Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics


Electricity supply in Nigeria has been a recurring decimal as huge amount of capital is involved. The aim of the study is to produce bioelectricity in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) from wastewaters. Wastewater from abattoir, fish pond, and stream were used to construct a microbial fuel cell and their physiochemical and microbiological properties were determined and the voltage of electricity produced was measured. Wastewaters were separately inoculated using pour plate to determine bacterial...

Synthesis and Characterization of Some Halides and Chalcogenide Crystals Using Sol-Gel Method.

Abstract In this research work, sol-gel technique was used to grow some crystals of halide and chalcogenide compounds. These grown crystals were doped with locally produced dopants from bamboo, raffia and potash to see how they can affect the optical and structural properties of the crystals. Dopants were produced from local materials using top down approach where bulk materials (bamboo, potash and raffia) were whittled down through burning into carbon dioxide, water and residual ashes contai...

Physico-Technical and Tableting Properties of Grades of Microcrystalline Cellulose Derived from Sorghum and Andropogon Plants

CONTENTS Page Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................... iv Abstract ................................................................................................................................. vi List of Tables .................................................................................................................... xiv List of Figures .................................................................

Effect of Processing on the Nutraceutical Potential of Nturukpa (Pterocarpus Santalinoides) Leaf

ABSTRACT Samples from Nturukpa leaf were processed using different processing methods. The first portion was oven dried at 50oC for 8 hours while the second portion was further divided into four parts and steam blanched at 100oC for 2, 4, 6 and 8 minutes, respectively. After blanching, each part was also oven dried at 50oC for 10 hours. Each dried sample was milled into flour. The third portion was wet milled (1:2 leaf: water, w/v), filtered and the filtrate was pasteurized at 65oC for 30 min...

Potentials of Piper Guineence (Schum and Thom) and Mondora Myristica (Gaertn) for the Protection of Stored Maize (Zea Mays) Against Sitophilus Zeamais

ABSTRACT Undamaged and uninfested maize grains were hand picked, packaged in moisture proof package and disinfested in the deep freezer for 96 hours. Thirty six sets (500g per set) of disinfested maize were weighed into prepared containers. Each set of maize was infested with 200 live maize weevils (Sitophilus zeamais). The weevils were reared on whole maize at room temperature inside a plastic bucket covered with muslin cloth. Graded levels (0 to 10%) of coarsely ground spices Monodora myris...

Mathematical Modeling and Control of a No - Isothermal Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, Cstr

ABSTRACT Mathematical Models describing the variations in the volume of the system, concentration of reactant (s) yet to react, temperature of the system, and the temperature of the cooling jacket over time in a non-isothermal CSTR that handles a simple, irreversible, first order or second order exothermic reaction in liquid phase were formulated. This work is with a particular reference to the synthesis of propylene from cyclopropane and that of cumene (isopropyl benzene) from benzene and pr...

Enhanced Information System for the SelfSustenance Activities of Tertiary Institutions (Case Study: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

ABSTRACT This project is concerned with the development of an Enhanced Information System for the Self-sustenance activities of Tertiary Institutions. Entrepreneurial activities are becoming common place in Nigerian institutions of higher learning, in their bid to raise funds in the face of dwindling government funding. The existing information systems are not sufficiently equipped to aid the managements of these institutions in the effective running of the fund generating ventures. The datab...

Locational Analysis of Industrial Plants at the 9th Mile Area of Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study examined the locational characteristics of the industrial activities at the 9th Mile area of Enugu State, Nigeria in order to identify the most important location factors, multiplier effects, and linkages among the industrial plants. The data analysed were collected from relevant sources using mainly the survey research method. Location quotient (LQ), Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Analysis, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were adopted in the analyses of the data....

