ABSTRACT Regular assessment of weight gain among babies has been a way of assessing their health status and growth. This study assessed the weight gain among babies under different forms of feeding practices for the first nine months after birth. The feeding practices focused on in this study are Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF), Breastfeeding with water only (BFW), Breastfeeding with any other food including water (BFWO) and Non-Breastfeeding (NBF). Data was obtained from Mampong Babies Home, ...
Abstract Some inequalities involving the (p, q)-digamma function are presented. These results are the (p, q)-analogues of some recent results.
ABSTRACT Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) are plasmid-mediated enzymes capable of hydrolysing beta-lactams except carbapenems and cephamycins but are inhibited by beta-lactamase inhibitors. Most of these ESBL plasmids also carry genes conferring resistance to several non-beta-lactam antimicrobials. Hence, ESBL-producing isolates limit therapeutic options, contribute to treatment failure, increase morbidity and mortality, prolong hospitalization and increase cost of healthcare. There ...
ABSTRACT Survival analysis has been invaluable in studies involving time to an event. The methods encompassing the idea of Survival Analysis appears to be commended by most researchers particularly in the medicinal, engineering, agricultural and actuarial fields. This paper applied survival methods to promotion data of lecturers in the University of Ghana. The main objective was to identify the factors prominent in facilitating an early promotion of University of Ghana lecturers. The proporti...
ABSTRACT It is known that certain polynomials of degree one, with integer coefficients, admit infinitely many primes. In this thesis, we provide an alternative proof of Dirichlets theorem concerning primes in arithmetic progressions, without applying methods involving Dirichlet characters or the Riemann Zeta function. A more general result concerning multiples of primes in short-intervals is also provided. This thesis also considers problems concerning the existence of odd perfect numbers. T...
ABSTRACT A study was conducted on the growth pattern of the penaeid shrimp, Penaeus notialis, in earthen ponds at the Volta Estuary of Ghana. The ponds were treated with chicken manure at the rate of 0 kg/ha (control), 100 kg/ha, 200 kg/ha, and 300 kg/ha respectively. The culture period was divided into two phases; the first phase covered a period of 90 days and the second phase took 180 days. Growth rates established at the end of the 90 days of culture were 0.04 - 0.13 g/day that resulted...
ABSTRACT Euphorbia balsamifera plant belongs to the family of Euphorbiaceae. Leaves, stems and roots of Euphorbia balsamifera were extracted using ethanol and the extracts were screened for phytochemical components. The phytochemical results indicated that the plant contained tannins, flavonoids, saponins, steroids, glycosides, terpenoids, alkaloids, and anthraquinones. Ethanol extract of leaves and its fractions were tested for antibacterial activity using agar well diffusion method an...
Abstract The main purpose of the study was to examine the performance of students in mathematics based on their understanding, knowledge and perception, in Senior High Schools. The study considered all second year students in Nalerigu Senior High School in the East Mamprusi District of the northern region. Well structured questions were administered to 30 males and 30 females through stratified random sampling. Preliminary analysis reported high mean performance for males as compared to fema...
Abstract. In this paper, some inequalities for the ratios of generalized digamma functions are presented. The approache makes use of the series representations of the (q, k)-digamma and (p,q)-digamma functions.
ABSTRACT Study was conducted to determine the abundance and distribution of mosquitoes and the prevalence of malaria parasites in Yabo Local Government Area. Mosquito breeding sites identification employed the use of a digital camera to snap pictures of areas where mosquitoes were observed. Mosquitoes eggs, larvae, pupa were collected and identified using the dipping method while indoor mosquitoes were caught from rooms,/toilets between the hours of 8 - 10pm using insecticide spray. A to...
ABSTRACT Residue Number System (RNS) has found a wide spread usage in a number of digital signal processing applications such as digital filtering, Discrete Fourier transform , Convolution, Correlation, communication, and cryptography. This is due to the following RNS inherent features: modularity, parallelism, carry free addition, borrow free subtraction, and fault tolerance. The major challenges ofRNS architecture lie in moduli set selection and in the reverse conversion (conversion from r...
ABSTRACT In this study, the average recovery time of Tuberculosis patients and the associated risk of treatment failure/death were examined based on a retrospective moving cohort of sixty-one patients. Mainly, four models: Cox regression, Kaplan-Meier estimator, Log-Pearson III, and the generalized gamma distributions were employed in the analysis to explore all useful information that may be of help to policy makers and stakeholders in their quest to improve service delivery to patients.
ABSTRACT Destabilization of Lysozyme and chaperone like action of alpha crystallin isolated from goat’s eye lens was investigated at various temperature ranges in phosphate buffer (pH 7.1) solution and dithiothretol (DTT). This was monitored spectrophotometrically at 260nm. The heat and DTT-induced destabilization of lysozyme was prevented by alpha crystallin in a concentration dependent manner. Alpha crystallin like other chaperones, fulfils its chaperone like action in preventing agg...
Abstract Characterization and analysis of Gwandu clay deposits has been conducted with a view to finding its possible industrial applications. The chemical analysis was carried out using XRF and thermal stability was determined using TGA. While the physical property tests such as firing shrinkage, porosity, cold crushing strength, bulk density, thermal shock resistance and refractoriness were done. The results of chemical analysis indicates that Dabagi clay is composed of SiO2 (64.50%), ...
Abstract Attempt was made to determine the nutritional and anti nutritional composition of Wild melon (C. ecirrhosus ) popularly known as “Gunar shanu in Hausa land, using suitable methods of analyses. The results for proximate analyses (% DW) showed a composition of 3.73 ± moisture, 2.12 ± 0.08 ash content, 26.36 ± 0.10 crude protein, 50.67 ± crude lipid, 2.17 ± 0.29 crude fibre, 18.69 ± 0.82 carbohydrate and energy value of 601.7 ± 8.75 Kcal/ 100g. Amino acids determination re...