Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Log Ratio Methodology for Analysis of Compositional Data: A case of Olfactometer Bioassay Data from Insect Behavioural Studies

Abstract: Researchers are often times confronted with compositional data in insect choice studies. The choice of a statistical method to model this type of data is always not obvious. In this study, three approaches for analysis of compositional data from choice tests made by the predatory parasitoid Cotesia sesamaie Cameron in a four-arm olfactometer was explored using centered, additive and isometric log ratio transformations. Oviposition induced plant volatiles (OIPVs), herbivore induced ...

Structure of the 40 S ribosomal subunit from Plasmodium falciparum By Homology and De novo modeling

Abstract: Generation of the three dimensional structures of macromolecules using in silico structural modeling technologies such as homology and de novo modeling has improved dramatically and increased the speed in which tertiary structures of organisms of interest can be generated. This is especially the case if a homologous crystal structure is already available. High resolution structures can be rapidly created using only their sequence information as input and thus increasing the speed o...

Prevalence of malaria and selected arboviral infections in patients presenting with undiagnosed febrile illness in Rusinga Island, Kenya

Abstract: Onset of uncomplicated malaria is characterized by fever, headache, joint pains, myalgia and lack of appetite. These non-specific signs and symptoms also present in patients with arthropod borne viral (arboviral) infections complicate differential diagnoses. The lack of diagnostics that can detect arboviral infections in Kenyan public hospitals coupled with malaria diagnostic tools incapable of detecting low Plasmodiumparasitemia,has led to diagnosis based on clinical symptoms only...

Protective role of antioxidant in ameliorating African trypanosomiasis - induced brain degeneration in a mouse model

Abstract: Late stage Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is manifested by brain degeneration following infection by Trypanasoma brucei rhodensiense and Trypanasoma brucei gambiense parasites. This stage can only be treated with melarsoprol (Mel B) which inadvertently induces Post Treatment Reactive Encephalopathy (PTRE) and a mortality of 5% among HAT infected patients. This is an unacceptable mortality for a modern human drug. Investigations were conducted to establish the protective role o...

Effects of β-mannanase on nutrient utilization and performance of laying Chicken

Abstract: The study was done at the Department of Animal Science, University of Manitoba. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of β-mannanase on nutrient utilization and performance of laying hens. Experimental diets were based on soybean meal (SBM), corn and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). The first study was designed to evaluate the effect of β-mannanase (CTCZYME, CTC Bio Inc., Seoul, South Korea) on performance of laying hens and egg quality traits. A ...

Socio-economic analysis of dairy feed technologies promoted in the Kenyan highlands

Abstract: The cost of feed is one of the major constraints to dairy cattle production in sub-Saharan Africa. East Africa dairy development project is promoting several feed technologies for dairy cattle in order to reduce costs and increase milk production and profits. Research was conducted to identify factors that affect farmers’ uptake of feed technologies, cost of feed and factors driving dairy milk yield through improved technologies and practices. There has however been no studies re...

Analysis of farmers’ adoption of zero grazing and knowledge of cattle reproductive parameters in western Kenya

Abstract: Besides soil replenishment through manure application , the zero grazing production system also contributes towards smallholders' standards of living and poverty reduction. Its benefits are many and substantial; in western Kenya, the livestock farmers have adopted it. However, factors influencing its adoption are not known. It is also not certain whether the livestock farmers who practice zero grazing are knowledgeable of the cattle reproductive parameters or not which is key to ze...

Multinomial Regression in Insect choice studies: A case of Leaf miner Parasitoids' choices

Abstract: Researchers are often confronted with multinomial data in insect choice studies. Common choice models available to researchers for analysis of multinomial data include multinomial logit (MNL) and multinomial probit model (MNP). MNL relies on the Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) assumption which is violated when choices are correlated resulting in overestimating the probability of selecting correlated alternatives. The more flexible MNP model relaxes IIA assumption an...

Diversity of ticks and tick-borne protozoan parasites from livestock and wildebeests at the Maasai-mara wildlife- livestock interface, Narok county, Kenya.

Abstract: Wildlife-livestock interfaces are hotspots for tick-borne livestock diseases, which cause high mortalities and morbidity. Wild bovines in these interfaces play a major role in maintaining tick vectors and tick-borne pathogens. This study explored the diversity of ticks infesting blue wildebeests (Connochaetes taurinus), cattle and sheep as well as the diversity of protozoan pathogens harboured by these ticks in the Maasai Mara which is one of the wildlife – livestock interfaces i...

Species composition and pollinator efficiency of Ocimum Kilimandscharicum flower visitors along Kakamega forest ecosystem

Abstract: Pollination is an important ecosystem service in the maintenance of biodiversity and most importantly in food production as it brings about fruit formation and seed production. Pollination is, however, on the decline due to several factors including habitat loss, exotic pest invasions, pollution, overharvesting, and land use changes. The Ocimum kilimandscharicum plant is known for its medicinal values and has gained more attention locally and internationally for its commercial use ...

Blood Feeding Pattern of Malaria Vector Reveals Malaria Transmission Dynamics in Three Islands of Lake Victoria in Kenya

Abstract: The Lake Victoria region of western Kenya is malaria endemic with a suitable environment throughout the year for the transmission of Plasmodium parasites by its primary mosquito vector, Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.), as well as other secondary vectors. Malaria control largely depends on vector control using long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) that protect humans from infectious bites while sleeping. However, the success of this strategy is greatly threatened by resistance ...

Expression of the Glossina Proteolytic Lectin (Gpl) Gene in Tsetse Flies and other Haematophagous Arthropods

Abstract: African animal trypanosomosis, transmitted by the tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) remains a major constraint to food security in areas of Africa that hold the continent's greatest potential for expanded agriculture production. The flies also transmit the parasite responsible for human sleeping sickness. Other haematophagous arthropods like stable flies also transmit trypanosomes mechanically. Mechanical transmission only accounts for a small percentage (-16 % ) of the trypanosomes trans...

Analysis of Microbial Load and Diversity in Crickets (Gryllus Bimaculatus and Scapsipedus icipe) used as a source of protein for food

Abstract: Crickets are drawing interest as sustainable source of protein for food and feed worldwide. However, there is little information on microbial quality of edible crickets thus the need for a profound insight into their safety. The objective of the study was to determine the microbial load of two edible cricket species Scapsipedus icipe and Gryllus bimaculatus and to evaluate the efficiency of different processing methods (boiling, sundrying, freeze-drying, snap freezing and deep fryi...

Purification and Properties of the Low Molecular Weight Protein from Haemolymph of the Tsetse Fly, Glossina Morsitans Morsitans

Abstract: Tsetse fly is an insect of great economic importance to man because it transmits sleeping sickness to both man and his livestock. The insect feeds on a bloodmeal thereby transmitting the disease from infected to healthy individuals. The tsetse fly, Glossina spp. belongs to the order Diptera and family Glossinidae and 22 species have been identified. The fly is mainly found in humid areas especially along the river valleys and bushes in Sub-Saharan Africa . Insects are known to poss...

Swelling of Polymer-Oligomer Particles

Abstract: A quantitative study of the swelling capacity of polymer-oligomer particles, and the rate of transport of slightly water soluble compound 1, e.g. chlorobenzene, from bulk phase to the particles has been carried out. A much higher swelling capacity was attained when compound 1 was subdivided (before it was added to the swelling experiments) than when it was added as a bulk at the same experimental conditions. It is shown that the increased swelling capacity when compound 1 is subdiv...

1351 - 1365 Of 8880 Results