Abstract: The Knowledge of distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups is helpful for effective management of blood banks and safe blood transfusion services. The frequency of these blood groups varies worldwide and may not be found in equal numbers even among ethnic groups. The aim of this study was to find out the distribution of ABO and Rh (D) blood groups among students attending Chorora Secondary and Preparatory school in West Hararghe Zone Oromio Ethiopia. The study was designed from Janua...
Abstract: The citrus peel which is almost one half of the total fruit mass is a rich source of phenolic compounds such as flavanones, flavonols and many polymethoxylated flavones. The growing interest of shifting from the synthetic antimicrobial agents to natural ones has encouraged research on screening of plant material and other vegetable sources to identify new compounds. On account of such justification the present study was aimed to examine physicochemical properties, antioxidant and a...
Abstract: Microbial keratinases are keratinolytic enzymes widely used in many industrial processes and management of wastes. This study was conducted with the aim of isolation of efficient keratinase producing bacteria form the soils of chicken feather-dumping sites and human hair-dumping places, determining optimum keratinase production conditions and partially characterizing the stability and activity of keratinase with regards to some physicochemical parameters. Plating of soil sample sus...
Abstract: Intestinal parasitic infections are one of the major public health problems in many developing countries including Ethiopia. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most heavily burdened region by intestinal parasites. The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections (IPIs) and their associations with anthropometric measurements of children in selected primary schoolchildren in Kelela town, South Wollo, Ethiopia. The design of the study was a cross...
Abstract: Fruit are very important for human being which contribute vital nutrients especially Vitamin C. However Fruit which are contaminated during harvesting and transporting. From different area. poor hygienic conditions, using of tap water for cleaning and unsafe environmental conditions of fruit resulting in different food borne illnesses. The study was aimed to assess bacteriological load of fruit served in cafes and restaurants of Chiro town. A cross sectional study was conducted fro...
Abstract: Milk is lacteal secretion produced by mammalians to feed their young. It also serves as an excellent medium for growth of many kinds of microorganisms. This study was conducted to investigate the microbiological quality of dairy products collected from farmer households and vendors and assess risk factors associated with milk contamination and hygienic hadling practices in Sululta town. A total of 72 dairyproduct samples were colleted from farmer households and vendorsby sterile bo...
Abstract: In search of green technology, enzyme production has received much attention in industrial biotechnology processes with the objective of the substitution of chemical processes, with potentially adverse effects on humans and environment. Protease enzyme has been utilized widely in industries to engender a wide range of products such as, detergent, leather, waste management, brewing, meat softening, milk-clotting, food, pharmaceutical, cancer treatment, diagnostics, digestion, viral ...
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify grades 10 and 11 students’ misconceptions about cell biology and cell division, their sources and levels and to evaluate the effectiveness of biology teachers’ instructional methods to remediate students’ misconception. The study was carried out at KSPS, Somali Region, Ethiopia. The TTDT of cell biology and cell division was prepared and administered to 120 grade 10 and 11 students after their prior conceptions about the selected topi...
Abstract: Cellulases are the type of enzymes which catalyze the hydrolysis of cellulose and related oligosaccharide derivatives, is considered a potential tool for industrial saccharification of cellulosic biomass. The production of bio-based products and bioenergy from less costly renewable lignocellulosic materials would bring benefits to the local economy, environment, and national energy security. The processed enset (kocho and bulla) are rich in carbohydrates, and fiber and some mineral...
Abstract: Information on the actual hygienic practices and microbial quality of milk and dairy products is very important to promote food safety, to assure quality assurance system of milk at different levels, and to reduce contamination of milk and dairy products. However, the information on hygienic handling practice and microbial quality of fresh milk and dairy products in Asella town is generally limited. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2021-March 2022 to a...
Abstract: The emergence of increased multidrug resistant bacteria has initiated development of new antimicrobial agents. Essential oils from aromatic plants and herbal extracts have attracted scientific interest due to their potential use as antimicrobial and/or antioxidant compounds in foods.The present study was aimed to examine physicochemical properties and biological activities of essential oils extracted from sweet basil leaves and infloresence Evaluation of the Physicochemical propert...
Abstract: Endophytic fungi represent a wide diversity of microbial adaptations that have evolved in special and unusual environments, making them a great source of study and research for new drugs for medical, industrial, and agriculture uses.The present study was undertaken to investigate antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of endophytic fungalextracts ofkoseret leaf and seeds.The leaf and seed samples collected from the home gardens were used for endophyte fungal extraction.Endophytes ...
Abstract: Turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizomes, has been widely used for centuries as indigenous medicine for the treatment of a variety of anti-inflammatory conditions and other diseases. Turmeric and its active components (volatile oil and curcuminoids) have unique antioxidant, antitumorigenic, anticarcinogenic, antiinflammatory, antimutagenic, antiarthritic and antimicrobial properties. This study was aimed to determine the physicochemical properties, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities...
Abstract: The consumption of pumpkin seeds in oil form or roasted pumpkin seeds has been is proved to exhibit several positive health effects. The aim of the present study was to examine the physicochemical properties, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of pumpkin (Cucurbit sp.) Seed and pulp oils. The oil extraction was done in Soxhlet apparatus using hexane as a solvent. Then, physicochemical properties of the oil extracts were determined based on determination of oil content, specif...
Abstract: Indigenous peoples have developed their own locality specific knowledge on plant use, management and conservation. The ethnobotanical study is important as it involves local communities in the conservation of biodiversity. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to undertake ethnobotanical investigation on medicinal plants, document indigenous knowledge on utilization, conservation and management systems used by the communities of Chiro District/ Harerghe Zone, Ethiopia. The study ...