Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Effects Of Repetitive DNA And Epigenetics On Human Genome Regulation

The highly developed and specialized anatomical and physiological characteristics observed for eukaryotes in general and mammals in particular are underwritten by an elaborate and intricate process of genome regulation. This precise control of the location, timing and amplitude of gene expression is achieved by a variety of genetic and epigenetic tools and mechanisms. Such tools include cis- and trans- transcriptional regulation, epigenetic marks and chromosomal conformation in the nucleus [7...

Conditional Inference

ABSTRACT. Conditional inference is a branch of statistical inference in which observed data is reduced using either sufficient or ancillary statistics. This often simplifies inference about the parameters. In comparison to full likelihood methods, conditional inference theory's performance still needs validating in many areas. Some of these are the concern of this thesis.  

Forecasting Of Climate Variables In Mbeya Region

ABSTRACT Tanzania, like other countries in the world, is affected by climate change. There is enough evidence to substantiate this that comes from the increase of temperatures across the country over the past thirty years. Despite the mitigations approved to attack the problem of climate change in the country, forecasting of climate variables is a prerequisite. Studies about climate change that have been conducted in Tanzania have mainly focused on assessing the weakness and adaption to the ...

Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and some applications in Physics

ABSTRACT Given a Lie algebra g and its complexication gC, the representations of gC are isomorphic to those of g. Moreover, if g is the corresponding Lie algebra of a connected and simply connected Lie group G then the representations of the Lie group in question are isomorphic to those of gC. This thesis explains the basic concepts of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Further, the basic representation theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, particularly those of semisimple Lie algebras is discuss...

A Study On The Role Of Green’s Function In Solving Boundary Value Problems

ABSTRACT The study of Green’s Functions and applications of BVPs solving different integration has been put in place in order to provide a broad understanding to the existence of Green’s Functions on solving Ordinary Differential Equations with nth order. The Green’s Functions plays an important role in solving boundary value problems of Ordinary Differential Equations. The solutions of some BVPs for linear ODEs can be denoted by its Green’s Function. Some BVPs for nonlinear Differen...

On A Global Solution Of The Navier -Stokes Equations With Internal Body Forces

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is on a global solution of the Navier-Stokes equations with internal body forces. The internal body forces play very important in both theory and application with Navier-Stokes equations. We discussed about the general solution for ordinary differential equations (ODES) and partial differential equations (PDES). Also they used the MAC model for incompressible flow. The study has been conducted in order to provide abroad understanding the existence of...

Improving Intelligent Transportations Systems Through Analytical Investigation of Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks(VANETS)

Abstract In recent times, wireless communication has witnessed unprecedented growth due mainly to advances in instrumentation and computer science. Substantial research efforts have been devoted to exploring the application of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) within the context of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) to ensure safety and for an efficient and integrated transport network. Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication in VANETs poses many challenges. In sparse as well as in den...

Investigating Laptop Battery Lifespan As Affected By Charging Practices

ABSTRACT This study investigated laptop battery lifespan as affected by users charging practices. Laptop battery lifespan is the average length of life a laptop battery has or the duration if its effectiveness. Battery charging practices means the frequency by which a user plugs the machine in the electric source. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the two different laptop charging practices on how they affect the lifespan. The two laptop charging practices that concerned this ...

Prevalence of Zinc Deficiency Among Ghanaian Adolescents Versus Food Components of Zinc And Phytate

ABSTRACT Zinc is an essential micronutrient found in almost every cell in the body. Nutrient needs are highest during adolescence, surpassed only by needs during pregnancy and lactation. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of zinc deficiency among adolescents in Ghana and to relate this with dietary intake of zinc and phytate. A total of 300 adolescents between ages 13-19 years were recruited from the Greater Accra and Upper East Regions for the study. Questionnaires were u...

A Statistical Analysis On O Level Students Performance In Dodoma: A Case Study At Dodoma Municipal

ABSTRACT This study focused on O level performance of students in Dodoma. The study employed mixture research design whereby a total of 294 respondents from seven schools in Dodoma municipal were involved. Data were collected through printed questionnaires and documentary reviews. Tables, bar charts, line chart and logit model were used to analyze data collected through Microsoft office excel 2013 version and SPSS IBM 21. The main findings of this study indicated that among many other factor...

The Effect of Croton Membranaceus on DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE Levels in Blood And its Synthesis by Prostatic 5a-Redutase in The Rat

ABSTRACT Alcoholic extract of Croton membranaceus Mull. Arg is used at the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine at Mampong Akwapim to treat retention of urine due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The effect of the extract on rat steroid 5areductase activity in invo was investigated using a radioimmunoassay technique to quantitate dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in blood. The effects of the extract and two unidentified alkaloidal isolates of the plant, provisionally refer...

Plasma Kisspeptin Levels in Type 2 Diabetic Males at The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT  People living with type 2 diabetes mellitus is on the increase and research has established that there is decreased secretion of testosterone in Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus males which may be linked to decreased levels of kisspeptin secretion that can cause the development of diabetic complications such as erectile dysfunction. Decreased kisspeptin levels have strongly been linked to decreased secretion of gonadotropins from the pituitary gland and this causes type 2 diabetic males to...

Characterization And Sources of Air Particulate Matter at Kwabenya, Near Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Gravimetric, reflectometric and elemental analyses have been carried out on airborne particulate matter sampled in a semi-rural area of Kwabenya, near Accra-Ghana. The PM 10 aerosols were sampled using a Gent sampler, size segregating the aerosol into coarse (PM10.2.5) and fine (PM2.5) fractions. The data and derived information were generated from 216 days of sampling spanning a period of about 14 months, 28th December 2005 to 12th February 2007. The particulate matter (PM) at Kwab...

Edu Frontiers 211 PAGES (62078 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Assessment of The Effect of Beam Modifiers on Skin Dose For External Beam Radiotherapy Using Gafchromic EBT2 Films

ABSTRACT  In radiotherapy, a patient may present irregular surface contour at the point of beam entry and this coupled with tissue heterogeneities within the irradiated region would pose problems for dose optimization if beam modifiers are not used. Skin dose is of great concern in external beam radiotherapy with megavoltage beam as the skin is very radiosensitive, and there is the need to minimize the radiation dose received by the skin. The use of beam modifiers affects the skin dose and t...

Heavy Metal Pollution of Fish And Fish Oils From Some Coastal And Inland Waters of Ghana

ABSTRACT While fish and fish oil promote good health, increasing environmental pollution may introduce heavy metals into the fish which may render them injurious to health. Nine commonly consumed fish samples in Ghana, five from marine sources and four from freshwater sources were analysed for their heavy metal contents. The heavy metals are Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Arsenic (As) and Selenium (Se). The fish samples are Herring (Sardinella species), Redfish (Red mullet), Mackerel...

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