Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Interactions between two parasitoids of Tephritidae

Abstract: The braconid wasp, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), was introduced in Kenya from Hawaii for classical biological control of the invasive tephritid, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel. Following reports that D. longicaudata had formed new associations with Ceratitis cosyra, laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the interaction between the introduced and the native parasitoid of C. cosyra; Psyttalia cosyrae (Wilkinson) under three scenarios: B. dorsalis only, C. cosyra only ...

Insights in the global genetics and gut microbiome of black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens: Implications for animal feed safety control

Abstract: The utilization of the black soldier fly (BSF) Hermetia illucens L. for recycling organic waste into high-quality protein and fat biomass for animal feeds has gained momentum worldwide. However, information on the genetic diversity and environmental implications on safety of the larvae is limited. This study delineates genetic variability and unravels gut microbiome complex of wild-collected and domesticated BSF populations from six continents using mitochondrial COI gene and 16S m...

Arthropod intelligence?

Abstract: Macphail’s “null hypothesis,” that there are no differences in intelligence, qualitative, or quantitative, between non-human vertebrates has been controversial. This controversy can be useful if it encourages interest in acquiring a detailed understanding of how non-human animals express flexible problem-solving capacity (“intelligence”), but limiting the discussion to vertebrates is too arbitrary. As an example, we focus here on Portia, a spider with an especially intric...

Repurposing the orphan drug nitisinone to control the transmission of African trypanosomiasis

Abstract: Tsetse transmit African trypanosomiasis, which is a disease fatal to both humans and animals. A vaccine to protect against this disease does not exist so transmission control relies on eliminating tsetse populations. Although neurotoxic insecticides are the gold standard for insect control, they negatively impact the environment and reduce populations of insect pollinator species. Here we present a promising, environment-friendly alternative to current insecticides that targets the...

Evaluation of improved coloured targets to control riverine tsetse in East Africa: A Bayesian approach

Abstract: Riverine tsetse (Glossina spp.) transmit Trypanosoma brucei gambiense which causes Gambian Human African Trypanosomiasis. Tiny Targets were developed for cost-effective riverine tsetse control, and comprise panels of insecticide-treated blue polyester fabric and black net that attract and kill tsetse. Versus typical blue polyesters, two putatively more attractive fabrics have been developed: Vestergaard ZeroFly blue, and violet. Violet was most attractive to savannah tsetse using l...

A Systematic Review on Advancements in Remote Sensing for Assessing and Monitoring Land Use and Land Cover Changes Impacts on Surface Water Resources in Semi-Arid Tropical Environments

Abstract: This study aimed to provide a systematic overview of the progress made in utilizing remote sensing for assessing the impacts of land use and land cover (LULC) changes on water resources (quality and quantity). This review also addresses research gaps, challenges, and opportunities associated with the use of remotely sensed data in assessment and monitoring. The progress of remote sensing applications in the assessment and monitoring of LULC, along with their impacts on water qualit...

Entomological assessment of tsetse-borne trypanosome risk in the Shimba Hills human-wildlife-livestock interface, Kenya

Abstract: Shimba Hills is a wildlife area in Kenya and a major focus of tsetse-borne trypanosomes in East Africa. In Shimba Hills, tsetse-borne trypanosomes constrain animal health and smallholder livelihoods. However, epidemiological data to guide hotspot-targeted control of infections are limited. This study assessed the dynamics of tsetse-borne trypanosome risk in Shimba Hills with the objective to describe infection hotspots for targeted control. Tsetse flies (n = 696) collected in field...

Mathematical modelling of the interactive dynamics of wild and Microsporidia MB-infected mosquitoes

Abstract: A recent discovery highlighted that mosquitoes infected with Microsporidia MB are unable to transmit the Plasmodium to humans. Microsporidia MB is a symbiont transmitted vertically and horizontally in the mosquito population, and these transmission routes are known to favor the persistence of the parasite in the mosquito population. Despite the dual transmission, data from field experiments reveal a low prevalence of MB-infected mosquitoes in nature. This study proposes a compartme...

Aroma characterization and consumer acceptance of four cookie products enriched with insect (Ruspolia differens) meal

Abstract: This research aims to advance knowledge on the impact of four processing methods on volatile compounds from insect-based baked products (cookies) to provide insights on consumer acceptance. Samples were exposed to double step enzyme digestive test, volatiles characterized through headspace analysis, while semi-trained panelists were recruited for the sensory test. Blanched and boiled samples of R. differens had considerably higher digestibility (83.42% and 81.61%, respectively) (p ...

Pollinator‑dependent crops signifcantly contribute to diets and reduce household nutrient defciencies in sub‑Saharan Africa

Abstract: Recent literature highlights the potential of animal pollinator-dependent (PD) crops in enhancing food and nutrition security, although there is a lack of detailed household-level estimates. In this study, we investigate the nutrient composition, productivity, and contribution of PD and pollinator-independent (PI) crops to household nutrition in four sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. We also evaluate the impact of reallocating resources from PI crops to PD crops on nutrient defc...

Inventory reveals wide biodiversity of edible insects in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Abstract: In response to growing food demand, edible insects are perceived as an opportunity to alleviate food insecurity. With its wide edible insects’ biodiversity, the Democratic Republic of Congo is one of Africa’s most critical entomophagous. This study aimed at giving a first insight on inventory showing diversity, perception, consumption, availability, host plants, harvesting techniques and processing techniques of edible insects in South-Kivu, DRC. It recorded twenty-three edible...

Nutritional Quality of Four Novel Porridge Products Blended with Edible Cricket (Scapsipedus icipe) Meal for Food

Abstract: Currently, no data exist on the utilization of the newly described cricket species (Scapsipedus icipe) meal as additive in food products, though they have high protein (57%) with 88% total digestibility as well as a variety of essential amino acids. This article presents the first report on the effects of processing techniques and the inclusion of cricket meal (CM) on the nutrient and antinutrient properties of four porridge products compared to a popularly consumed commercial porr...

Nutrient Quality and Maturity Status of Frass Fertilizer from nine Edible Insects

Abstract: Globally, there is growing interest to recycle organic waste using insect larvae into high-quality frass fertilizer through circular economy approach. This paper presents the first comparative report on the nutrient concentrations, fertilizing indices, nutrient supply potentials and compost maturity of nine edible insect frass fertilizers. Our results revealed that frass fertilizers from all the insect species had adequate concentrations and contents of macronutrients [nitrogen (N)...

Microhabitat and patch selection detection from GPS tracking collars of semi-free ranging Mashona cattle within a semi-arid environment

Abstract: Over the last 30 years, the global positioning system (GPS) tracking collars have significantly enhanced livestock grazing behavior studies. Practices designed to understand and improve livestock grazing distribution can now be accurately and cost-effectively monitored with GPS tracking. The behavior and spatiotemporal microhabitat selection of Mashona cattle relative to the season in a semi-free-range grazing system was evaluated using a low‐cost GPS herd activity monitoring (GP...

Optoelectronic property refinement of FASnI3 films for photovoltaic application

Abstract: Tin (Sn) is a promising substitute for lead (Pb) in organic–inorganic hybrid halide perovskite-photovoltaic devices, but it is prone to delivering low power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) due to the poor quality of Sn-perovskite films. In this work, anilinium hypophosphite (AHP) co-additive is used to fabricate high-quality FASnI3 (FA+: formamidinium) perovskite films with suppressed phase-segregation and prolonged charge carrier lifetime. Perovskite films containing 0.05 M AHP a...

1231 - 1245 Of 8880 Results