Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Formal And Operational Study Of P-Devs

ABSTRACT Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a sound formal modeling and simulation (M&S) structure based on generic dynamic system concepts. PDEVS (Parallel Discrete Event System Specification) is a well-known formalism for the specification of complex concurrent systems organized as an interconnection of atomic and coupled interacting components. The abstract simulator of a PDEVS model is normally founded on the assumption of maximal parallelism: multiple components are allowed t...

A Model-View-Controller Based Platform For The Modeling And Simulation Of The Hoist Scheduling Problem

ABSTRACT The hoist scheduling problem is a critical issue in the design and control of many manufacturing processes. When the hoist number and tank numbers are very large, finding an optimal schedule is very hard. As a result of this, a lot of scheduling algorithms have been developed, and thus created a need to evaluate these algorithms. This calls for a cheap and efficient way of evaluating different hoist scheduling algorithms. To address this issue, I propose a generic simulator which wi...

Performance Measurement Of Probability Distributions In Modelling Non-life Insurance Claims

In this thesis, we model non-life insurance claims by using the two-parameter Negative Binomial (NB) and three-parameter Discrete Generalised Pareto (DGP) distributions. Data from National Insurance Commission (NIC) on Reported and Settled Claims counts for the period 2012 - 2016 were considered. The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) was adopted to fifit Negative Binomial and Discrete Generalised Pareto to the count data. In the latter case, the estimation involved two steps. First, th...

Modelling Of Contact And Adhesion At Interfaces In Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells

ABSTRACT The study of the structures and properties of organic materials for organic photovoltaic (OPV) applications and their interrelationships is a rapidly growing field of research, involving interdisciplinary efforts at the frontiers of chemistry, solid state physics and materials science. These materials differ from the better-understood silicon solar cell based materials by the lack of long range three-dimensional translational periodicity in their atomic arrangements and also by their...

Floquet Theory and Applications

Introduction In physical sciences (e.g, elasticity, astronomy) and natural sciences (e.g, ecology) among others, the consideration of periodic environmental factor in the dynamics of multi-phenomena interractions (or multi-species interractions) leads to the study of differential systems with periodic data. Therefore, it is worth investigating, the fundamental questions inherent in systems of periodic (ordinary) differential equations such as: existence, uniqueness and stability. 

Characterizing Pathogenic Risk Factors Associated With Breast Cancer In Ghanaian Women

Cancer is a major health burden worldwide as a result of its high frequency of mortality and morbidity. The most frequent cancer globally among women is breast cancer with a high death rate of about 458,000 deaths per year. Breast cancer is a multi-factorial disease which acts in sequence or simultaneously to initiate and/or promote tumour growth (Ritchie et al., 2001). The origin of breast cancer is poorly understood but it has been associated with are risk factors such as obesity, gend...

Spectral Partitioning and its Application to Image Segmentation

The properties of graphs can be studied via the algebraic characteristics of its adjacency or Laplacian matrix. The second eigenvector of the graph Laplacian is one very useful tool which provides information as to how to partition a graph. In this thesis, we study spectral clustering and how to apply it in solving the image segmentation problem in computer vision.

Designing A Runtime Simulator For Queue Core Processor

ABSTRACT In today’s era of modern architectures, high performance computing has received a lot of attention from diverse architectural levels. The performance crises in the computing arena have forced researchers to look for alternative architectures that will foster high performance whiles minimizing tradeoffs. The Queue Core processor is a novel 32-bit microprocessor that emerged as a result of the urgent desire for high performance microprocessor. The advent of the Queue Core processor ...

Performance Evaluation Of Queue Processors Vs Risc Architecture

ABSTRACT Nowadays, shifts in Hardware and Software technologies have forced designers and users to look at micro-architecture that process instructions stream with high performance and low power consumption. 

Minimum Principle of Pontryagin

Preface This Project is at the interface between Optimization, Functional analysis and Dierential equation. It concerns one of the powerful methods often used to solve optimization problems with constraints; namely Minimum Pontryagin Method. It is more precisely an optimization problem with constrain, an ordinary dierential equation. Their applications cover variational calculos as well as applied areas including optimization, economics, control theory and Game theory. But we shall focus on ...

Evaluation Of The Efficacy Of Wormatak® (Teflubenzuron And Cypermethrin) Against Anopheles Gambiae Sensu Lato And Its Impact On Non Target Organisms

This study investigated the efficacy of WormAtak® against Anopheles gambiae s.l. larvae, pupae and adults (Diptera: Culicidae) collected from Opeibea and Madina in Ghana and its effect on three non-target organisms under laboratory conditions. Anopheles gambiae s.l. and the non-target organisms were all exposed to five concentrations of WormAtak® (1.86 µM, 3.71 µM, 5.57 µM, 7.42 µM and 9.28 µM). Mortality was recorded for a period of 72 hours for Anopheles gambiae s.l. F1 third in...

A Devs-Based Ann Training And Prediction Platform

ABSTRACT The artificial intelligence (AI) domain grows every day with new algorithms and architectures. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), a branch of AI has become a very interesting domain since the eighties when the back-propagation learning algorithm and the feed-forward architecture were first introduced. As time passed, ANNs were able to solve non-linear problems, and were being used in classification, prediction, and representation of complex systems. However, ANN uses a black box lea...

Deterministic And Stochastic Model Of Dynamics Of Ebola Virus

ABSTRACT        In this work a deterministic and stochastic model is developed to investigate the deterministic and stochastic model of dynamics of Ebola virus. The model includes susceptible, exposed, infected, quarantined and removed or recovered individuals. The model used in this work is based on a deterministic model. The Chowell (2015) work on early detection of Ebola is modified by introducing an assumption that the quarantined class is totally successful and cannot infect the susc...

Exergy Analysis Of Hybrid Solar Pvdiesel / Biofuel System For Cogeneration (Electrcity And Cold)

ABSTRACT In this study, Flexy energy analysis taking exergy analysis and heat recovery into account on performance has been performed. The effects of wasting heat on exhaust gas temperature and cooling engine, is analysed in terms of design paramèters. It was observed that thermal exergy from a wasting heat for Flexy energy might be used to produce cold. In the theoretical study, the achievement of heat recovered is to circulate water through the source of exhaust gas. It was found that the...

Influence Of Molecular Polarizability On The Active Layer Of Organic Photovoltaic Cells: A Case Study Of Poly(3-Hexylthiophene)

Abstract The complexity of the microstructure of the active layer in organic photovoltaics (OPVs) poses a unique challenge in improving the efficiency of OPV devices. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation provides a direct route to determining this microstructure. However, for a donor material like poly (3- hexylthiophene), (P3HT)n, approximations made in all previous force field for MD simulation has been the neglect of explicit polarization. We looked at the morphology of (P3HT)n using MD sim...

5416 - 5430 Of 8851 Results