Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Comparative efficacy of Neem(Azadirachta indica) and Amitraz (Mitac) against the two spotted spider mites (Tetranychus Urticae), on Tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum)

Abstract: Various neem (Azadirachta indica. A. Juss) formulations were evaluated under laboratory and greenhouse conditions for their effects on two-spotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Prostigmata: Tetranychidae), on tomatoes, Lycopersicum esculentum. Four neem formulations (Neemros: neem seed powder with 0.5% azadirachtin, Neemroc: a water miscible emulsifiable concentrate oil, with 0.03% azadirachtin, Saroneem: an alcohol extract; extracted in isopropyl alcohol, containing 1% a...

Localization and Functional analysis of an Aquaporin Gene (AQP 4886_gp) from Tsetsefly, Glossina Pallidipes

Abstract: Tsetse flies are vectors of African trypanosomes, the protozoan agent of devastating disease, trypanosomiasis that afflicts both humans and animals. Currently, there is no promising vaccine in the horizon and treatment efforts are further constrained by the rapid increase in parasite drug resistance observed in patients. In addition, little effort is being made to develop new and effective drugs. Alternative methods to control trypanosomiasis and its transmission are therefore requ...

Purification and characterization of Trypanoagglutinin from the Midgut of Tsetse fly, Glossina Longipennis

Abstract: The tsetse fly is an insect of great economic importance to man as a vector of both human and animal trypanosomiasis. Trypanosomes are ingested by the tsetse fly vector with a bloodmeal taken from .an infected host. In the midgut, these parasites are exposed to a hostile environment which comprises of lectins/ trypanoagglutinins, proteolytic enzymes, trypanolysins and other unknown factors. Lectins or agglutinins are a group of proteins of non-immune in origin, that bind carbohydra...

The Impact of Push-pull Technology on Incidence and Severity of Maize ear rots and Mycotoxins in Western Kenya

Abstract: Soil is the primary reservoir for fungi of which Aspergillus and Fusarium species are the main causal agents of maize ear rot and mycotoxin production. Season and cropping systems are known to influence soil fungal community structure. It is imperative to establish the distribution and density of soil fungal communities as a requisite for formulating strategies for management of ear rot infections and mycotoxin contamination. The current study was carried out to investigate the dis...

Behavioral Responses of tuta absoluta to a Wild and Cultivated Tomato Plants and Characterization of the Mediating Semiochemical blends

Abstract: Tomato is rated the second most important horticultural crop after potato in most parts of the world. However, its cultivation is threatened by infestations of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). The pest originated from South America and is now invading fields and greenhouse production sites in the world. Tuta absoluta was first officially reported in Kenya in March 2014 at Isiolo and has spread to all parts where tomato is grown. The pest has been nicknamed tomato ‗Al–s...

Characterization of Erythrocyte Receptor Polymorphisms in a Malaria Endemic Population in Kilifi, Kenya

Abstract: Malaria is a strong selective force in the human genome, selecting genes for resistance to disease in human populations living in malaria endemic areas. Selection by malaria has generated genetic variations, providing evolutionary driving force mediating polymorphisms such as Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency and sickle-cell anaemia. Genes encoding erythrocyte receptors of Plasmodium falciparum especially the sialoglycoproteins, glycophorins A, B and C, which are the mai...

Metabolism of Phosphoenolpyruvate Derived from Glucose Catabolism by Bloodstream Trypanosoma Congolense

The main purpose of this study was to establish the pathway(s) by which PEP from glucose catabolism is catabolised , the end products formed in the presence and absence of SHAM, the sub cellular localisation of some key enzymes involved in PEP catabolism and to partially characterise PEPCK in bloodstream T. congolense. 

Isolation and Characterization of Tick (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus) Attractive Compounds from Calcurnia aurea

ABSTRACT Ticks pose a major challenge and economic burden to livestock rearing as they inflict physical injury and transmit diseases resulting in heavy losses of livestock. Their control has relied mainly on the use of synthetic acaricides which are expensive and hazardous to the environment and non-target organisms. Intensive use of these acaricides has also resulted in tick resistance. Plant extracts could provide a viable alternative to tick control and management strategies. Calpurnia...

