Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Automated Researvation System For Swift Safaris Bus Comj> Any (Ssbrs) A Case Study Of Swift Safaris Bus Comj>Any Ltd Uganda.

ABSTRACT This project report documents the main stages taken and used to help create a automated management bus reservation system for Swift safaris Bus ltd. Presently, the company uses a manual system that does not keep records to book passengers and does not allow advance reservations. The system developed using VB 6.0, Microsoft Visual Data Manger, and SQL is meant to enable Swift Safaris Bus ltd to book passengers, retrieve and update their records, schedule buses, allow advance reservat...

Student Portal Application System For Accessing Student’s Information (Results And The Class Timetable)

Abstract The student portai application system is a system that allows a student to access the results and the timetable with ease. Class timetables and examination results and other curriculum activities are issued through paper printouts which are pinned to notice boards, perimeter walls, corridors and affix to office windows affecting light illumination in the office. This medium of issuance is outdated, expensive, and bulky and most of all easily ignored. The SPAS system solves these prob...

Examination Results Distribution System

ABSTRACT This project report presents the proceedings of the design and implementation of an examination results distribution system for the institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda. The project aimed at facilitating the Examination Results distribution for the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda. The data used was obtained through interviews carried out face-to-face. reading through records and observation. The system was made to operate using the functionality of ...

Pmtct- Plus Learning Site Management Information System A Case Of Mukujju Sub~ County Tororo District

ABSTRACT The evolving pattern shift resulting from IT, social and technological changes has created a need for developing an innovative knowledgebased healthcare system, which can effectively meet global healthcare system demands and also cater for future trends, PMTCT- plus learning site management information system (MIS) is developed with this sole aim in mind, which helps in processing and management of health center information not only inside the boundary, but also beyond the health cen...

Patient, Employee Monitoring And Billing System; A Case Of Kizibacommumty Hospital Wakiso District

ABSTRACT he availability of data and information is an important aspect and resource for all etails concerning certain entity or subjects when required. Its important that this ~source is stored and retried for consumption whenever required in its correctness, onsistence and reliability. This project is directed to designing and implementing a atabase software that is capable of holding patients and employee information in Jziba hospital so as to solve the problems and challenges they usually...

Web Based Library Information System For A Secondary School Case Study: Lubiri High School

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION.,~ APPROVAL ..,,.._..,... ,“—. .......... ..~~....~..,ii ~~,———.iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,,,~.,,,~,,,,,.•,~•••,, TABLE OF CONTENTS~ • v LIST OF TABLES~ ~•,, LIST OF FIGURES~...~,.,.~..,..,.,~vii CHAPTER ONE .~,.~,,, ,•~,, ....~...,,~ i 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 Objectives of the study 3 1.4 Research questions 4 1.5 Scope of the Study 4 1.6 Significance of the Study 4 1.7 Justification of ...

Design And Implementation Of An Automated School Management System: A Case Study Of St. Peter’s Secondary School, Naalya.

Abstract The research was mainly carried out to study the impact of computer-based systems on information sharing and data flow within St Peter’s SS Naalya. The major problem identified was the use of manual papers. The main objective of the study was to develop an automated school management system that will improve the operations of St Peter’s SS Naalya. Different techniques were used to collect data like interviews, observation, questionnaires. The design and implementation of the syst...

Population Growth And Employment In Uganda (1991-2014).

ABSTRACT The research was interested in finding out the relationship of population growth and employment in Uganda from 1991 to 2014. The study objectives were; to establish the level of population growth in Uganda from 1991 to 2014, to determine the level of employment of Uganda from 1991 to 2014, and to find out the relationship between population growth and employment in Uganda from 1991 to 2014. However, the research hypothesis was that there is a significant relationship between populati...

Analysis And Evaluation Of Network Intrusion Detection Methods; A Case Of Anomaly Detection And Signature Detection Approaches

ABSTRACT Many Network administrators and network analysts in organizations do not know which intrusion detection system to use. This is partly due to the fact that there is no clear comparison between the different intrusion detection systems. Therefore. organizations need concrete comparisons between different tools in order to choose which best suitc for their needs is. This research aims at comparing anomaly with signature detection methods in order to establish which is best suited to gua...

A Computerized Records Management Database System For Edgars Soccer Academy

ABSTRACT Soccer Academies today necessitate a competent administration when managing all entities in the academy systems. These entities may include the staff members, trainees (players), registration processes, grading process and attendance as well as their discipline which I believe is a key factor for better Academy performance. Unfortunately, Edgars Soccer Academy does not have a Computerized Records Management System to efficiently perform these administrative tasks. To check for regist...

Web -Based Students’ Academic Management System; A Case Of School Of Computer Studieskampala International University

ABSTRACT By the year 2000, academic, administration and management was based of file based records where information was stored in files. Data redundancy, ambiguity and wastage of time came out as a hindrance to the whole system due to poor record management. Student records were stored under a format where each student had to inquire for academic material which could waste a lot of time given a big number of students. A new system was implemented in order to capture and avail information to ...

Stock And Customer Order Management System Case Study: Hargeisa Keyse Bushaaro, Somaliland

ABSTRACT The Project Supermarket Management System deals with the automation of supermarket. It includes both sales and purchase of items. The project Supermarket Management System is to be developed with the objective of making the system reliable, easier, fast, and more informative. There is a lot of reason for the introduction of this project. In the manual System, there are number of inefficiencies that a salesperson faces. Large records-books have to be maintained where relevant and...

Fiber Optic Cables And Traditional Cables A Comparative Analysis Of Network Performance: A Case Of Telecom Companies In Uganda

ABSTRACT This work looks at the weakness of traditional cables visa optical fiber cables. The trend currently was that telecom companies are diverting from traditional cables to modern cables. The study was focused on MTN Telecom Company in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to analyze the performance of fiber optic cable against other traditional cables. The research work indicates both positive and negative benefits of optical fiber cables against traditional cables for example in ICT dep...

Wildlife Tourist Monitoring Management System For Kipedo Valley National Park In Uganda

ABSTRACT Vildlife is refers to the place where animals, birds kept such as; giraffe, ostrich, elephant, cheetah, leopard, kudu, zebra, buffalo and so many others. Kipedo Valley National Park is located in the extreme North of the country bordering with Sudan and Kenya, .It covers an area of 1,344 sq .km. The project is about casing the tourist data monitoring system in the National park 1 setting Kipedo national Park as a case study. A manual system of data entry, update and storage of da...

The Impact Of Credit Management On The Performance Of Small Medium Seized Enterprises: A Case Study Of Finca Uganda, Gulu Branch.

ABSTRACT This study focused at designing and implementing an Integrated Web Driven Loan Security Application (IWDLSA), which will assist micro finance institutions to identify any object that is already in the loan security database. The IWDLSA developed during the study, compares the intended security and all securities already in the database. Through establishment of the requirements for a Loan security management application that identifies any security object that is already pledged...

2731 - 2745 Of 8880 Results