Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Financial Statement Analysis and Decision Making Process A Case Study of Centenary Rural Development Bank in Kampala Town Uganda

The study analyzed the effect of financial statement analysis on decision making process a case study of centenary rural development bank Kampala town Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were, to determine whether management make use of financial statement in decision making, to fmd out and identify the role of financial statement in proper decision making, to identify the limitation pertaining to the use of financial statement in decision making. The study used qualitative and quant...

A Mobile Phone Based Mapping Application for Impala City Case Study: Kampala Capital City of Uganda

Abstract Many people in Uganda and abroad are gaining interest in coming to Kampala; this is due to the high rate of growth and development of Kampala city. These newcomers are unfamiliar with Kampala city and fail to locate various places of interest or destination, so navigation of Kampala suburbs like Ntinda Kamwokya, Kololo etc and other places of interests is not efficient. Currently, there are yahoo and Google maps which are inefficient because users must be connected to the internet us...

A Computerized Stock Records Management System (Csrms) A Case Study of Buhweju Tea Factory Store, Buhweju District

Abstract This project was aimed at developing a computerized stock records management system and the case study was Buhweju Tea Factory. A number of problems such as consuming of a lot of time, absence of data backup, slow generation and retrieval of reports/information, subjectivity to human errors among others were found out to be problems associated with the current paper based stock records management system in stores' section at Buhweju Tea Factory. The objectives of the study were to an...

The Effect of Government Expenditure in Agricultural Output in Uganda. A Case Study at and a Coffee Development Authority (Ucda)

Abstract This study examined the effect of Government expenditure on coffee output and productivity in Uganda over the period 2005-2015 with time series data collected from Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA), Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) and Bank of Uganda (BOU). The present study applied ADF Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique as an analytical tool to analyze the data. The results of significance testing showed that there exists a long-run relationship among Government expend...

“Design and Implementation of Management Information System of Health Center” Case Study: Health Centre of Islamic University in Uganda

Abstract The Islamic university health center was founded when the university started its operation in 1988 as a sickbay. The health center’s major aim is to provide medical services to the patients in the university plus the surrounding community. Islamic university health center works hand in hand with other departments that help it to enable its work move smoothly that is to say the bursary department. Since Islamic university health center is offering medical services but its using manu...

Impact of Storage Practices and Pest on the Quality of Cocoa Beans in Warehouses in Brofoyedru Cocoa District of Ghana

This study assessed the storage practices of five licensed buying companies (LBC) and pests which affected the quality of stored cocoa beans in the study area. The study comprised of field survey using questionnaires. Samples of stored cocoa beans were collected for periods of 0, 2 and 4 weeks of storage. Laboratory experiments were done to check physical quality characteristics using the cut test method, insect damage, purpleness and weight loss. Insects present in b...

Eutrophication Status of Shallow Wells in a Cretaceous Regolith Aquifer, Enugu Metropolis, South-Eastern Nigeria

The protection of groundwater quality is a critical aspect of ecosystem preservation. Nutrient (NO3-N and PO4-P) and non-nutrient (temperature and pH) assessments were carried out to study the shallow groundwater quality of Enugu metropolis in Southeastern, Nigeria. The result reveals that NO3-N and PO4-P are the main factors that endanger shallow groundwater quality safety of the Enugu metropolis. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations were observed to vary across the e...


Groundwater is one of the most valuable natural resources,playing a fundamental role in human health and wellness, socioeconomic development, and ecosystem functioning. Being the elixir of life,water resources ensure the stability of the ecosystem and the status ofhuman health. Hydrogeochemical characteristics of thegroundwater/surface water in the Ozalla were investigated by analyzingseven groundwater/surface samples, using various statistical methodsand graphical approaches to identify fact...

An Online Website to Manage Students Registration Case Study: Montessori International University

Abstract This report helped the availability of data and information stored in database; this is an important aspect and resource for all the details concerning certain entity or subject when required. Therefore it~s important that this resource is stored and easily retrieved for consumption whenever required in correctness, consistency and reliability. This project is directed toward designing and implementation of website in connection with database software that is capable of holding stud...

A Collaborative E-Learning and Student Feedback System for A Model African University Case Study: Department of Distance Education of Kampala International University

ABSTR4CT Tremendous changes in information technology and the Internet as whole have revolutionalized many application areas, among which F-learning is a key achievement. The department of distance learning at KIU was the orthodox method of education delivery to various students in various localities. The collaborative E-learning system presented in this report provides an incentive that students can enroll and register for E-learning programs. These are scheduled periodically giving room fo...

Mobile Money Services and the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Uganda; A Case of Centenary Bank, Mapeera Branch

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of use of mobile money services on the financial performance in centenary bank Uganda. It was guided by three objectives; (i) to determine the level of use of mobile money services in the banking industry in Uganda, (ii) to establish the level of financial performance in the banking industry in Uganda and (iii) to establish the relationship between the use of mobile money services and financial performance in the banking industry...

To Assess the Knowledge of Danger Signs in Pregnancy Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic in Kampala International University -Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT A cross-sectional study was done on the Topic: Assessment of knowledge of Danger Signs among pregnant women attending ANC in KIU-TH). Pregnancy is a normal process that results in a series of both physiological and psychological changes in expectant mothers. However, normal pregnancy may be accompanied by some problems and complications which is potentially life-threatening to the mother and the fetus. Fraser et al (2003). Danger sign(s) is a term used to refer to a group of symptom...

Information Communication Technology and Business Performance: A Case Study of Selected Sme's in Kampala - Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to establish the impact of information communication technology on the business performance of Selected SMEs In Kampala - Uganda. The research was guided by four objectives. (i) to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, education, and enterprise number of years in business. (ii) to establish the level of business performance in selected SMEs Kampala - Uganda, (iii) to establish the ICT tools (web logs) used by selected SME's in Kampal...

Real Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate and Private Investments in Uganda (1990-2014)

ABSTRACT  The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of real exchange rate and inflation on private investments in Uganda. The two objectives were to determine the effect of real exchange rate on private investment; to determine the effect of inflation rate on private investment. The study used Real exchange rate, Inflation rate, Bank credit, Foreign direct investment, Public investment and trade as the determinants of private investment using secondary data for a period of 199...

Effects of Boarding Students’ Living Conditions On Their Academic Performance in Secondary Schools: A Case of Masindi Central Division, Masindi Municipality.

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to assess the living conditions associated with the academic performance of boarding students in secondary schools in central Division, Masindi Municipality. The assessment was made by the characteristics of the students, living conditions in which feeding, sanitation and accommodation were investigated. Using primary data based on the sample of 180 boarding students from Masindi SS, Ikoba girls’, Jordan Pride SS and Masindi academy SS where data wa...

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