Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Malaria-A climate Sensitive Disease

Abstract                  Every year thousands of people died due to malarial infection, mainly in developingcountries and under developed countries. In most of these places, the infected persons ‘age isbelow five and pregnant women are also affected by  malaria, this is due to weak and poorimmunity.  Another important reason is lack of awareness about malarial infection. In future, dueto climatic change, disease spreading population of mosquito will increase. It leads to a chanc...

Laplace Transform application in Control System

Abstract: An introduction to Laplace Transform is the topic of this  paper. It deals with what Laplace Transform is, and what is it actually used for. The definition  of  Laplace  Transform  and  most  of  its  important  properties  have been  mentioned  with  detailed  proofs.  This  paper  also  includes  a  brief overview  of  Inverse  Laplace  Transform  as  well  as  a  brief  overview  of application  in  control  system.  A  few  practical  life�...

Awareness of Web 2.0 Technology in the Academic libraries an islamabad perspective

Abstract  Purpose The  main  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  determine  the  awareness  and  extent  use  of  Web  2.0 technology in the academic libraries of Islamabad, Pakistan. Design/methodology/approach The survey research methods was employed in this exploratory study through google forms on Awareness of Web 2.0 tools, the questionnaire were distributed among 100 library professionals of 43 Public and private sector universities based on Islamabad were selected for th...

An Assessment of Pollution and Effects on Human, Animals, Plants and The Environment in Nigeria (Lagos State)

ABSTRACT Pollution is the introduction of waste into the atmosphere making it impossible to make life onearth possible to sustain. Pollution is the introduction of a contaminant into the environment. Alot of anthropocentric activities have contributed to the gradual degradation of the ecosystem.However, they  are measures   that  can bring   sanity   and  recovery the wounded ecosystem. Incourse   of   this   study,   four   research   question   were   raised   amo...

A Seminar Paper on Internet of Things (IoT)

ABSTRACT Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that encompasses various objects and methods of communication to exchange information. Today IoT is more a descriptive term of a vision that everything should be connected to the internet. IoT will be fundamental in the future because the concept opens up opportunities for new services and new innovations. All objects will be connected and able to communicate with each other, while they operate in unprotected environments. This later aspect lead...

The Efficacy of Disinfectants on Candida albicans at Different Concentrations and Contact Times

ABSTRACT The upsurge of Candida albicans as the fourth most common causative agent of nosocomial infections necessitated the evaluation of a range of disinfectants for their efficacy against this organism. This project work was designed to basically determine the anti-Candida efficacy of three commonly used, commercially available disinfectants, namely Savlon, Septol, and Izal, using suspension test technique. The test organism was challenged with various concentrations (25%, 50%, 75% and 10...

Bactericidal Activities of Hibiscus Sabdarifa Leave Extract against enteric human pathogens

Microbiological  tests  revealed  that  Hibiscus  sabdariffa  plant  extract  has  antibacterial properties  thus  verifying  folklore  medicine  in  the  treatment  of  abscesses,  bilious  conditions, cough,  dysuria  and  scurvy  (Morton,  1987;  Perry,  1980  Ross,  2003).  The  extraction  type  of aqueous  generally  had  the  same  potency  with  cold  extracts  having  a  slightly  better antimicrobial  activity  than  hot  aqueous  ex...

Uju Rex 45 PAGES (9871 WORDS) Microbiology Project
Infectious Control in the Post Antibiotic Era

AbstractThere  are  enormous  challenges  facing  infection  control  in  the  21st  century.  Countries  across the  world  are  confronted  by  ageing  populations,  restricted  healthcare  resources,  demands  for modern  medicine  and  increasing  antimicrobial  resistance.  Problem  pathogens  in  the community  are  set  to  invade  hospitals,  and  those  created  in  hospitals  are  seeding  into  the community.  Continued  consumption ...

Uju Rex 40 PAGES (7411 WORDS) Microbiology Seminar
Characterising Growth Behaviour of Yeast Strains Isolated from Mango Fruit in Carbon, Nitrogen and Stress Environments

ABSTRACT The present experiment aims at investigating the growth behaviour of different yeast strains inselected carbon, nitrogen and stress environment to obtain strains with prospects for industrialapplication.   Specifically,   the   study   is   set   to:   isolate   yeast   from   decaying   mango   fruit   anddetermine growth performance of yeast strains in different environments, carbon, nitrogen andstressors. The procedure adopted in the study uses different ...

Bacterial Bioluminescence - A General overview

Bioluminescence is the process by which certain living organisms produce light through a seriesof enzymatically   catalyzed  biochemical reactions  (Brodl  et al., 2018). Any organism   that iscapable of exhibiting or carrying out bioluminescence is termed a  bioluminescent organism.Bioluminescence is a phenomenon that has been found in almost all branches of the evolutionarytree   (Tyulkova  et   al.,   2009),   meaning   that   representative   organisms   from   ...

Life Expectancy and Lethal Effect of Culex Quinquefasciatus Larvae due to S-Hydroprene and Leaf Extracts of Azadirachta Indica

Abstract Culex quinquefasciatus is a dorminant mosquito species in Nigeria and a major cause of several diseases. The study seeks to determine the effects of S-Hydroprene and leaf extracts of Azadirachta indica on life expectancy of third instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus. Concentrations (ranging from 10 mg/L to 60 mg/L) were tested on the larvae for mortality, survival and life expectancy of the medically important Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquito species under laboratory conditions of te...


Nanocellulose prepared from the natural material has a promising wide range of opportunities to obtain the superior material properties towards various end-products. In this study, commercially available natural cotton was treated with aqueous sodium hydroxide solution to eliminate the hemicellulose and lignin, then cellulose was collected. The collected cellulose was subjected to acid hydrolysis using sulphuric acid to obtain nanocellulose. The prepared nanocellulose was further characterize...


Cellulose water treatment are naturally occurring with unique structural, mechanical and optical properties. While the paper and packaging, automotive, personal care, construction, and textiles industries have recognized cellulose water treatments’ potential, we suggest cellulose water treatments have great untapped potential in water treatment technologies. In this review, we gather evidence of cellulose water treatment s’ beneficial role in environmental remediation and membranes for wa...


ABSTRACT In African folk medicine, water infusion of Mangifera indica stem bark are highly valued in thelocal treatment of malaria fever, diarrohea, diabetes mellitus and liver diseases. Various part ofthis   plant   can  also  be   used   in  treatment   of   toothache,  dysentery,  anemia,   hypertension   andinsomnia in different parts of the world. This study was described to determine the activities ofthe stem bark extract of M.indica against some panel of bacterial...

Evaluation of Oxytocic Potential of Methanol Extracted sida acuta on Female Albino Rats

ABSTRACT Plants have long been a source of nutrition and therapy to man. The medicinal value of these plants lies in some chemical substances that produce a definite physiological action in the human body. This study evaluated the oxytocic potential of methanol extract of Sida acuta on female albino rats in vitro. Oxytocin was used as a standard drug though it is a biochemically synthesized hormone that act on distant hormone receptor to induce contractions. The methanol extract was prepared...

6871 - 6885 Of 8851 Results