Abstract This project work is concerned with application of Petri Net in protocol specification. In this project work, definition of Petri Nets and Protocols are given. The role and importance of formal specification techniques are also discussed. Petri Nets are a graphical tool and could be used for the formal description of the flow of activities in complex systems like protocol. It is gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for the representation of complex logical interactions like...
ABSTRACT Yoghurt was produced and flavoured with graded levels of watermelon pulp and juice. Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) juice and pulp was used to substitute 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% of yoghurt. The chemical, sensory and microbiological properties of the yoghurts were determined. The results showed that the pH of the yoghurt ranged from 4.68 to 4.90. The protein, ash, and fat content decreased with increase in watermelon juice and pulp. The fiber content increased with the watermelon pu...
ABSTRACT Digitized high resolution total field aeromagnetic data over Okigwe and environ (Sheet 312) was interpreted using the standard 3-D Euler de-convolution and spectral analysis in order to determine depth to the magnetic basement, delineate the basement topography and relief, and delineate the trend of the structural features associated with the basin. The aeromagnetic data were subjected to various data enhancement and transformation routines using the Geosoft Oasis MontajTM software...
Abstract This project report deals with the class of asymptotically demicontractive mappings in Hilbert spaces. We noted some historical aspects concerning the concept of asymptotically demicontractivity and studied a regularized variant of the Krasnoselskii-Mann iteration scheme, which ensured the strong convergence of the generated sequence towards the least norm element of the set of fixed points of asymptotically demicontractive mapping. Contents Certification ii Dedication iii Acknow...
Abstract This project developed an Intranet-Based Wiki with Instant Messaging Protocol (IBWIMP) for the Staff of the Department of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka to enable them collaborate on tasks; like writing of documents like, memo, project guidelines, proposal/grants, and circulars with online security consideration. The essence of this work is to improve on the contributions staff make during work, in carrying out tasks with their colleagues irrespective of the person...
ABSTRACT Zeolite crystals were synthesized by mixing sodium silicate and sodium aluminate to obtain aluminosilicate gel which was further treated hydrothermally to obtain the final product. The zeolite crystals were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The XRD result identified the synthesized crystals as zeolite z; additional evidence was provided by the SEM images which showed that the zeolite crystals were disc-shaped and the particle sizes rang...
ABSTRACT This research work is concerned with the detection, analysis and fixing of software bugs. The objective of this work was to identify software development process with a focus of identifying cost effective methods of developing and managing software systems by introducing a post-deployment debugging approach which helps track software’s stability and at same time serve as a software bug-data repository. To achieve this objective, a web-based application –BugTracker was developed...
ABSTRACT Cleaned Bambara groundnut seeds were divided into four lots. Each lot was separately pretreated thus: germinated, roasted, germinated and roasted, and unprocessed which served as control. Each sample was ground, sieved, and extruded using single screw extruder. Consumer preference test was done by a taste panel of 50 people who rated the products on the attributes of colour, taste, flavour and overall acceptability using a 9-point hedonic scale. The treatment (roasting) given on the...
ABSTRACT The study evaluated the efficiency of co-extruded polypropylene (PP) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) in extending the shelf-stability of unam inung traditional meat product during storage under ambient conditions. Fresh pork was processed, in traditional way, into unam inung meat product and stored for 6 months, under ambient room conditions as unpackaged, clay pot packaged (traditional method), and those packaged in polypropylene (PP), low density polyethylene (LDPE) and co-ext...
Abstract A nanocrystalline and porous p-Polyaniline/n-WO3 dissimilar heterojunction at ambient temperature is reported. The high-quality and well-reproducible conjugated polymer composite films have been fabricated by oxidative polymerization of anilinium ion on predeposited WO3 thin film by chemical bath deposition (CBD). X-ray diffraction analysis of the deposited WO3 films revealed that as-deposited film was amorphous; however, an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition was observed by ...
ABSTRACT Performance analysis is the task of monitoring the behaviour of a program execution. The main goal is to find out the possible adjustments that might be done in order to improve the performance of the computer system in use. To be able to get that improvement, it is necessary to find the different causes/contributors of overhead. Today, we are already in the multicore era, but there is a gap between the level of development of the two main divisions of multicore technology (hardwar...
ABSTRACT Personnel department is service-oriented towards staff and entails day-to-day activities of units some of whose functions overlap and involves recruitment of staff, retirement of staff, termination of appointment, processing of request for sabbatical leave, staff training and development, pension funds administration, health management organization, etc., and will be easier, faster and secure adopting a virtual approach rather than its manual counterpart. This project work will e...
ABSTRACT In this study, a series of N-pyridin-3-yl substituted [phenylsulphonamido] acetamide has been synthesized. The reaction of phenylsulphonyl chloride with various amino acids in basic medium yielded phenylsulphonamido alkanoic acid which, on chlorination with thionyl chloride, gave acid chloride derivatives of phenylsulphonamido alkanoic acid in situ. The acid chloride derivatives on condensation with 3-aminopyridine gave corresponding acetamide in good to excellent yield. The compoun...
ABSTRACT A shallow geophysical investigation for road surface failure using 2D electrical resistivity imaging profiling was conducted to produce an approximate model of the subsurface resistivity. This study was done with the aim of revealing the horizontal and vertical geological discontinuities using electrical resistivity, an intrinsic property of all materials. Probable zones of untimely failure along the road are then investigated by variation in resistivity. Four traverses were establi...
ABSTRACT Management of hyperglycemia is an essential strategy in control of diabetes mellitus which remains a major health problem despite several therapeutic interventions particularly inhibitors of a-amylase. Use of ethnobotanical options has prominently been reported, for instance, Lannea schweinfurthii reported for management of hyperglycemia, although there is no scientific information to validate its anti-hyperglycemic potential. The study was to determine structures of compounds from L...