Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Reducing The Risk: Urban Water Stress And Poor Sanitation In The Ashaiman Municipality

ABSTRACT Access to safe, adequate water and sanitation has been a global developmental priority due to their intrinsic impacts on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Despite the implementation of several measures to improve upon access to safe water and sanitation, residents of Ashaiman still struggle daily to acquire water and have access to sanitation facilities. The research was conducted in four selected communities in the Ashaiman Municipality namely: Adakodzi, Amu...

SSA Research 153 PAGES (33151 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Stabilisation and Characterisation of a Peanut Based Ready to Use Supplementary Food (RUSF)

ABSTRACT The prevalence of under nutrition in many communities requires the need for the availability of nutrient dense affordable food supplements such as Ready-to-use supplementary foods. An energy dense, drinkable ready to use supplementary food produced by enzyme hydrolysis of cooked mixture of peanuts, cowpeas and rice with added vitamin mineral mix was both acceptable to consumers and showed promise of efficacy in improving the nutritional status of women of child bearing age throug...

Microbiological Quality Assessment And Characterisation Of Salmonella Spp. Associated With Chicken From Different Live Bird Processing Outlets In Accra, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Live bird markets (LBM) are generally known as a storefront or open market slaughter operations that slaughter, dress, and trade dressed or live poultry on demand. Poultry meat is a major vehicle for foodborne pathogens (Salmonella, Campylobacter and E. coli O157:H7) responsible for more than half of the global burden of foodborne illnesses. The activities of theses live bird operators are scarcely monitored hence many of them do not conform to regulations, increasing the risk of mic...

Assessment Of The Status Of Mangrove Vegetation And Their Degradation In Rufiji Delta In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mangroves are among the most degraded ecosystems in the World. This study focused on assessment of the status of mangroves and their degradation in Rufiji Delta. It was guided by the following objectives: to determine the types of use of mangrove resources in Rufiji Delta, estimate the extent of mangroves cover degradation, identify the factors causing mangrove resources degradation and investigate coping strategies of local communities for management of mangrove resources in the stu...

PSN Africa 166 PAGES (37526 WORDS) Geography Thesis
Nasal Colonization With Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (Mrsa) Among Hiv-Infected Children

ABSTRACT Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) poses a public health threat because it is extensively resistant to antimicrobials, is associated with persistent outbreaks in hospital and community settings, and is associated with markedly increased healthcare costs. Moreover, HIV-infected persons are at a higher risk for colonization with MRSA, and could potentially disseminate the pathogen to other individuals. In Ghana, little is known about MRSA in relation to at-r...

PSN Africa 105 PAGES (21505 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Biology Of Some Oxycarenus Species (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) In Southern Ghana

A B S T R A C T The b io lo g y o f th r e e s p e c ie s o f Oxycarenus found in Southern Ghana has been s tu d ied . T h e i r h o s t p la n t s are l i s t e d and host p r e fe r en c e s examined. The sea sonal p opula t io n changes o f two s p e c ie s have been fo l low e d . The n a tu ra l enemies and d e fen s iv e mechanisms have been s tu d ie d . A d e t a i l e d d e s c r ip t io n o f the immature s ta g e s o f the th r e e Oxycarenus sp e c ie s has been g iv en f o r th e...

SSA Research 187 PAGES (85084 WORDS) Zoology Thesis
Time Gauge Fixing For 3d Loop Quantum Gravity

Abstract In this work, we review 3-dimensional gravity by canonically analyzing the Hilbert- Palatini action. We apply a time gauge used in 4-dimensional loop quantum gravity [14] to the simpler case of the 3-dimensional loop quantum gravity. By time gauge xing this Hilbert-Palatini action it leads to the Gauss constraints, the spatial dieomorphism constraints, the Hamiltonian constraint and a new constraint C. The gauge symmetries generated by this new constraints are spacetime dieomorphism ...

SSA Research 78 PAGES (20481 WORDS) Physics Thesis

ABSTRACT Background: Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by the genus Schistosoma. It has a worldwide distribution with more cases occurring in Africa. Urogenital schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma haematobium is prevalent in several places within Ghana, particularly in areas where there are large water bodies. Persistent infection of S. haematobium leads to cytological changes of urothelial cells which in turn could lead to the development of bladder cancer. The persist...

