ABSTRACT Since it is very evident that it is almost impossible for the local producers to carryout quality assessment on locally produced food drinks such as Fura da nono, special attention needs to be paid to the hygiene procedures during the line of processing. In Bali metropolis of Taraba State, Nigeria, it was reported at a certain period of time in the year 2020 that some Fura da nono consumers (specifically the new migrants) came down with diarrhea after consumption. This led to this wo...
Abstract Eczema, an atopic dermatitis is one of the most economically important skin disorder, therefore remedial attention needs to be given to it. Unlike the orthodox belief, eczema is a genetic disorder of the epidermis (filaggrin, CARD 11 or KIF3A gene mutation) not an infection, therefore, treatment must be targeted towards correcting this rather than targeting Candida albicans, the yeast that infects the eczematous skin as a result of environmental exposure. Currently, all types of chem...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the seasonal variation in the levels of contamination in soils, food crops, and domestic spring water samples from Wakaliga dumpsite in Kampala. Potentially Toxic Elements (PTE) and physicochemical properties were analysed during the dry season (May-July 2017) and the wet season (September-November 2017) and the results compared to standard limits set by international and local agencies. The results obtained indicated that some of the elements were...
Abstract Locating files is one of the greatest problems in universities nowadays and large volumes of data are usually generated in most institutions of learning. Time is wasted in searching files, energy is misused in looking for misplaced files, deadlines are missed and sometimes files are lost. This study proposed the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology as a method of tracking and managing movement of files from one location to another within an organization, special ...
ABSTRACT This study was motivated by the fact the Uganda has one of the fastest population growth rates in the world accompanied by high unemployment rates thus the study aimed at investigating the relationship between population growth rates and youth unemployment in Uganda (1991 to 2014). The specific objectives of the study were; to find out the long run relationship between the population growth rate and youth unemployment rate in Uganda, to examine the causality between population grow...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the spatial distribution of road network and traffic congestion in Zaria. The study focuses on the road transportation system in Zaria Metropolis of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to examine the various factors contributing to overall traffic congestion, assess the spatial distribution of the road network and determine the traffic hotspots area. Zaria was chosen for the research due to its strategic location as a transit...
ABSTRACT. Online Doctor’s booking appointment system in hospital today necessitate a competent administration when handling Patients, generating reports for cashier, patients detail which serves as a key factor for the flow of business transactions in Nandi County Hospitals. The current appointment of doctors online leads to waste of time, misplacement of details, patient’s details and doctor’s records of reports and management of system has a lot of insecurity thus it may lead to l...
ABSTRACT This study was set to investigate the relationship between resource availability and maternal mortality in Budaka District, Uganda from 2005 to 2011. The study basically examined secondary data. It was also a descriptive-correlation since it sought to examine the relationship between the independent variables (resource availability) and the dependent variable (maternal mortality). The population of this study was the records on the variables of the study from 2005 to 2011. The stud...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS v CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the study i 1.2 Problem statement 2 1.3 Purpose 2 1.3.1 Objectives 2 1.4 Scope 2 1.5 Significance 3 1.6 Conceptual framework 3 1.7 Theoretical framework 4 CHAPTER TWO 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.0 Introduction 5 2.1 Information system 5 2.2 Role of information systems in an organization 5 2.3 Management information system 6 2.4 Human resources management informat...
ABSTRACT Water quality monitoring in developing countries is inadequate, especially in stream water affected by urban effluents and runoff. The purpose of this study was to investigate heavy metal contaminants in the Pece Stream water in Gulu Municipality, Northern-Uganda. Water samples were collected along the channel of Pece stream and other samples from Nakaseke River which served as a control site. Selected heavy metals (Zinc, Copper, Lead and Cadmium) were determined using Atomic Absorp...
ABSTRACT This study details the effects of increasing Consumer Price Index (‘CPI,) geographical coverage on inflation in the country. The study looked at the level 0/significance of Headline inflation and its related components, bejbre and a/icr geographical coverage increment. A comparison ofanalytical results obtained with two diffrreni CPI coverage, inflation numbers with Fort Portal Centre included in the computations and inflation numbers without Fort Portal Centre. The study applied...
ABSTRACT Performance appraisal is a formal management system that provide for the evaluation of the qualities o1 an indjviduals performance in an organization. One of the viable means of motivating staff in higher institutions of learning is to ensure that staff are rewarded with promotion and other benefits as at when due. in practice, this is not automatic as staff advancement is usually based on a number of criteria or indicators that should be aggregated to achieve a fair and transparen...
ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the relationship between telecommunication service and customer satisfaction in Hormuud and Somafone. The study was guided by four research objectives; to determine the demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms age, gender, educational level and number of years experience in telecommunication service; to determine the level of telecommunication service; to determine the level of customer satisfaction and to establish whether there is sig...
ABSTRACT With the focus of the mining companies remaining on profit making, environmental pollution on the surrounding communities is what has characterized mining in Zambia. It is for this reason that study aimed at determining the environmental effects of mining on local communities in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. The study was guided by three objectives which were translated into three research questions; examine the methods of mining, establish the environmental effects of mining ...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at examining the effect of private sector investment on economic growth in Uganda from the period of 1985 to 2014 using time series data. Specifically, the study examined the casuality, the long-run relationship between private sector investment and economic growth and also the impact of private sector investment on GDP growth. The objective was motivated by the fact that the problem statement emphasized that private sector investment has not yielded expected economic...