Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Anatomical Analysis and Seed-Coat Imposed Dormancy in Parkia biglobosa

The effect of different treatments of breaking seed dormancy of Parkia biglobosa seeds were studied in this project work. The results of different treatments observed showed 88% for concentrated H2SO4, 80% for scarification (with scalpel) and 52% for dry heat while the untreated seed (control) is 40% germination. The speed of germination for some treated seeds are also observed to be greater than that of the untreated seeds with seeds treated with concentrated H2SO4 having the highest value o...

Ayodeji Yekeen 63 PAGES (10078 WORDS) Botany Project
Influence of soil transmission helminths infections on the nutritional status of school children in Akinyele local government area, Ibadan.

Soil transmitted helminths (STH) infections; Anaemia and malnutrition are major public health problem in school age children in developing countries of the world. This study was conducted on 125 school children of Ebenezer primary school and Community high school, Shasha in Akinyele local government area of Oyo state. This study was carried out to assess the current prevalence as well as the nutritional impacts of STH infections among these school children. A school based cross sectional stud...

A Study of the Fundamentals of Fuzzy Set

Abstract The fundamental idea of the project is to provide basic and concrete concepts of the fuzzy set theory, and thus focused on easy illustrations of the basic concepts. There are numerous examples and figures to help readers to understand. It tries to explain the emergence of fuzzy sets from historical perspective. Looking back to the history of sciences, it seems that fuzzy sets were bound to appear at some point in the 20th century. Indeed, Zadeh's works have cristalized and popularize...


Motherless babies have nowadays become common because of moral deca-dence of the society, young people who cannot cater for themselves and ndthemselves put in a family way end up abandoning their babies. The increas-ing hardship of the present economic recession has increased the incidence ofburden on families and the consequent loss of rm control of family members.Time series analysis is use to model the admission and release of children inthe motherless or orphanage home and the data use fo...

Chewing Sticks and Oral Health Care in Owo Local Government, Ondo State

-the aim of this study is to carried out the Antimicrobial and phytochemical effect on five medicinal plants used as chewing sticks in Owo local government of Ondo State, Nigeria. Methods- The methods used for this study are antimicrobial assay, and phytochemical screening. The  aqueous, ethanol and  ethyl acetate  extracts  of  the  leaves,  bark  and  roots  of  Distemonantus bentaminaitus , Anogeissus leiocarpus, Garcina kola, Piper guineense and Zanthoxylun Lessmamul for the po...


            The lack of knowledge of the availability of some drugs in hospitals can affect the treatment of patients in hospitals. The hospital inventory management system is a system that maintains inventories of drugs, hospital accounting. It is stored in the system database, which helps the Hospital management, Staff, Doctors and Nurses in taking absolute care of the patients in the Hospital. Hospital inventory management system also involves the clinical sphere of healthcare...


 The search for potent antimicrobial agent is unending. The use of mouthwashes to improve oral hygiene is being favoured for its presumed antimicrobial activity. This study therefore evaluated the antibacterial activity of common mouthwashes against relevant clinical isolates.  Five mouthwash samples (coded; LIS; COL; TOT; FLU; BRE) bought from major super markets in Ondo State, Nigeria, were examined for antimicrobial activity using agar well diffusion method. The kinetic of activity and M...

Evaluation of the viability and survival rates of some selected pathogens

Artificially inoculated fruit juice is a very viable profit making sole business in Nigeria, the product is locally available in all market in different parts of the country, especially in Ondo state, using Ikare and Iwaro Akoko market, as the focal point of this present study. Fifty (50) samples of the inoculated fruit juice were purchase from the market in Iwaro and Ikare Akoko, Ondo State. The test organisms used for this research work are Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC) 25923, Salmonella spp...

Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of crude ethyl

The purpose of this research work is to determine the antimicrobial activities of crude ethyl acetate and ethanolic extracts of Morinda lucida leaf, stem, and bark growing in Adekunle Ajasin University Botanical Garden against selected clinical isolates. The plant Morindal lucida falls under the family Rubiaceae known to have wide usage in traditional medicine. Morinda lucida is a tropical West African tree of medium-size about 18–25 m tall, the bark is grey to brown in color, flowers are w...

Comparative Studies of the Efficiency of Sun Drying and Hot Air Oven

The drying efficacy and product quality of onion and pepper dried in the oven and sun were compared. The drying process took 1-4 days to accomplish. The proximate analysis, bacterial load and identification of microorganisms, sugar fermentation, catalyses test and the bacteria count were determined. The mean moisture content of the product at the end of the drying was 6.4% (sun) and 4.5% (oven). The oven dried product were significantly (P

Bayesian Estimation of Parameters of A Linear Regression Model With Correlated Explanatory Variables

This paper addressed the popular issue of collinearity among explanatory variables in the context of a multiple linear regression analysis, and the parameter estimations of both the classical and the Bayesian approaches were compared using Mean Square Error (MSE) and Absolute bias. Five sample sizes: 10, 25, 50, 100 and 500 each replicated 1000 times were simulated using Monte Carlo method. Four degrees of correlation representing no correlation, weak correlation, moderate correlation and ...

Bioactivity and Phytochemical Screening of Nigerian Medicinal

The Aqueous, ethanol, hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves, bark and roots of Acacia albida, Anchomanes difformis, Boscia senegalensis, Bridelia ferruginea, Ficus ingens, Indigofera arrecta and Moringa oleifera were tested for possible source of antibacterial activities against selected clinical organisms found in the pediatrics hospital in Ondo and Ekiti State, Nigeria. The selected clinical organisms used for this research work are Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsie...


It has been observed over the years that real life data are usually non-conforming to the classical linear regression assumptions. One of the stringent assumptions that is unlikely to hold in many applied settings is that of homoscedasticity. When homogenous variance in a normal regression model is not appropriate, invalid standard inference procedure may result from the improper estimation of standard error when the disturbance process in a regression model present heteroscedasticity. When...

Antibacterial and phytochemical properties of five chewing sticks

The antimicrobial activities of the ethanolic, Aqueous and Ethyl acetate extracts of five Nigerian medicinal plant used as chewing sticks were tested against five microorganism, three bacteria and two fungi. The five medicinal plant tested are Vitellaria paradoxa, Vitex doniana, Sarcorcephalus latiolia, Vernonia amygdalina, Olax subcorpidica and the microorganisns are Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria sieca, Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus salivarius and Actinomycetes viscosus. Out of t...

The Study of Antimicrobial Activity of Partially Purified Ethyl acetate Extracts of Bridelia ferruginea on Clinical Isolates

Bridelia ferruginea is commonly grown in Western Tropical Africa. The purpose of this research work is to determine the antimicrobial activities, qualitative and quantitative phytochemical screening, elemental composition, proximate analysis and anti-nutrient composition of purified fraction of Bridelia ferruginea extracts. The organisms used for this research are Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 35659, Pseudomonas aeruginosaATCC 25619,a...

7711 - 7725 Of 8855 Results