Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences


Malaria remains a life-threatening disease in the tropical and sub-tropical world, affecting mostly children and pregnant women. One of the biggest threats to malaria control is the ability of the causative parasite to develop resistance to anti-malarials and how quickly the resistance spreads. This makes it necessary for further research to discover new anti-malarial drugs. Plant products offer a great promise in this direction. This study tested the anti-plasmodial activities of crude ...

AfroAsia Research 124 PAGES (26773 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Investment Portfolio Optimization With Garch Models

ABSTRACT Since the introduction of the Markowitz mean-variance optimization model, several extensions have been made to improve optimality. This study examines the application of two models - the ARMA-GARCH model and the ARMA- DCC GARCH model - for the Mean-VaR optimization of funds managed by HFC Investment Limited. Weekly prices of the above mentioned funds from 2009 to 2012 were examined. The funds analysed were the Equity Trust Fund, the Future Plan Fund and the Unit Trust Fund. The retur...

SSA Research 97 PAGES (17103 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Performance Optimization Of Tin Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Via Numerical Simulation

ABSTRACT Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells have attracted great attention in the photovoltaic research community in recent years due to its ease of processing, low cost of production, superb light-harvesting characteristics, and relatively high efficiency which make it more preferable over other existing solar cell materials. Lead-based perovskites (CH3NH3PbX3, X= Cl, I, Br) solar cells have recently attained a high efficiency of ~19.3% which far surpasses the efficiencies of m...

Approach To A Simulation Virtual Machine: Object Oriented Implementation Of Cdevs And Pdevs

Abstract In the world today, the size of complex problems and systems has increased, due to the advances in technology and the area of computer design and architecture. Modeling and predicting the behaviour of complex systems (Weather forecast, Fire spreading, River floods, Earthquake, Nanotechnology; design of new materials from molecule scale, decoding the human genome and many others) is becoming complex due to huge amount of data, high statistics need, and the need to serve user communit...

Effective Dynamic Re-Mapping Algorithm For Low Power Networkon-Chip Noc.

ABSTRACT With the increase in the possibility of incorporating multiple cores on a single chip (MCSoC), the issue of an efficient interconnection that is scalable, takes up small area and has low power consumption must be taken into consideration carefully. Network on chip (NoC) has evolved as a promising solution for efficiently interconnecting multiple core on a single chip (MCSoC). NoC brings conventional networking theories and methods to chip communication and brings notable improvement...

Multicore System On Chip Electrocardiography

ABSTRACT Basically electrocardiography is a commonly used, non-invasive procedure for recording electrical changes in the heart. The record, which is called an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), shows the series of waves that relate to the electrical impulses which occur during each beat of the heart. The results are printed on paper or displayed on a monitor. The waves in a normal record are named P, Q, R, S, T, U and follow in alphabetical order. This research exploits the technology of paral...

Design Of A Neural Network Architecture For Traffic Light Detection In Autonomous Vehicles

ABSTRACT Over the ongoing years, innovatively propelled nations have kept on joining the quest for growing completely self-sufficient driven vehicles. This Autonomous vehicles intend to address issues of driver profitability and effectiveness. Dependable traffic light discovery is a vital segment for self-sufficient driving. Recognizing the traffic lights amidst everything is a standout amongst the most significant errand. The focus of this research is to develop and find the optimal paramet...

Observatory System For Monitoring Electric Power Demand And Delivery

ABSTRACT Nigeria is a fast-growing country in terms of urbanization. One of the major infrastructure challenge is power supply. However, this challenge is often not as a result of power generation but as a result of power distribution. It is expected that housing development policies be implemented for example through standard for house equipment. The partners are expected to be ministries of power, works and urban development. This report is a documentation of a project which required devel...

Approximation Method For Solving Variational Inequality With Multiple Set Split Feasibility Problem In Banach Space

Abstract In this thesis, an iterative algorithm for approximating the solutions of a variational inequality problem for a strongly accretive, L-Lipschitz map and solutions of a multiple sets split feasibility problem is studied in a uniformly convex and 2-uniformly smooth real Banach space under the assumption that the duality map is weakly sequentially continuous. A strong convergence theorem is proved.

Role Of Antibodies Against Antigens Of Plasmodium Merozoite And Infected Rbc Surface In Malaria Immunity

ABSTRACT Background: Malaria infection is caused by parasites belonging to the genus Plasmodium. There are five (5) species of Plasmodium that infect humans, namely: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium knowlesi and Plasmodium malariae. Malaria ensuing from Plasmodium falciparum infection is a principal source of disease and death annually, especially among African children in the Sub-Saharan Regions. The erythrocytic stages of the parasites of Plasmodium falc...

SSA Research 84 PAGES (16264 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
A study of the derivation of a known inequality for spectral functions of products of exponentials using the Campbell-Baker-Hausdor formula.

Abstract This paper looks at the study of a derivation of a known inequality for spectral functions of products of exponentials using the Baker - Campbell - Hausdor for- mula. This known inequality is called the Golden-Thompson inequality. The Kalman and the Gramian matrices, Lyapunov equation and matrix exponen- tial, Hadamard's lemma and Duhamel formula as well as the trace inequality due to Araki-Lieb-Thirring are all considered in this work.

SSA Research 45 PAGES (7627 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Ultrasound And Pet-Ct Image Fusion For Prostate Brachytherapy Image Guidance

ABSTRACT Fusion of medical images between different cross-sectional modalities is widely used, mostly where functional images are fused with anatomical data. Ultrasound has for some time now been the standard imaging technique used for treatment planning of prostate cancer cases. While this approach is laudable and has yielded some positive results, latest developments have been the integration of images from ultrasound and other modalities such as PET-CT to compliment missing properties of u...

Gender And Climate Change Adaptation Strategies In Tolon District In The Northern Region Of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Changes in climate introduce numerous uncertainties to the livelihoods of farming communities that rely on the weather and climate. Climate change impacts are being felt in Ghana, most especially in the savanna zones, due in part to the geographical conditions of the location affecting both human and physical resources. This study assessed female and male adaptation strategies to climate change and its effects on their livelihoods in six communities in the Tolon District of the North...

SSA Research 129 PAGES (29653 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Bionomics Of The M Illet Stem Borer Coniesta Ignefusalis (Hampson) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

ABSTRACT Study conducted from 1993 through 1996 at the ICRISAT Sahelian Centre, Niger, on the millet stem borer Coniesta ignefusalis were designed to address larval instar determination and life-fertility table construction, damage and yield loss assessment on pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Brown, and oviposition preference and larval development on two wild hosts, Andropogon gayanus Kunth and Pennisetum pedicellatum (Trin.). Biological control studies investigated the suitability o...

SSA Research 120 PAGES (24078 WORDS) Zoology Dissertation
Determinants Of The Promotion Of University Of Ghana Lecturers: A Survival Analysis Approach

ABSTRACT The desire to reach the peak of one’s chosen career makes us curious and hardworking enough to attain positions and ranks. This is no different in the academia where lecturers look forward for promotion. However, there are perceived and actual factors contributing to promotion among University of Ghana lecturers which is examined. The factors contributing to promotion of University of Ghana lecturer and how long it takes a lecturer to earn a first promotion, were the objectives of ...

SSA Research 133 PAGES (26567 WORDS) Statistics Thesis

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