Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

The Sedimentology Of Gambaga Massifs Of The Northeastern Voltaian, Ghana.

Abstract The sedimentary facies of the investigated area of the northeastern Voltaian, with respect to the sedimentary structures, composition as well as the depositional environments, can be classified into six (6) facies. The sediments are deposited dominantly in a shallow marine environments with records of shoreface/foreshore, Aeolian and tidal environments. The sediments were deposited in the various environments by both low and high energy media. The area shows a shallowing and thickeni...

SSA Research 110 PAGES (20820 WORDS) Geology Thesis
Potentially – Zoonotic Viruses In The Straw-Colored Fruit Bat (Eidolon Helvum) In Ghana

ABSTRACT Bats are reservoirs for many emerging zoonotic RNA viruses, including rabies virus (RABV), SARS-like coronavirus, henipaviruses and filoviruses. Several bat species have been associated with Lagos bat virus (LBV) infection. They include Wahlberg‟s epauletted fruit bat (Epomorphorus wahlbergi), the straw-colored fruit bat (Eidolon helvum), the Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus), and an insectivorous bat, the Gambian slit-faced bat (Nycteris gambiensis). Bats are important fo...

SSA Research 252 PAGES (57599 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Mapping Urban Place And Space: Fear Of Crime And The Re-Configuration Of Occupational Geographies In Tamale, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Throughout history, studies have amply revealed that where people choose to settle within the urban space is not new. This has been explained to be an important part of the urbanisation process. Effect of fear of crime on the urban environment especially that which involves the re-location of activities and the restructuring of the built environment as an impact factor response strategy is less acknowledged in urban security scholarship especially in developing countries. Rather, con...

PSN Africa 169 PAGES (37346 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Interactions Of Antimicrobial Compound With Selected Drugs Used In The Clinical Management Of Sickle Cell Disease

ABSTRACT Though the promotion of resistant bacteria worldwide has mainly been attributed to the injudicious use of many antibiotics, the role of non-antimicrobial drugs used in the clinical management of pathological conditions of non-infectious diseases in the modulation of microbial drug resistance or susceptibility needs to be assessed. The effects of the antibioticnon- antibiotic drug-drug interactions against bacteria in SCD patients and in other chronic diseases cannot be overemphasized...

Studies On The Development Of Rhizobium Inoculum Using Moss As Carrier For Bambara Groundnut, Vigha Subterrahea (L) Verdc..

A B S TRACT i v Research was carried out to de v e l o p an effe c t i v e i n o c u l u m carrier of the nodule bacterium, Rhizobium sp., for the inoculation of seeds of bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) V e r d e , c o m b . nov. = Voandzeia subterranea (L. ) T h o u a r s ] f r o m a local material. Five out of 16 strains of Rhizobium sp. isolated from soils of legume farms at eight localities within a r a d i u s of 180 k m f r o m L e g o n w e r e u s e d in e x p e r i m e n t ...

PSN Africa 249 PAGES (42992 WORDS) Botany Thesis

ABSTRACT Tick-borne pathogens and ticks pose significant problem to livestock production especially cattle production. This causes huge economic decline to livestock farmers in tropic and sub-tropic regions of Africa. The most economically important tick-borne pathogens to the production of bovine include Babesia, Anaplasma, Theileria and Ehrlichia. In Ghana, inadequate data exists on the species and genetic diversity of tick-borne hemoparasites. The current study was conducted to detect and ...

Hydrogeological Characterization Of The White Volta River Basin Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Fresh groundwater resource located in the shallow semi-confined aquifer system of the White Volta River Basin of Ghana contributes significantly to the livelihood of the communities in the basin. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the spatial variations in the hydraulic parameters of the shallow aquifer system of the White Volta River Basin of Ghana, develop a 3 - dimensional groundwater flow model for the basin and assess various scenarios of groundwater development and c...

SSA Research 130 PAGES (27174 WORDS) Geology Thesis
An Analysis Of The Guinea Worm Eradication Programme And Its Effects On Social And Economic Development In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Guinea Worm Disease (GWD) was officially reported in Ghana in 1965. As a result of the global campaign to eradicate the disease in the mid 1980s, Ghana investigated the magnitude of the disease on a pilot basis in the Northern Region. When it was established that the disease was a major public health problem in the country, Ghana started a local initiative towards eradicating the disease in 1986. Global assistance was extended to Ghana in its effort to eradicate the disease which was...

