Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Consumption of Coconut (CocosnuciferaL.) WaterImproved Fertility Parameters in Male Wistar Rats

Background: The need for fertility stimulation in men and women cannot be overemphasizedespecially when a marriage is childless in some communities in Nigeria. While chemical methodsfor fertility stimulation may have some side effects and are not readily available, remedy fromnatural sources can be used.Aim: This present study is aimed to evaluate the effect of coconut water on fertility in male Wistarrats.Materials and Methods: Coconuts of about 8 months old were harvested from Apata area of...

Common Household Insecticides Used in Nigeria Induced Oxidative Stress in Wistar Rats

Background: The use of household insecticides for the eradication of insects especiallymosquitoes in Nigeria is increasing. These insecticides are used without consideration of theiradverse effect on human health.Aim: This study is therefore sought to investigate the effect of common household insecticidesused in Nigeria on oxidative stress biomarkers.Methodology: Thirty (30) male Wistar rats were divided into five groups of six (6) each. Rats ingroup 1 were exposed to Rambo, those in group 2...

Chemical Content and Antioxidant Potential of Aqueous Extract of Irish Potato Tubers Traditionally Used for Ulcer Treatment in Nigeria

Aim: The study evaluated the chemical contents and antioxidant potential of aqueous extract of Irishpotato tubers traditionally used for ulcer treatment in Nigeria.Methods: Freshly harvested Irish potato tubers were purchased from Aba grocery market, AbiaState. They were thoroughly washed in running water, peeled, sliced and dried in an oven at 60ºC toa constant weight. The dried potatoes were milled into fine powder (flour) and extracted using wateras the solvent. The proximate, mineral, ph...

Bigi Soft Drinks might Induce Hyperglycemia and Hyperlipidemia in Wistar Rats

Background: Bigi soft drinks are carbonated drinks produced by Rite Foods Limited. Thecompany is an indigenous company in Nigeria. Before 2016, Coca-cola bottling company and 7upbottling company products were the dominant soft drinks in Nigeria. Rite Foods Limited introducedcarbonated soft drinks into the Nigerian market in 2016 and have favourably competed with theexisting products. As at today, Bigi soft drinks are the dominant soft drinks in Nigeria because oftheir palatable taste, large v...

Antihypertensive Potential of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Water in Wistar Rats

Background: Hypertension has become a common sickness in Nigeria especially amongpopulation above 50 years of age. It constitutes a major riskfactor for several cardiovasculardiseases suchas atherosclerosis, heart failure, renal insufficiency, coronary artery disease andstroke.Aim: This study was aimed at evaluating the antihypertensive potential of coconut water in Wistarrats.Materials and Methods: Thirty Wistar rats were divided into three groups of ten each. Rats ingroups 1 and 2 received ...

Antifertility Effect of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Carica papaya in Male Wistar Rats

The use of Carica papaya leaves in folklore medicine for its antimalarial andantidiabetic activities without reference to its adverse effect is on theincrease globally. This study therefore sought to investigate the antifertilityeffect of C. papaya leaves in male Wistar rats. Fresh and healthy leaves of C.papaya disease were harvested from the Institute of Agricultural Researchand Training, Moor Plantation, Ibadan. They were dried and extracted usingsoxhlet apparatus and ethanol as the solven...

Antidiabetic Potential of Alkaloid Extracts from Vitex doniana and Ficus thonningii Leaves on Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats

Background: The growing number of diabetes coupled with the harsh side effects of somesynthetic drugs has led to the increasing search for alternatives which are relatively cheap withminimal side effects.Aim: This study sought to investigate the antidiabetic potential of alkaloid extracts from Vitexdoniana and Ficus thonningii leaves on alloxan-induced diabetic rats.Methods: Fresh leaves of V. doniana and F. thonningii were obtained from a local market Nkwaguin Abakaliki local government area...

Antidiabetic Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Carica papaya Leaves in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats

The growing number of diabetes coupled with the harsh side effects of some synthetic drugs has led to the increasing search for alternativeswhich are relatively cheap with minimal side effects. This study sought to investigate the antidiabetic effect of ethanolic extract of Carica papaya leavesin alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Thirty adult male albino rats were induced intraperitoneally with alloxan. The rats were grouped into six groups offive animals per group: Group A was not induced with ...

Antibacterial Potential of Ethanolic and Aqueous Extracts of Carica papaya Leaves

Background: The search for newer sources of antibiotics is a global challenge pre-occupyingresearch institutions, pharmaceutical companies and academia, since many infectious agents arebecoming resistant to synthetic drugs.Aim: This present study sought to investigate the antibacterial potential of ethanolic and aqueousextracts of Carica papaya leaves.Materials and Methods: Fresh and healthy leaves of C. papaya were harvested, air dried andmilled into powder. The powder was extracted using et...

Antaphrodisiac Potential of Bitter Kola (Garcinia kola) in Male Wistar Rats

There is a general believe that bitter kola isan aphrodisiac agent, thus men consume it to enhancetheir libido. This study is aimed at assessing theeffect of bitter kola on male sex hormones. Twentyfour adult male Wistar rats were randomly dividedinto four groups of six each after seven daysacclimatization period. Animals in group 1 wereadministered normal saline solution while those ingroups 2, 3 and 4 were administered 100, 200 and400 mg/kg body weight of bitter kola extractsrespectively fo...

Ameliorative Effect of Parkia biglobosa (African Locust Bean) against Egg Yolk-Induced Hypertension

This study is aimed at evaluating theameliorative effect of Parkia biglobosa againstegg-yolk induced hypertension. In order toachieve this, 30 Wistar rats were divided intothree groups of 10 each. Rats in group Areceived normal feed diet and they served as thecontrol group while those in groups B and Creceived a special prepared egg feed diet (24 eggyolk mixed with 1 kg of normal rat diet).Animals in group C were administered400mg/kg body weight of P. biglobosa extractsimultaneously with the ...

Evaluation of the Emulsification properties of Hydroxypropylated Cassava Starch and its potential use in cocoa beverage

ABSTRACT Lecithin is used for applications in human food, animal feed, pharmaceuticals, paints, and other  industrial applications, but consistent importation of lecithin has a negative effect on foreign  exchange leading to devaluation of the naira. The need to explore locally available products such  as cassava starch as a possible substitute to the use of lecithin is paramount, hence, the reason for  this work. This research was carried out to evaluate the emulsification properties of�...

Coffee Shop management system

The project titled as "Coffee Shop Management System" is developed in vb as front end and ms access as back end. The main aim of the project is to make a complete solution for coffee sales system. This project has login module, coffee details module, coffee sales module, billing module, coffee purchase module and reports module all coffee details are entered in this module. The coffee name, coffee flavour, coffee price and the stock of coffee available are entered in this module. The coffee p...

Steganography report

Securing of document inside an image. Full work.

An Assignment On “Cleaning And Disinfection In Food Industries”

AnAssignmentOn“Cleaning And Disinfection In Food Industries”Submitted in partial fullfillment of the requirement for the award ofdegree ofMaster Of ScienceSubmitted byRINKU SINGHUnder the Supervision ofDR. NAVNEET JIDEPARTMENT OF BOTANY & MICROBIOLOGYFACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCEGURUKULA KANGRI VISHWAVIDYALAYAHARIDWAR – 249404 (INDIA)2019-2020Cleaning And Disinfection In Food Industries

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