Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Predictive Models For Identifying Critical Units For Inspection In A Regulatory Body

ABSTRACT Routine inspections are conducted at various food establishments that yield large data sets, which capture attributes useful for data mining algorithms to predict critical violations. Critical violations related to food establishments cause serious public health problems, which may happen as result of unhygienic environment, leading to food contamination. This study presents predictive models to detect critical violations in food establishments by employing Logistic Regression (LR),...

Comparison Of Treatment Indices Between Telecobalt Machine And Linear Accelerator-Based Treatment Plans For Selected Conformal Radiotherapy Cases

ABSTRACT The use of telecobalt machine in radiotherapy is of concern in developing countries where there is a limited resource. As such, the study was to ascertain if telecobalt (cobalt60) machine could be feasible to generate and deliver treatment plans with optimal treatment indices comparable to those of a linear accelerator (Linac). Retrospective DICOM-Radiotherapy images of patients earmarked for treatment of breast, prostate and lung cancer obtained from the European Society for Radiot...

Public Transport And The Spread Of Infectious Diseases; A Case Of Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA)

ABSTRACT Many are the challenges facing Emergency Medical Service (EMS) in the developing world including Sub-Saharan Africa. These challenges include insufficient resources in terms of vehicles (the ambulance itself), limited staff and equipment, poor communication and transportation network, just to mention a few. As a result, people resort to private and public transport (Taxis) in times of emergency health situations. It is however not certain that these public and private vehicles emplo...

Incidence And Molecular Characterization Of Neonatal Human Rotavirus Strains In Accra.

ABSTRACT Specific and sensitive tests for the detection and typing of rotavirus strains are essential for a more assessment of the epidemiology of rotaviral infection in a community. In this study, 200 stool specimens obtained from October, 1999 to March, 2000 from neonates at the Babies Unit of the Korle-Bu teaching and Legon Hospitals were examined. Group A rotavirus was detected in 30% and Non-group A in 2.5% of the samples tested by either enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for th...

The Origin And Hydrochemical Evolution Of Groundwater In The Lake Bosumtwi Area, Ghana

ABSTRACT Lake Bosumtwi is an important natural inland freshwater meteorite crater lake due to its scientific and socio-economic importance to both local and international communities. Although groundwater has been the main source of water supply for people living around the lake and visitors/tourists, very little work has been conducted with regard to the quality of the groundwater delivered by the aquifers within the lake basin. These aquifers are made up of the metasediments of the Birimia...

Molecular Detection And Epidemiology Of Shigella Spp. And Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli (ETEC) Infections Among Children With Acute Gastroenteritis In Accra, Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Diarrhoea remains an important public health problem and is the second leading cause of mortality and morbidity in children throughout the world, especially in developing countries. In Ghana, diarrhoea is the third common cause of hospital attendance of young children. It is responsible for 13.1% of hospitalizations among these children and an annual average of 5, 193 deaths in children under 5 years of age. Bacterial enteropathogenic agents of diarrhoea and mechanisms r...

Modified Bio-Sorbents For Pre-Concentration Of Essential Trace Elements From Raw And Fermented Selected Foods

   ABSTRACT This study reports a new method of pre-concentrating Zn2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Mo6+ and I- ions present in food stuffs using modified bio-sorbents. These elements are in low levels in many food stuffs commonly consumed and some are way below the recommended daily intake (RDI). Examples of mitigating such situations include the addition of iodine to table salt in minute portions. However, table salt in foods increases sodium levels causing problems to consumers with high blood pressure...

Prediction Of Reaction Mechanism And Absolute Rate Constant Using Computer Algorithm: The Bromate Ion In Acidic Media Reaction

ABSTRACT Computational and theoretical advances have progressed sufficiently so that it is now possible to calculate reaction rates directly from ab initio theory without the intervening use of any analytical method. The rate constants of chemical reactions are calculated using information about the structures, energies, and Vibrational frequencies of reactants and transition states. Computer algorithms help in determining the structures of the molecules and in understanding how molecules re...


ABSTRACT Thaumatococcus daniellii and Musa accuminata are leaves used for wrapping foods and these herbs have some medicinal value. The affordability, preservation, usage techniques, and seasonal scarcity of the leaves make it difficult for people to use them frequently but they are preferred over plastic bags and aluminum foil in terms of wrapping edible foods like beans pudding (moi-moi), agidi, etc and fresh foods like uncooked meat, vegetables etc. This research work involved phytochem...

Synthesis Of New N,N-Disubstituted Aryl- And Alkylaryl Sulphonamides And Their Antimicrobial Properties

ABSTRACT The reaction of α–toluenesulphonyl chloride with various readily available amino acids in basic medium afforded α–toluenesulphonamides (1a-k) which had their acid function subsequently amidated with diethyl amine to obtain their corresponding new N,Ndiethylalkanamido substituted α–toluenesulphonamide derivatives (2a-k). The electrophilic addition of p-toluenesulphonyl chloride with various amino acids' nitrogen gave p-tolylsulphonamide derivatives (4a-k) which upon further ...

A Fuzzy Association Rule Mining Expert-Driven Approach To Knowledge Acquisition

ABSTRACT This study tackles two concerns of knowledge engineers in designing and developing a fuzzy rule-based expert system (FES). First is to acquire a knowledge-base that emulates human perception of application domain concept in order to avoid sharp boundary problems. Second is the need for modelling a comprehensive fuzzy rulebased expert system which eliminates redundant rules in order to solve the problem of rule-base unwieldiness and provide for knowledge-base instant updates. This th...

A Model For Stock Price Prediction Using The Soft Computing Approach

ABSTRACT A number of research efforts had been devoted to forecasting stock price based on technical indicators which rely purely on historical stock price data. However, the performances of such technical indicators have not always satisfactory. The fact is, there are other influential factors that can affect the direction of stock market which form the basis of market experts’ opinion such as interest rate, inflation rate, foreign exchange rate, business sector, management caliber, inves...

Simultaneous And Single Gene Expression: Computational Analysis For Malaria Treatment Discovery

ABSTRACT The major aim of this work is to develop an efficient and effective k-means algorithm to cluster malaria microarray data to enable the extraction of a functional relationship of genes for malaria treatment discovery. However, traditional k-means and most k-means variants are still computationally expensive for large datasets such as microarray data, which have large datasets with a large dimension size d. Huge data is generated and biologists have the challenge of extracting useful ...

Numerical Modelling Of West Africa Regional Scale Aerosol Dispersion

Abstract The danger of aerosols loading in the lower atmosphere of West Africa is a source of concern both at the short or long term. Currently, there are about 45% available data sets over West Africa; hence, it is difficult to ascertain the level of threat that life forms in this region would be exposed to in the nearest future. In this thesis, it was proposed that the current challenges bedevilling the functionality of measuring devices are more of systemic error than design error. The ai...

Performance Evaluation Of Coap And Http On Tsch Minimal Schedule

ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) usually consist of sensor nodes and gateways with limited resources such as memory, power and size. As a result, WSNs require bandwidth-efficient, memory-efficient and energy-efficient application protocols for data transmission. If data transmission at the application layer is not efficient, more re-transmissions will occur across the network which consumes limited resources of the WSN. Therefore a careful and extensive performance evaluation is need...

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