact of anaemia during the third trimester of pregnancy on birth outcomes in TataleSanguli and Zabzugu districts. The study employed a prospective cohort design using simple random sampling technique to sample 359 respondents. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analysed using the Statistical Pa...

5251 - 5265 Of 8880 Results