Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Fourier Transform And The Fundamental Solutions Of Mechanical Models With Internal Body Forces

ABSTRACT In this dissertation, it is considered, the investigation of the Fourier Transform and the fundamental solutions of mechanical models with internal body forces. Although, there are many models, only two models are considered on the review, namely heat conduction and linear isotropic elasticity. For the investigation, the statement of the problem bases only on the linear isotropic elasticity problem. In working with calculations, the Fourier Transform, Inverse Fourier Transform, Resi...

Development Of A Formal Framework For Usable Operations Support In E-Health Based Systems

ABSTRACT This study uses advanced communications and computing technologies to support health care delivery and education. The automated e-Health-based system was designed to eliminate clumsy and tedious treatment procedures associated with manual treatment processes prevalent in care centres, especially in the developing countries. The operations support functionalities of the system are provided within a formal framework to eliminate system errors, improve dependability and enhance its usa...

A Two-stage Group Sampling Plan Based on Truncated Life Tests for an Odd Generalized Exponential Log-logistic Distribution

ABSTRACT In this article, a time truncated life test based on two-stage group acceptance sampling plan is proposed for lifetime of an item follows odd generalized exponential log-logistic distribution (OGELLD). The ability about the lot acceptance can be made in the first or second stage according to the number of failures from each group. The optimal parameters for the proposed plan are determined such that both producer’s as well as consumer’s risks are contented simultaneously for the...

Experimental and Computational Modeling of H‑Bonded Arginine− Tyrosine Groupings in Aprotic Environments

ABSTRACT : H-bonds between neutral tyrosine and arginine in nonpolar environments are modeled by small-molecule phenol/guanidine complexes. From the temperature and concentration dependence of UV spectra, a value of ΔH° = −74 ± 4 kJ mol−1 is deduced for the formation of H-bonded parasol/dodecylguanidine in hexane. ΔE = −71 kJ mol−1 is computed with density functional theory (in vacuo). In dimethyl sulfoxide or crystals, (p-phenyl)alkylguanidines form head-to-tail homodimers with t...

Thermodynamic Properties Of Azadirachta Indica )Neem) Gum

Abstract Some of the physiochemical properties of Azadirachta indica Gum (Neem) Gum were studied. They include: moisture, ash, nitrogen hence the protein, pH value and specific optical rotation. The results show that: moisture content is 13.07%, ash content is 3.13%, Nitrogen content is 4.9%, protein is 32%, specific optical rotation is –65.5, and pH is 6.5. The number molecular weight of the sample was estimated using osmotic pressure measurement and found to be 4.0×106 g/mole. Thermodyn...

Analytic Study Of The Role Of Namal In Toombak

ABSTRACT The two natron samples were collected from different location of different environments .The samples were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively by standard methods of analysis to determine the chemical composition and the concentration of each component . The effect of natron on chemical structure of Toombak was studied. The analytical techniques used in this study are:- Flame Emission spectroscopy which was used to determine sodium and potassium ions, content and the results wa...

Online Social Networks and Terrorism 2.0 in Developing Countries

Abstract The advancement in technology has brought a new era in terrorism where Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become a major platform of communication with wide range of usage from message channeling to propaganda and recruitment of new followers in terrorist groups. Meanwhile, during the terrorist attacks people use OSNs for information exchange, mobilizing and uniting and raising money for the victims. This paper critically analyses the specific usage of OSNs in the times of terrorism...

A Proposed Usability Evaluation Checklist And Threshold For Interactive Systems

Abstract Designing for maximum usability is the goal of interactive systems design, since users want interactive products to be easy to learn, effective, efficient, safe, memorable and over all; satisfying to use. Achieving this requires the product to be evaluated, but the process of evaluation can be difficult, because different evaluation methodologies require some restriction ―e.g. experienced evaluators‖ and can be more time-consuming. In addition, developers will not be able to kno...

Extending Lifetime And Optimizing Energy Of Wireless Sensor Network Using Hybrid Clustering Algorithms

Abstract The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is becoming increasingly popular as it enables sensor nodes to measure the surrounding environment, communicate and process measured data. WSN has been directed from military applications to various civil applications, especially in hostile areas. Medical, industrial and smart energy applications is still in need for extensive research due to various challenges encountered. Energy consumption is one of the vital challenges that face WSNs research. T...

A Proposed Design Of A Framework For Sudanese E-Government Security Model

ABSTRACT E-government is a kind of governmental administration which is based on electronic information technology. One of the key factors that realizes integration and information sharing to the inter-governmental administrations is the trust level. Information security contributes directly to the increased level of trust and confidence between the government departments by providing an assurance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive governmental information. The main...

A Nonparametric HEWMA-p Control Chart for Variance in Monitoring Processes

Abstract: Control charts are considered as powerful tools in detecting any shift in a process. Usually, the Shewhart control chart is used when data follows the symmetrical property of a normal distribution. In practice, the data from the industry may follow a non-symmetrical distribution or an unknown distribution. The average run length (ARL) is a significant measure to assess the performance of the control chart. The ARL may mislead when the statistic is computed from an asymmetric distri...

New Models For Quark Stars With Charge And Anisotropy

Abstract We find new classes of exact solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. The solutions are obtained by considering charged anisotropic matter with a linear equation of state consistent with quark stars. The field equations are integrated by specifying forms for the measure of anisotropy and one of the gravitational potentials which are physically reasonable. A general feature of our models is that isotropic pressures are regained when certain parameters vanish; this behaviou...

Blow-Up Of Solutions To Problems For Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equation

ABSTRACT Different physical phenomena can be represented in terms of nonlinear problems for partial differential equations, however such problems are often subjected to singularities. Thus it gives rise to a permanent research interest to such problems. In the present study we provide reviews of essential approach applied to Cauchy problems and initial-boundary problems for hyperbolic equations based on latest results in this field. Also in this research we investigate the following problem ...

Existence And Uniqueness Of The Solution To Nonlocal Problem For A Loaded Parabolic Equation And Its Numerical Approximation

ABSTRACT This research presents the existence and uniqueness of a solution to nonlocal problem for a loaded parabolic equation. The nonlocal condition of first kind is expressed to its equivalent nonlocal condition of second kind, which is necessary for qualitative study about the solvability of the problem. The theoretical analysis of study on existence and uniqueness of a generalized solution to a nonlocal problem is studied using Galerkin method, apriori method to obtain the approximate s...

Establishing Effective Insecticide To Combat Tomato Leafminer (Tuta Absoluta)

ABSTRACT  Tomato leafminers, Tuta absoluta pose a control challenge due to resistance against many chemical pesticides including abamectin. In this study, new pesticide was developed by heating mixture of abamectin with neem oil at1:1 ratio. The heating of this mixture resulted to formation of a new compound which is highly biopotent than its constituent substances. This was confirmed by TLC spot formed at Rf 0.43. A leaf dip bioassay method was used to test toxicity against T. absoluta. Bio...

3211 - 3225 Of 8880 Results