Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

A Hotel Booking System: The Case Study: Impala Hotel Rwanda Kigali

ABSTRACT The object-oriented programming (OOP) course that we took for 3 years placed emphasis on the paradigm of advanced Programming techniques. OOP is a programming paradigm that represents concepts as objects that have data fields (attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. Objects, which are usually instances of classes, are used to interact with one another to design applications and computer programs. OOP also bases its values on simplicity, commu...

Online Academic Discussion System A Case Study Of Banda University

ABSTRACT Universities are explo1·ing pedagogical approaches to learning in order to deal with challenges such as increased class sizes, limited funding support, and difficulties in (facilitating and encouraging active participation and learning among a diverse cohort of students. This paper reports on a study of the effectiveness of a pedagogical approach that blends online discussion boards and case studies (Brown, R, 2001). Analyzing quantity and quality of online postings and comparing a...

Accidents and Mortality Rates in Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was about the relationship between accidents and mortality rate. The objectives of the study were:-To establish the level of accidents in Uganda, to determine the level of mortality rate in Uganda, to establish the relationship between accidents and mortality rate in Uganda. The study found that there was a weak relationship between accidents and mortality rates and the mortality rates largely depended on the other factors. Among the causes of accidents, human behavior was...

Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self-Belief as Correlates to Performance in Mathematics. A Study of Students of Freeway High School

ABSTRACT There has been a growing interest in research investigating various issues of students’ mathematics performance. Following the theory of planned behaviour and the Self—efficacy theory, this study aimed at determining the effect of attitudes, subjective norms, and Sd labellers on the mathematics performance of students in secondary schools. The study involved 75-I X() respondents who were randomly selected. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. Data going and entry were c...

Common Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Among Infertile Males On Referral to The Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Background: Studies to find the association between male infertility and mtDNA mutations have been carried out by many researchers but reports from these studies have been varied and contradictory at times. However studies of this nature are scarce in Ghana. The present study has therefore provided a baseline data on mtDNA mutations in relation to male infertility for further studies to be carried out in this area. Main Objective: The overall objective is to ascertain the common mtD...

Face Recognition Under Angular Constraint Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis with Singular Value Decomposition

ABSTRACT The complexity of a face’s components originates from the incessant variations in the facial component that occur with respect to time. Notwithstanding of these variations, humans recognise a person very easily using physical characteristics such as faces, voice, gait, etc. In human interactions, the articulation and perception of constraints; like head-poses, facial expression form a communication channel that is additional to voice and that carries crucial information about ment...

Development of Starter Culture for Fermentation of Millet into Fura and Preservation of Fura by Gamma Radiation

ABSTRACT Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are the most widespread of organisms responsible for food fermentation and have been applied as commercial starter cultures in many food industries. A study was conducted to develop a starter culture for the fermentation of millet into Fura and to extend the shelf life of Fura by gamma radiation. The isolation, characterization and identification of the LAB and yeasts responsible for Fura fermentation was carried out using physiological methods. A brief su...

Effect of Chemical Pre- Milling Treatments On the Physico-Chemical Properties of Mucuna Sloanei ‘Ukpo’

ABSTRACT This study examined the effects of chemical pre-milling treatment on the physico-chemical as well as pasting properties of Mucuna sloanei ‘ukpo’ flour. The seeds were treated with Distilled water, Citric Acid, Sodium bicarbonate, and Sodium Chloride solutions at various levels of concentration (1% 2.50%, 5% 7.5%, 10% w/v) before milling into flour. Proximate and functional properties of the flour were evaluated. Functional property analysis, of the Chemical treated flour showed t...

Effect of Chronic Exposure to Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollution On Some Biochemical Parameters of Individuals Native to Ebocha, Niger Delta

ABSTRACT The impact of pollution due to gas flaring on individuals native to Ebocha in Niger Delta Area was investigated. One hundred and five apparently healthy individuals between 21-70years who consented for the study were screened, seventy five individuals from Ebocha and thirty from Nsukka-a control location with no history of petroleum hydrocarbon pollution. Standard analytical procedures were used in the determination of the concentration of ascorbic acid (AA) of the individuals (males...

Design and Implementation of a Poultry Farm Database Management System. (A Case Study of Chicken -Run Poultry Farm)

CHAPTER 1 Poultry Farming is the commercial raising of chickens, fowl, turkeys, geese, and ducks for their meat and eggs. The birds are kept intensively in a confined area where they are fed and managed carefully. Their economic significance varies considerably around the world. Poultry farming m Nigeria is a very economically and commercially viable business due to the fact that poultry birds do not jusl serve as meat, but also produce eggs for human consumption and other purposes. Al most ...

Clustering News Articles Using K-Means and N-Grams

ABSTRACT Document clustering is an automatic unsupervised machine learning technique that aimed at grouping related set of items into clusters or subsets. The target is to create clusters with high internal coherence, but different from each other substantially. Simply, items within the same cluster should be highly similar, while maintaining high dissimilarity with items within other clusters. Automatic clustering of documents has played a very significant role in many fields including data...

Determination of The Number of Non-Abelian Isomorphic Types of Certain Finite Groups

Abstract The first part of this work established, with examples, the fact that there are more than one non-abelian isomorphic types of groups of order n = sp, (s,p) = 1, where s1 was worked out and such groups have no non-abelian isomorphic types. This gave credence to the fact that a group of order 15 and its like do not have a non-abelian isomorphic type. It also generated the non-abelian isomorphic types of groups of order n = spq, where s, p and q are distinct primes considering the cong...

Development of Role Based Access Control Application Model for Information Security Management in Electronic Payment System

ABSTRACT Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is a flexible and policy neutral access control security management model. For large systems, with hundreds of roles, thousands of users and millions of permissions, managing roles, users, permissions and their interrelationships is a formidable task that ca1mot realistically be centralised in a small team of security administrators. An appealing possibility is to use RBAC itself to facilitate decentralised access control security administration of R...

Design and implementation of a computer based payroll system

ABSTRACT This project work ‘Design and implementation of computer based payroll system’ is aimed at creating a computer based payroll system.  payroll is a critical operation for every organization to pay employee accurately their salary and enrollments on time. The idea of taking control of employees pay calculations are quite tedious if done manually and require more effort and time mainly for big organizations. Hence if this process is automated, it would be of great benefit as it wou...

Design And Implementation Of Web Based Veterinary Information Management System

ABSTRACT It has always been an issue that most veterinary hospitals do not have efficient methods of handling data for patients. There are often cases where the doctors offer wrong or repeated medication for a patient mostly because they do not have a standard record keeping facility that allows them to follow up a patient’s medical record from registration to discharge as well as check-up visits. It is in the light of this problem that the needs for strong, efficient, error-free and cost-e...

2101 - 2115 Of 8849 Results