Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Controlling schistosomiasis with praziquantel: How much longer without aviable alternative?

Abstract The current approach of morbidity control of schistosomiasis, a helminth disease of poverty with considerable public health and socioeconomic impact, is based on preventive chemotherapy with praziquantel. There is a pressing need for new drugs against this disease whose control entirely depends on this single drug that has been widely used over the past 40 years. We argue that a broader anthelminthic approach supplementing praziquantel with new antischistosomals targeting different p...

Development of a Task Management Email System

Abstract  This project work analyzed the relevance of the Email in modern business practices and organization. As SMEs and large firms expand, they are faced with the problem of managing numerous staff dispersed in diverse field offices. There is a need to send up-to-date information about their products to a larger clientele. The proposed system design provides a management tool that handles employee task management, internal communication and information dissemination. The new system desig...

Effect of Occupational Lead Exposure on Zinc and Chromium Level among Factory Workers

Abstract Introduction: Lead is an oxidation reduction inactive metal however it interacts with a group of essential elements such as copper, zinc, selenium and chrome and iron. Accordingly current study aims to evaluate the effect of occupational Lead exposure on zinc and chromium level among factory workers. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study included 41 Lead exposure workers and 40 non exposure subjects as control group. Serum chromium and zinc were measured using Atomic Absorp...

Measurements of Radiation Doses of Natural Radioactive Material in Oil fields at West Kourdofan

Abstract Scale, sludge and sand samples were collected and analysed using thallium activated sodium iodide NaI(Tl) spectrometer to determine type, activity concentration, absorbed dose rate and annual effective dose of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) of samples collected from oil fields at West Kourdofan state. Scale radionuclides was found to be, 238U, 232Th and 40K at concentrations ranged from (4106.9 - 358.05) Bq/Kg, (2736.7 - 375.88) Bq/Kg and (9294 - 16.07) Bq/Kg respec...

Multivariate Approach to Time Series Model Identification

ABSTRACT  This work suggests an exact and systematic model identification approach which is entirely new and addresses most of the challenges of existing methods. We developed quadratic discriminant functions for various orders of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models. An Algorithm that is to be used alongside our functions was also developed. In achieving this, three hundred sets of time series data were simulated for the development of our functions. Another twenty five sets of simul...

Optical, Solid State and Structural Characterization of Optimized Grown Thin Films and their Possible Applications in Solar Energy

ABSTRACT Solution growth technique was used to deposit thin films of Manganese Suphide (MnS), Calcium Sulphide (CaS), Magnesium Sulphide (MgS), Barium Sulphide (Bas), Zinc Fluoride (ZnFz) and Calcium Oxide (CaO) on micro-slides (Substrates) at different bath parameters which include temperature, molarity of solution, Volume of solution and water, time of d.eposition and pH. The absorbance, A was measured using spectrophotometer ranging from ultraviolet to visible regions. The Transmittance, ...

Effect of Magnetic Field on the Thermal Conductivity of Single Crystal

ABSTRACT This research investigated the effect of magnetic field on the thermal conductivity of high temperature type II superconductors. The result suggested that the thermal conductivity of high temperature type II superconductor YBa2Cu3O7- decreases as the applied magnetic field increases at a given temperature. We also found out that the superconducting energy gap of YBa2Cu3O7- decreases in response to increasing temperature and applied magnetic field. At a critical temperature of ...

Physico-chemical Parameter Review of Drinking Water Portability at Daranna Community, Bagudo LGA of Kebbi State, Nigeria

Drinking water quality was investigated at Daranna community the mineral rich part of Kaoje town in Kebbi state, to ensure the continuous supply of clean and safe drinking water for the public health protection. In this regard, a physical and chemical analysis of drinking water samples was carried out for samples collected at different locations within the community areas. A number of parameters such as colour, temperature, pH, electric conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total hardness, COD, ...

Telecommunication Services and Economic Development in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  Since destruction of Somali central government in 1991, a number of telecommunication companies have been established to provide telecommunication services in Mogadishu Somalia that there is no significant studies have been done to determine the contribution of telecommunication services on the economic development in Mogadishu Somalia. Therefore, the study was conducted to examine the relationship between telecommunication service and economic development in Mogadishu Somalia. The...

Virtual Experiments in Metaverse

In this research paper we are introducing how virtual experiments work in metaverse one of the topic is as above : Smart Factory Using Virtual Reality and Online Multi-User: Towards a Metaverse for Experimental Frameworks                                                                                   Virtual reality (VR) has been brought closer to the general public over the past decade as it has become increasingly available for desktop and mobile p...

Solving Linear Systems

The object of this paper is to  solve linear systems.

The Gateway for the people with Special needs: Connecting people to information and services through web portal

This paper describes a research project which developed a Web Portal for the peoples with disabilities or people with special needs and their family members (if any of them are disabled).In India 2.21% of total population in India has disability . In them 2.41% of male population in India is disabled and 2.01% of female population are disabled[7] according to stats of 2021A web portal has been developed as part of a research project undertaken as a part of minor project. The project objecti...

Vedas and Knowledge of our Ancestors: True origin of microbiology.

India is treasure of traditional Knowledge which has been disseminated through non-institutional means from generation to generation and is, for the most part, undocumented. However, the knowledge about microbial world by Indian Rishis presented in Sanskrit Shlokas or Suktas of our traditional manuscripts such as Vedas remained unseen. Before the invention of microscope modern science had little knowledge about the microbial biodiversity which is very clearly Presented in Vedas and Gita. ...

Potentially Toxic Elements in Food Crops Grown on Urban Waste Dump-Sites A Case Study of Wakaliga Dump-Site, Kampala City, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the seasonal variation in the levels of contamination in soils, food crops, and domestic spring water samples from Wakaliga dumpsite in Kampala. Potentially Toxic Elements (PTE) and physicochemical properties were analysed during the dry season (May-July 2017) and the wet season (September-November 2017) and the results compared to standard limits set by international and local agencies. The results obtained indicated that some of the elements were ...

1636 - 1650 Of 8880 Results