Host Range of Sturmiopsis Parasitica (Currran) (Diptera;Tachinidae) and Interspecific competition with Cotesa Sesamiae (Cameron)(Hymenoptera:Braconidae) in kenya

Abstract: Cereal stemborers in Kenya include Busseola fusca, B. phaia, Sesamia calamistis, S. botanephaga, Eldana saccharina, Chilo orichalcociliellus, and Ch. partellus. The stemborers cause 50% yield losses in cereal crops including maize, sorghum, and sugarcane. Damage to the host plants results from the feeding and excavating of tunnels by the larvae. The different stemborer control options include pesticides, early planting, intercropping with non-cereals, and host plant resistance. ...

Biochemical signal in the Tri-Tropic interaction between Anacardium Occidentae,Pseudotheraptus way and Oecophylla Longinoda

Abstract: The relationship between Pseudotheraptus wayi (cashew pest), Anacardium occidentale (cashew plant), and Oecophylla longinoda (natural enemy) is a trophic interaction that is very important in cashew nut production. However, the chemical ecology of the interaction, specifically between the cashew plant and natural enemy as well as the pest and natural enemy was little investigated. Based on the hypothesis that both interactions were mediated by chemical signals, the objective of thi...

Effect of Solar Disinfestation and Purdue improved Crop storage Bagging the control of Prostephanus Truncatus Horn in Maize

Abstract: This work demonstrates how an integrated approach can be used for controlling Larger Grain Borer (Prostephanus truncatus) in maize (Zea mays L.) using solar disinfestation followed by hermetic storage in Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags. PICS bags work by sealing grains in an airtight environment for long-term pest-free storage. In order to provide safe food with no inputs of chemical pesticides, the combination of solar disinfestation and the PICS bagging is likely to be a...

Bio Prospecting for Anti- mosquito Compounds from Turraea Abyssinica and Turraea Cormicorpia

Table of Content List of Tables List of Schemes List of Figures Abstract Chapter One 1.1 General introduction 1.2 Malaria parasite 1.3 Malaria disease 1.4 Malaria vectors 1.5 Malaria control strategies 1.6 Significance of study 1.7 Hypothesis 1.8 Justification 1.9 Objectives of the Study Chapter Two: Literature Review 2.1 Uses of natural products in mosquito control 2.2 The Family Meliaceae 2.3 The Genius Turraea 2.4 Limonoids 2.5 Biosynthesis of limonoids Chapter Three: Experimental 3.1 G...

Interspecific Competition Between Xanthopimpla Stemmtaor Thunberg and Dentichasmias Busseolae Heinrich (Hymenoptera: Inchneumonidae) pupal Parasitoids of Chilo Partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera:

Abstract: Chilo partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is an exotic cereal stem borer that was accidentally introduced into Africa from South Eastern Asia early 20th century. It is now widespread in most of the lowland areas of the Eeastern and Southern parts of the African continent. The invasive stem borer C. partellus, has proved to be a highly competitive colonizer in many of the areas it has invaded in eastern and southern Africa, often becoming the most serious stem borer.

Role of Plant Metabolites in Mediating Host Selection and Oviposition of Busseola Fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Abstract: In a previous study using three plant species (maize, sorghum and Napier grass), naïve gravid B fusca females significantly preferred sorghum and maize over Napier grass for oviposition a phenomenon, which was partly related to plant physical characteristics such as leaf surface texture and sheath toughness. The purpose of this study was therefore to determine the importance of plant chemical characteristics (volatiles as well as surface compounds) in host selection for ovipositio...

Sampling African Malaria Vectors Using Limburger Cheese and 'milk cream' as Odour Baits

Abstract: The efficacy of Limburger cheese as an odour bait for sampling African malaria vectors was evaluated. Studies were done in Suba district, Western Kenya at Lwanda Nyamasare village and in a screen house set up at the Thomas Odhiambo campus of the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). Preliminary investigations compared mosquitoes caught by a Counter Flow Geometry (CFG) trap baited with Limburger cheese, a standard centres for disease control (COC) light trap...

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