ABSTRACTThis project work identifies the challenges facing police departments that seek to implement computerized crime tracking information systems. The project highlights the importance of police departments identifying crime records and then designing systems that accomplish the tasks specific to the needs of their end-users. Data transfer, data integration, system customization, and confidentiality issues are discussed. One of the most significant shortcomings in the delivery of justice i...
ABSTRACTThe researcher chose to research on this topic “Computer Based Census Management System” because of its relevance to the society. Meanwhile, the manual method so far has its attendant problem of being tedious. The researcher, in order to solve this time consuming, monotonous, and repetitive manual census activities went into a thorough study of the existing system. In the report proper, the Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) was adopted and explained. The hi...
TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page Certification Dedication AcknowledgementAbstract Table of ContentCHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Aim and Objectives1.4 Significance of the Study1.5 Scope and Limitation 1.6 Organization of the Report 1.7 Definition of Term LITERATURE CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Evolution from Local to the Central Tape Backup2.2 The Emergence of Disk-Based Backup2.3 How Wide -Area Data Servic...
ABSTRACTSComputer Assisted Instruction today presents new options and opportunities: powerful Machines, advanced computer science techniques, and input from cognitive psychology. Using these tools well is a challenge for which there are few guidelines or examples. The Purpose of this write up is to describe how we used some simple artificial intelligence Techniques in a powerful educational programming environment to capture some of the Expertise of experienced teachers for an instructional p...
ABSTRACT On its inception and adoption, thereafter, presumptive tax became controversial and very difficult tax head to administer and collect. Government through the Uganda Revenue Authority has taken steps to sensitize the taxpayers about the implications, benefits verses costs and why it decided to introduce this tax head. Contemporarily it is evident that presumptive tax maintained a very low growth rate pf presumptive tax compliance against the expectation of the Uganda Revenue Authority...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background ofthe study 11.2 Problem Statement 21.3 Main Objective 31.4 Objectives1.5 Scope 31.5.3 Time 31.6 Significance 4CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction s2.1 Definition of Key Terms2.2 The Concept of E- Insurance 72.3 The Internet and Insurance 82.3.1 Internet Usage 82.4 Current Issues within the Insurance Industry 82.5 Application of E-commerce to Insurance...
Table of ContentsTable of Contents .................................................................................................................... iDeclaration ............................................................................................................................ ivApproval ................................................................................................................................ vDedication ..........................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONDEDICATIONAPPROVAL.ivACKNOWLEDGMENT vAbstract ixCHARPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11. lBackground to the Study 21.2 Statement of the Problem 31.3 Purpose of the Study 31.4 Research Objectives 41.5 Research Questions 41.6 Scope of the Study 41.7 Significance of the Study 4CHARPTER TWO 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Theoretical review 52.1 .1 Different forms of ICT School computers coverage in global context 62.1.2 ICT Resources and Skills in Teaching in Class 72.1.3 Computers ...
DECLARA11ON . HSUPERVISOR~S APPROVAL ~DEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT vLIST OI~ ACRONYMSABSTRACT.CI IAPTER ONE1.0 Introduction 41.1 Background to the problem1.2 Problem Statement 61.3 Main Objective 61.4 Specific Objectives 71.SScope /1.6 Significance /Cl 1APTER TWO’ 10Literature Review io2.0 Introduction 102.1 My Approach 102.2 A Flexible Conceptual Framework 102.3 Electronic Medical Records iiMedical Records and Billing System ii2.4 Billing Systems 122.4.1 Types of Billing Systems 13I2.4.2 Medi...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ......................................................................................................................................................... ISUPERVISOR'S APPROV AL .................................................................................................................................. IIDEDICATION .....................................................................................................................................................
Table of ContentsDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iiAPPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................................. ivDEDICATION.................................................................
Table of ContentsAcknowledgementDeclaration.Dedication ivAbstractList of Figures yiNList of Tables ixCHAPTER ONE 11.1 Background 11.2 Problem statement 31.3 objectives 31.3.1: general objective 31.3.2: specific objectives 31 .4Justification 41.6 Scope of the study 41.7 Significance of the study 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0. General description of gold 52.1: An overview of gold extraction process 62.2: Researches and developments 82.3: Artisanal and small-scale Gold mining 122.3.1: The...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACRONYMSLIST OF TABLESABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study 11.2 Problem Statement 31.3 Objectives of the Study 41 .4 Research Questions 41 .5 Scope of the Study 41.6 Significance of the Study s1.7 Justification of the study 51.7 Conceptual Framework 6CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0 Introduction 72.1 Theoretical Review 72.2 Conceptual Review 82.2.1 Employee Supervision 82.2.2 Organizational Performance 92...
ABSTRACT The research study explored the effect of commercial banks’ interest rates on the performances of SMEs in Makindye East Division, Kampala District. Performance of SMEs was guided by its indicators. And these indictors included; Expansion, profitability and total sales. The specific objectives of the study were; to determine the level of accessibility of credit by SMES from commercial banks, to determine the performance level of SMEs in Makindye East Kampala and lastly to establish ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENT iiDEDICATION iiiDECLARATION ivAPPROVAL vABSTRACT viChapter one 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Back ground of the study 11.2 Problem statement 21.3 Purpose of study 21.3.1 Specific objectives 21.4 Scope of the study 31.5 Justification of the study 31.6 Research questions 3Chapter two 4Literature review 42.0. Introduction 42.1 Definition of patient information system 42.2 History over patient information systems 52.4. Features of patient information systems 72.5 Format ...