Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Understanding Network Preference of People

Emmanuel, O. (2008). Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: teenagers' use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression. New Media & Society, 10(3), 393-411

An Introduction to Computer Science and Problem Solving

An Introduction to Computer Science and Problem Solving 

Programming Building Blocks

INTRODUCTION TO PROBLEM SOLVING An algorithm is a sequence of simple steps that can be followed to solve a problem. These steps must be organized in a logical, and clear manner. We design algorithms using three basic methods of control: sequence, selection, and repetition. 1.1 Sequential control. Sequential Control means that the steps of an algorithm are carried out in a sequential manner where each step is executed exactly once. Let’s look at the following problem: We need to obtain the t...

Csc 102: Introduction to Programming

A computer is an electronic device that receives input, stores or processes the input as per user instructions and provides output in desired format. Input-Process-Output Model Computer input is called data and the output obtained after processing it, based on user’s instructions is called information.

CSC 102: Introduction to Problem-Solving

What is Computer Science? 6 • Computer Science can be summarized with two simple words: problem solving. • Computer Science is the study of problems, problem-solving, and the solutions that come out of this problem-solving process. • Given a problem, the goal is to develop an algorithm to solve the problem. • An algorithm is a step-by-step list of instructions to solve the problem.

Brief history of libraries; Library and education

Course Requirements, Grading, & ASSESSMENT: Students will earn a passing grade upon successful completion of the following 1. Weekly lectures 5 points. To earn full points for this learning activity you need to attend weekly classes 2. Weekly readings and summary of the readings 5 points. Submission deadline for this learning activity is every Monday by 06:00am 3. Weekly reflective journal entry 7 points. Submission deadline for this learning activity is every Sunday by 10:000pm 4. Weekly dis...

Challenges, Solutions Benefits of Pastoralism in East Africa

This study aimed at identifying the Challenges faced by Pastoralists in East Africa, the importance of pastoralism to the economy and people's livelihoods and the recommendations to help solve the problems

Impacts Of Prior Exposure To Laboratory Apparatus On Acquisition Of Process-Skills, Achievement And Retention Among Chemistry Secondary Students, Giwa Zone, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of prior exposure to Laboratory apparatus on acquisition of science process skills, academic achievement and retention in chemistry among secondary school students in Giwa Educational Zone. A total of 120 Senior Secondary two (SS II) chemistry students were in the study from a total population of 996. Non randomized pretest, post posttest, posttest experimental - control groups research design was used for the study. Chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) and...

Synthesis and Application of Potassium Fluoride/Eggshell - Iron (II, III) Oxide Catalyst for Single Stage Transesterification of Neem Oil

Abstract   Single stage alkali-catalyzed transesterification of vegetable oils having free fatty acid(FFA) content above 0.5% promotes saponification which lowers the biodiesel yield bydeactivating the catalyst. A strong solid base KF/Eggshell catalyst, which is capable ofcircumventing saponification while producing biodiesel in a single stage from neem oilhaving FFA content of 4.2% was synthesized. The catalyst was synthesized by a thermaltreatment of chicken eggshell at 900oC, followed by ...

Fast reconfigurable switch for microfluidics

A method to create smart and flexible switches for the regulation of liquid flow across multiple channels is essential in paper microfluidics. Prior approaches are hampered by long response times, high actuation fluid volumes, and external control circuitry. To diminish these problems, we designed a distinctive actuator device fashioned entirely from chromatography paper and featuring folds. The fold can be selectively wetted by an actuation fluid at either the crest or trough, resulting in t...

The effect of various drying methods on the nutritional composition of Lycopersicum esculentum and Abelmoschus esculentus L.

Abstract Food drying is one of the methods for preserving perishable foods for long periods of time. The nutritional composition of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentus) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentum) was investigated using the commonly available drying methods (sun, oven, and solar drying). The nutritional compositions of these food crops were determined after they have been dried using various drying methods and milled to pass through mesh size. The moisture content of these food samples wa...

Comparative study on the Effect of boiling on the nutritional composition of garden egg solanum melogena

  Abstract Garden egg is a plant with edible fruit and its potential as a medicinal fruit have also been investigated. Extract has been suggested to have effects that could be therapeutic and nutritional. Analyses were carried out to determine the proximate and phytochemical constituents of both processed and raw indigenous Africa eggplant (Solanum macrocarpon and solanum aethiopicum). Proximate analysis of process and raw solanum macrocarpon (WBA) per (100%) showed: 75.13% moisture, 3.50% ...

Nutrional composition of the fruit, leave, root and bark of Africa black velvet tamarind (Diallum guineense)

Abstract The study is to identify the presence of phytochemical composition, proximate composition and mineral composition of the fruit, leave, bark and root of Africa Black Velvet Tamarind (dialium guineense). It is aimed at investigating the nutritionall constituenrs of the fruit, leave, bark and root of Africa Black Velvet tamarind. The crude extract were obtained and were screened for the presence of Phytochemicals, in order to identify the therapeutic potential of the plant. The result ...

Nutritional composition of processed and unprocessed samples of unripe plantain (musa*paradisiaca)

Abstract People usually think food processing bring about reduction in food nutrients as well as the quantity because few quantities must have been lost or wasted during processing, many said food processing affect the taste and color of the food when compared to its whole form. Meanwhile, food processing which also includes its preparation makes food last longer than when in its whole form (increases its shelf life), although its positive effects are numerous but its negative effects canno...

Online Medical Appointment Booking System: Case Study - Bamboo Hospital

Table of Contents DECLARATION  APPROVAL  DEDICATION  LIST OF FIGURES  ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS  ABSTRACT  CHAPTER ONE  INTRODUCTION  1.0 Introduction  1.1 General introduction  1.2 Background of the Study  1.3 Problem Statement  1.4 General O b je c t iv e  1.5 Specific Objectives  1.6 Research Questions  1.6.1 General Research Question  1.6.2 Specific Research Questions  1.7 Significance of the Study  1.8.1 Content scope  1.8.2 Geographical  1.8.3 Time Scope  1.9 Study Li...

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