Comparison Between Calculated and Measured Entrance Skin Dose of Common Radiographic Procedures in Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi

ABSTRACT The Entrance Skin Dose (ESD) for common radiographic examinations of forty (40) patients was measured prospectively at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi using LiF thermo-luminescent dosimeter (TLD) chips. The examination comprised ten (10) patient’s each of chest, abdomen, pelvic and lumbar sacral regions.The mean ESDs obtained by LiF TLD for Chest X-ray (PA), Plain Abdomen, Lumbar Spine (AP) and Pelvic (AP) were 0.50 mGy, 0.20 mGy, 0.80 mGy, 0.70 mGy respective...

Phytochemical and Bioactivity-Guided Evaluation of the Antibacterial Constituents of Psidium Guajava (Linn.) and Loranthus Micranthus (Linn.) Leaves

ABSTRACT Antibiotics have remained the mainstay of drug therapy of infectious diseases worldwide. Their use is, however, limited by their numerous adverse effects and rapid development of microbial resistance. Identification of natural products from plants that may serve as valuable sources of antimicrobial agents for medicinal or agricultural uses seems to be a viable alternative to the conventional antibiotics. To achieve this goal, biological assays should be carried out in order to identi...

Economic Analysis of GSM Provision in Nigeria

TABLE OF CONTENT Chaptcr One: Introduction 1.1 Inrruduction .............. ............................................................................................................ I 1.2 Problem Definition ......................................................................................................... I 1.3 Aims and Ohjectivcs ..................... .................................................................................... 2 1.4 Significance of Study.+ ......................

Effect of Drying Methods on the Nutrient and Phytochemical Properties of Some Cultivated and Wild Leafy Vegetables.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the nutrient and phytochemical composition of fresh, sun and shade dried okra, bitter, scent, G. latifolium and roselle leaves. The vegetables were purchased from two markets. Okra, bitter, scent and G.latifolium leaves were purchased from Nsukka and roselle leaves were bought from Jos market. All the vegetables were washed, weighed and divided into two equal parts. Each part was sun, or shade dried, pulverized, packed and stored. The fresh samp...

The Effect of 4-Acyl Substituents On the Infrared Stretching Frequencies of Some 1-Phenyl -3- Methyl -4- Acylpyrazol -5-Ones and Their Magnesium (Ii), Cobalt(Ii), Copper (Ii) and Zinc (Ii) Ch

ABSTRACT The divalent metal chelates of Mg,Co,Cu and Zn with 4-acetyl (hpmap), 4- benzoyl(hpmbp),4-butyryl(hpmbup),4-capyroyl(hpmcp),4-propiony (hpmprp) and 4-palmitoyl(hpmpp) derivatives of 1-phenyl -3-methyl pyrazol-5-one have been synthesized and characterized by UV ,IR, and conductivity measurements. It is shown that the ligands behaved like bidentate enols, all forming neutral chelates with the metal ions , bonding through oxygen of the enolic hydroxyl group and /or the oxygen atom of th...

A Survey of Industrial Pollution in Anambra State, An Assessment of Water Quality Parameters of Rivers Dodo, Oji and Ebenebe Lake

ABSTRACT A survey of industrial pollution in Anambra state WFS carried out between February A990 and June 1997, The survey showed that Idemili, Onitsha and Nnewi Local Government Areas h3ve the greatest concentration of industries* Some of these industries.: discharqe their wastes into the environment with very little or no tre3tment. ~histochemical characteristics of rivers godo, Oji and Ebenebe Lake were determined, The concentrations of some water-quality-parameters vi7, dissolved oxygen (...

Comparison of Gsm Promotion Subscribers’ Application Services

ABSTRACT The degree of confusion/illusion and domestic revenue wastages by GSM subscribers due to GSM promotional products increase annually. The GSM network operators are often ingenious and are typically motivated by money, anonymity or both. Due to the rising competition in the GSM promotion, network operators are becoming more collaborative, and as a result, more ingenious. Because of this, comparison of GSM promotion subscribers’ application services is required as an advisor to keep p...

1771 - 1785 Of 8880 Results