PSN Africa 112 PAGES (20008 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Effect Of Gamma Irradiation On Agricultural Waste-Decomposing And Fermentation Microorganisms In Ghana

ABSTRACT Maize production in Ghana between 1984 and 1990 exceeded 500,000 metric tonnes per year except in 1985 where there was a shortfall to 395,000 metric tonnes. The unfavourable years of drought between 1981-1983 were attended by a sharp decline in maize production ( 140,000-333,200 metric tonnes ). The bulk of the national maize production was contributed by Ashanti, Brong-Ahafo, Eastern and Northern Regions. Maize husk available after removing cobs was commensurate with the total maize...

SSA Research 117 PAGES (21561 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Investigating Conditions That Modulate Pyrazinamide Susceptibility In Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the major life threatening infectious diseases of public health concern globally. Its treatment is long and complex, requiring a cocktail of four drugs administered for six months. Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a cornerstone drug in the treatment regimen for tuberculosis that has contributed to reducing the treatment time from nine to six months. PZA is a pro-drug that is converted to its active form, pyrazinoic acid (POA) by the bacterial enzyme nicotinamida...

Home-Based Enterprises as an Informal Economic Activity: A Case of GA Mashie in Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT  The study sought to identify changes that home-based enterprises have undergone in Ga Mashie, an urban community in Accra. The research further explored the gender dimensions as well as the benefits and challenges of home-based enterprises in the study area. In all 200 questionnaires, 24 in-depth interviews, 3 focus group discussions and personal observations were used to collect the data for analysis. The study revealed that there have been significant changes in home-based enterp...

Edu Frontiers 182 PAGES (42462 WORDS) Geography Thesis
A Comparative Analysis of Forecast Performance Between Sarima And Setar Models Using Macroeconomic Variables in Ghana

ABSTRACT Most macroeconomic variables such as; inflation, GDP and others have been described by most financial and economic time series analysts to exhibit nonlinear behaviour. Therefore, to cater for this behaviour, the nonlinear class of models have been largely adopted to model and forecast such time series. In this study, the Keenan and Tsay tests for linearity showed inflation and CIC rates follow threshold nonlinear processes. Hence, the two-regime SETAR model was adopted to accommodat...

Edu Frontiers 91 PAGES (20442 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Water Quality And Organochlorine Pesticides In Fresh Water Bodies In The Lower Volta Basin: A Case Study Of Lakes Kasu And Nyafie.

ABSTRACT The study was in two parts. The first part dealt with the determination o f water quality parameters such as pH, temperature, DO, BOD, COD, conductivity, turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids and total solids. Others are nutrients and ions such as nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, chlorides, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The rest were under hardness o f water such as calcium, magnesium and total hardness. Of all these parameters, only the values for turbidity i.e 80...

SSA Research 102 PAGES (23883 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Molecular Characterization of Rotaviruses From A SemiUrban Communication in The Central Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and is characterised by the onset of diarrhoea with or without vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. Rotaviruses are the leading cause of AGE in infants and young children resulting in severe dehydration, which can eventually lead to hospitalisation and death. In Ghana, diarrhoea is implicated in the death of about 11% of all children under the age of 5 years, with rotavirus being the most responsible causative a...

Edu Frontiers 102 PAGES (23526 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Validation of Calculated Tissue Maximum Ratio (TMR) Obtained from Measured Percentage Depth Dose (PPD) Data for High Energy Photon Beam (6 MV and 15 MV)

ABSTRACT During external beam radiotherapy treatments, high doses are delivered to the cancerous cell. Accuracy and precision of dose delivery are primary requirements for effective and efficient treatment. This leads to the consideration of treatment parameters such as percentage depth dose (PDD), tissue air ratio (TAR) and tissue phantom ratio (TPR), which show the dose distribution in the patient. Nevertheless, tissue air ratio (TAR) for treatment time calculation, calls for the need to m...

5491 - 5505 Of 8880 Results