Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Economic Growth and Child Mortality in Uganda (1990 — 2010)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration A Declaration B ii Acknowledgement iii Dedication iv Abstract v Page Acronyms 1 Chapter One THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE 2 Background of the Study 2 Statement of the Problem 5 Purpose of the Study 6 Research Objectives 6 Research Questions 6 Hypothesis 6 Scope 7 Significance of the Study 8 Operational Definitions of Key Terms 9 Two REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 10 Concepts, Ideas, Opinions from Authors/Experts io Theoretical Perspectives 16 Related Studies 17 Three M...

Environmental Effects of Mining On Local Communities in Kitwe and Mufulira in Copperbelt Province, Zambia

ABSTRACT With the focus of the mining companies remaining on profit making, environmental pollution on the surrounding communities is what has characterized mining in Zambia. It is for this reason that study aimed at determining the environmental effects of mining on local communities in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. The study was guided by three objectives which were translated into three research questions; examine the methods of mining, establish the environmental effects of mining on...

Evaluating the Perception of E-Learners on the Efficiency and Reliability of MU ELearning Platform

ABSTRACT Kampala International University (KIU) has recently joined the league of institutions offering online education to learner. In an organizational setting, whenever a new technology is deployed, it is necessary to evaluate its success so as to understand if it’s been embraced by the users. It is therefore, necessary to evaluate the perception of c-learners from the “quality” point of view as they continue to use the platform for their learning. The aim of this study is to evaluat...

Procurement Policies and Compliance of Local Government in Central Equatoria State, Juba, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study on “Procurement policies and Compliance of Local Government” was conducted in Central Equatoria State, Juba, South Sudan. The study was guided by three specific objectives: i) to determine the level of Local Government compliance to procurement policies in Central Equatoria State; ii) to examine whether the procurement policies has helped to improved the quality of procurement outcomes of Local Government in Central Equatoria State; and iii) to find out if there is rela...

A Secure Cloud-Based Academic Enterprise Resources Planning (Caerp) Model for Higher Institutions “A Case Study of Kampala International University, Uganda”

ABSTRACT Academic Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are meant to integrate the separate activities, processes, and functions within a higher institution to help streamline the process and to provide real-time, on-demand information needs. The volume of data produced by academic institutions grows every day. Due to the increasing numbers of staff, students, departments, and programs, this continuous growth requires continuous scaling and improvement of the academic ERP system. Therefo...

Assessment of Levels of Heavy Metals in Water and Colloid Samples from River Oyun

Heavy metals have been a defining parameter concerning water quality. They have constituted a major degree in pollutants levels in the environment. The study was designed to investigate the comparative levels of heavy metals in colloidal and water samples in relation to the activities on the River Oyun and the activities around the sampling location. The samples were analyzed for six metals using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The results obtained showed that the concentrations of ...

Investigation of The Physicochemical, Microbial and Trace Metals Properties of Selected Packaged Drinking Water Sold in Kansanga, Kampala, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the physicochemical and microbial properties of Packaged Drinking Water, sold in Kansanga, Kampala. Seventy-two samples were selected by systematic random sampling from local stores in the study area. Three types of Packaged Drinking Water samples (bottled, sachet and handtied) were selected. Spring water samples were used as control samples. Titrimetric techniques were used to determine the Chlorides, Alkalinity and the Total Hardness, while Nitroge...

Effect of a Mixture of Allium Cepa and Camellia Sinensis Extracts On Hyperlipidemia Male Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT The burden of hyperlipidemia is on the rise globally especially in many low income countries like Uganda. Management of this metabolic disorder mainly involves dietary and behavioral therapies, which are often met with poor results as they require time and discipline from the patients. The chemotherapeutic options available are expensive, are associated with many side effects and are not readily available to the average citizen. Thus, an alternative effective remedy which is readily ...

Effect of a Mixture of Allium Cepa and Camellia Sinensis Extracts On Hyperlipidemic Male Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT The burden of hyperlipidemia is on the rise globally especially in many low income countries like Uganda. Management of this metabolic disorder mainly involves dietary and behavioral therapies, which are often met with poor results as they require time and discipline from the patients. The chemotherapeutic options available are expensive, are associated with many side effects and are not readily available to the average citizen. Thus, an alternative effective remedy which is readily ...

Population Growth and Youth Unemployment in Uganda (1991-2014)

ABSTRACT This study was motivated by the fact the Uganda has one of the fastest population growth rates in the world accompanied by high unemployment rates thus the study aimed at investigating the relationship between population growth rates and youth unemployment in Uganda (1991 to 2014). The specific objectives of the study were; to find out the long run relationship between the population growth rate and youth unemployment rate in Uganda, to examine the causality between population growth...


The primary aim of this study is to indicate the seasonal variations of heavy metals in the soil within the Abandoned Onyeama Coal Mine. To examine the extent of heavy metals pollution, 45 soil samples were collected from different locations inside and outside Abandoned Onyeama Coal Mine during the rainy and dry seasons for one year. The level of toxic metals viz., Pb, Cu, Mn, Zn, Cd, Fe and Cr were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Majority of the samples were below the sta...

Electricity and Magnetism

A detailed study about Electricity and Magnetism Electric charges and induction, Electric Field and Electric Field Lines, Electric Flux etc.

Appraisal of Construction Management Practice in Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Construction industry has complexity in it nature because it contains large number of parties such as clients, consultants and contractors. The factors that influence construction management practice differ from country to country, due to prevailing conditions. The objective of this project is to identify factors that influence construction management practice in Nigeria construction industry and elicit perceptions/ranking of the severity using relative importance index of the variou...

Periodic Fishing Ban and Community Livelihood on Lake Bangweulu Luwingu District Zambia

ABSTRACT This research aimed at investigating the effects of periodic fishing ban on fish stocks and community livelihood of Lake Bangweulu; Luwingu District of Zambia, it was guided by the following objectives: to evaluate the effect of periodic fishing ban on fish stocks of Lake Bangweulu in Luwingu District, to examine the effect of periodic fishing ban on income, business and food security of communities on Lake Bangweulu during and after the fishing ban and to propose a model for communi...

Effect of sintering additives on the densification and dielectric properties of Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 ceramics synthesized by a soft-chemistry method Nano-crystalline Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 powders with addition of LiNbO3 or LiF as sintering additives were prepared by a soft-chemistry synthesis using polyethylene glycol. Calcination at 600 C results in nanocrystalline powders (dcryst. 30 nm) which were sintered between 1000 and 1300 C to ceramic bodies. By addition of 10 and 20 mol % LiNbO3, the sintering temperature was reduced by about 200 K and the activation energy of the initial stage of sintering...

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