Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Formal Analysis Of DDML

ABSTRACT We propose a framework for formal analysis of DEVS Driven Modeling Language (DDML) models in order to assess and evaluate the properties of DDML models. This framework semantically maps the hierarchical levels of DDML: Input Output system (IOS), Input Output Relation Observation (IORO) and Coupled Network (CN) levels to corresponding formal methods: Labeled Transition System (LTS), Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and Computation Tree Logic (CTL), and Communicating Sequential Processes (C...

Automatic Detection Of Injecton Attack In HTTP Requests

ABSTRACT Malicious user requests pose a vicious threat to backend devices which execute them; more so, could result in the compromise of other user accounts, exposing them to theft and blackmail. It becomes imperative to sanitize such requests before they are treated by the servers as access to a single malicious request is enough to cause a disaster. A number of authors suggest that sanitizing models built on support vector machines guarantee optimum classification of malicious from non-mal...

Contributions To Iterative Algorithms For Nonlinear Equations In Banach Spaces

ABSTRACT Let H be a real Hilbert space. Let K, F : H → H be bounded, continuous and monotone mappings. Let {un}∞ n=1 and {vn}∞ n=1 be sequences in E defined iteratively from arbitrary u1, v1 ∈ H by

Fundamentals of Laser Dynamics

Abstract The thesis presents the modeling and simulation of three types of lasers namely; Semicondoctor laser, Solid state laser and CO2 laser. The rate equations were derived and simulated to examine the dynamic behaviour of the three types of lasers under investigation. The result shows that the Semicondoctor laser has the longest latency period, highest intensity spikes and takes a longer time to come to relaxation oscillation (RO) while the CO2 laser has the shortest latency time, the lo...

Foundation Of Stochastic Modeling And Applications

Abstract This thesis presents an overview on the theory of stopping times, martingales and Brownian motion which are the foundations of stochastic modeling. We started with a detailed study of discrete stopping times and their properties. Next, we reviewed the theory of martingales and saw an application to solving the problem of "extinction of populations". After that, we studied stopping times in the continuous case and finally, we treated extensively the concepts of Brownian motion and th...

Formal Verification Of A Network On Chip

Abstract Current advancement in VLSI technology allows more circuit to be integrated on a single chip forming a System on Chip (SoC). The state of art in on-chip intermodule connection of using a shared bus with a common arbiter poses scalability problems and become a performance bottleneck as the number of modules increase. Network on Chip (NoC) has been proposed as a viable solution to this problem. The possibility of occurrence of deadlocks and livelocks in a NoC requires that their desig...

Smart Multimedia Learning System For Automata Theory

ABSTRACT Education is a vital ingredient for a sustainable economy where “knowledge is power”. Mlearning initiatives can lessen the digital divide in education and promote a knowledge-based economy. The high saturation of mobile technology has made it imperative to have mobile applications that provide solutions in many aspects of the economy, including education. Smartphones/tablets have gradually become widely adopted mobile learning devices. In Science and Engineering, Automata Theory...

Annotating Web Search Results

Abstract With more than millions of pages, the Web has become a greatly enormous information source. This information is in form of documents, images, videos as well as text. With such vast sizes of data, it is a common problem to get the right information that one wants. Oftentimes users have to search for the right content they are looking for from the Web with the help of search engines. Searching can be done manually by use of available platforms like Google or automatically in form of w...

Calculations Of Phonons And Phonon Dispersion In LifeP Pnictide Superconductor

Abstract Not too long ago(2008),a new pnictide Superconductor free from arsenic was discovered –LiFeP. It belongs to the family of the so called ‘111’ type iron Superconductor. It has unique characteristics in its normal state which can be useful in understanding the unusual high temperature superconductivity observed in iron pnictide compounds. In this work,we studied LiFeP from first principles. The structure was optimised,electronic structure calculations were performed yielding lat...

Mobile Based Image Analysis System For Cervical Cancer Detection

ABSTRACT Cervical cancer is the third major killer disease in developed and developing countries. Whereas screening and other preventive measures reduce the mortality rate in developed countries, mortality rates still remain very high in developing countries. This project focuses on the analysis of a digital image of the cervix; captured with a low-level camera, under a contrast agent: the visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) is known as one of the reference methods to detect cervical ca...

Distribution Of Heavy Metals In Cocoa Farm Soils In The Western Region Of Ghana

Western Region is the largest cocoa producer in Ghana. Cocoa farmlands have over the past decades received heavy doses of agrochemical application to boost cocoa production. These agrochemicals, however, may contain heavy metals and it is therefore likely that the metals may have accumulated in the soils. Evaluating the total concentrations and understanding the distribution characteristics of heavy metals in cocoa growing soils can aid environmental managers and even help regulate the r...

AfroAsia Research 189 PAGES (45119 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Variations In Body Composition Among Adult Males With Different Lifestyles

Knowledge about body composition is essential when one considers nutritional status, body weight, and health. Excess body fat is associated with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, coronary heart diseases and strokes, while underweight or under-nutrition in adults can result in reduced work capacity and affect productivity. Both conditions exist in developing countries. Research on body composition is widespread in developed countries. Literature is, however, not readily availab...

A Study Of Post Stroke Urinary Tract Infection At The Korle-bu Teaching Hospital

BACKGROUND Infections are known to be a major complication of stroke patients. The relationship between stroke and bacteriuria has rarely been studied in sub Saharan Africa, though this information could be relevant in the management of stroke in the sub-region. AIM The aim of the study was to investigate the epidemiology of post stroke bacteriuria at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital including the prevalence, incidence, risk factors and causative organisms. METHODS This was a longitudin...

Biochemical Characterization Of Antimicrobial Sensitivities Of Mycobacteria Causing Pulmonary Tuberculosis In Hiv And Non-hiv Positive Patients

The purpose of this study was to find out the species of mycobacteria causing pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV and non-HIV seropositive patients in Accra, Ghana, and to determine the drug susceptibility patterns in the two groups of patients. From November 2002 to March 2003, new patients attending the Chest Clinic of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital and diagnosed with tuberculosis by sputum smear microscopy were enrolled. Patient sputum was cultured and drug susceptibility testing done for ...

Gold Nanoparticles For Medicine

ABSTRACT Gold nanoparticles were synthesized by reducing aqueous chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) with three different bacteria. Various microorganisms were verified to see how feasible they will be in synthesizing gold nanoparticles. Three microorganisms were screened and found to produce gold nanoparticles effectively. These bacteria include; Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis and serratia mercensis mercensis. Microorganisms in the synthesis of nanoparticles appear as an environmentally frien...

5386 - 5400 Of 8880 Results