SSA Research 299 PAGES (70691 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Geochemical Characterization And Petrogenesis Of The Scapolite–Bearing Gneisses In The Dahomeyide Suture Zone, South–Eastern Ghana

ABSTRACT According to Knorring and Kennedy (1958), scapolite occurs in rock volume proportions of 20% at the Mampong Inselberg but other areas in the Dahomeyide suture zone have scapolite in the mafic gneiss in volume proportions of about 2%.Also, the amphibolite which occurs with the mafic gneiss in the study area is said to have undergone granulite facies metamorphism to produce the mafic gneiss (Fitches, 1970). The petrographical analyses of this research showed that the mafic gneiss has s...

SSA Research 146 PAGES (25132 WORDS) Geology Thesis
Structure Determination And Bioactivity Of Novel Chlorinated Peptides Isolated From Rhodococcus Sp. M1042

ABSTRACT The Rhodococcus sp. M1042 is a new microbial strain that was isolated from soil sediments collected from Munzur Valley in Tunceli, Turkey. Species in this genus have been found to harbour extensive secondary metabolic pathways that produce novel metabolites with bioactivity with industrial and environmental bio-applications. The complete genome sequence of this strain contains 5,948,800 mega base pairs with 230 NRPS, PKS and NRPS-PKS gene clusters, some of which have been identified ...

SSA Research 179 PAGES (23653 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
A Construction Of P-Groups Via Wreath Products

ABSTRACT This research is essentially an upgrade or extension of the results of Audu on wreath product of permutation groups. In this work, a generalization of the concept of wreath product is considered based on the notion of an algebraic structure called Permutation group. Some basic procedures for computing wreath products of groups, the construction of groups as wreath products of cyclic groups and a generation of Sylow p-subgroups from resulting Cyclic groups are investigated. I mainly a...

Pub Network 57 PAGES (18274 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Modelling Ghana Stock Exchange Indices And Exchange Rates With Stable Distributions

ABSTRACT Most of the concepts in theoretical and empirical finance that have been developed over the last 50 years rest upon the assumption that the return or price distribution for financial data follows a normal distribution. But this assumption is not justified by empirical data. Rather, the empirical observations (financial returns) exhibit excess kurtosis, more colloquially known as fat tails or heavy tails. This research first described the stable distribution family - stable, Lev...

SSA Research 117 PAGES (21987 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
The Influence Of Microeconomic Variables On Stock Prices Of Companies Listed On Ghana Stock Exchange

ABSTRACT This study examines the long-run equilibrium relationship and the direction of causality between stock prices at Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) and a set of five stock market oriented factors technically can be defined as microeconomic variables. The study employs time series data comprising of the stock prices of listed companies for the period spanning from April 1998 to April, 2013 and key microeconomic variables, benchmarks of corporate performance, obtained from the annual financial...

Bioaccessibility Studies Of Potential Toxic Elements (Ptes) In Medicinal Plants From Different Locations In Accra Metropolis, Ghana

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants represent an important class of various traditional medicines. Over the years, their usage in primary health care intervention has increased in both developed and developing nations. Nowadays herbs are known to be the storehouses of most potential toxic elements (PTEs). In Ghana, most studies on PTEs have focused on only single environmental compartment to characterize medicinal plant contamination. In the present study, an integrated sampling programme that relates ...

CDR Coalition 148 PAGES (32021 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Synthesis And Evaluation Of Piperazine-Carboxamide Derivatives As Potential Antimalarial /Antimycrobialagents

ABSTRACT Malaria and tuberculosis continue to be endemic in Africa and several other regions across the globe. Malaria is caused by a parasite transmitted by the female anopheles’ mosquito. Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for human malaria in most part of Africa and Plasmodium vivax causes malaria in Asia. Tuberculosis on the other hand is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis which is propelled when an infected person coughs, sneezes or even talks. Together, these two diseases are resp...

CDR Coalition 131 PAGES (24142 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis

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