Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Analysis Of Entropy Generation Due To Magnetohydrodynamic Couple Stress Fluid

ABSTRACT The study of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) flow has received much attention in the past years owing to its applications in MHD generators, plasma studies, nuclear reactor, geothermal energy extractions, purifications of metal from non-metal enclosures, polymer technology and metallurgy. In view of the above, theoretical analysis of the effects of buoyancy force, velocity slip, temperature jump and thermal radiation on entropy generation rate were investigated on electrically conducting...

Antimalarial And Antioxidant Effects Of Methanol And Flavonoid-Rich Extracts Of Adansonia Digitata Stem Bark On Plasmodium Berghei-Infected Mice

ABSTRACT Adansonia digitata has popular ethnomedicinal application in the treatment of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. The present study sought to investigate the antimalarial and antioxidant effects of methanol and flavonoid-rich extracts of the stem bark on Plasmodium berghei-infected mice in vivo. Thirty-five male mice, weighing 18-20 g and randomly allocated into seven groups of five animals each were used. Group 1, which served as the positive control, was pretreated with 1 ml/kg of the ...

Generalisation Of The Inverse Exponential Distribution: Statistical Properties And Applications

ABSTRACT There are several real life data sets that do not follow the Normal distribution; these category of data sets are either negatively or positively skewed. However, some could be slightly skewed while others could be heavily skewed. Meanwhile, most of the existing standard theoretical distributions are deficient in terms of performance when applied to data sets that are heavily skewed. To this end, the aim of this study is to extend the Inverse Exponential distribution by inducing it ...

Influence Of Gallic Acid On Α-Amylase And Α-Glucosidase Inhibitory And Antioxidant Properties Of Acarbose

ABSTRACT Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic progressive disease that has continued to be a global heath and economic burden. Acarbose is an antidiabetic drug, which acts by inhibiting alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase; while gallic acid is a simple phenolic acid that is widespread in plant foods and beverages such as tea and wine.This study therefore, sought to investigate the influence of gallic acid on α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant properties of acarb...

A Process Framework For Managing Implicit Requirements Using Analogy-Based Reasoning

ABSTRACT The ability of a system to meet the stated requirements affects the success and overall usability of the system. The presence of implicit requirements create difficulties in fulfilling the desires and needs of the stakeholders during software development. Identification of implicit requirements is essential to the functionality of the software as implicit requirements are equally as important as explicit requirements. Although different researchers and practitioners have identified ...

Guiset: A Conceptual Design Of A Grid-Enabled Portal For E-Commerce On-Demand Services

ABSTRACT Conventional grid-enabled portal designs have been largely influenced by the usual functional requirements such as security requirements, grid resource requirements and job management requirements. However, the pay-as-you-use service provisioning model of utility computing platforms mean that additional requirements must be considered in order to realize effective gridenabled portals design for such platforms. This work investigates those relevant additional requirements that must b...

Deployment And Usability Evaluation Of Mobile Access To Institutional Repository

ABSTRACT An Institutional Repository is essentially a web application that is capable of capturing, preserving and disseminating the intellectual output of a University or research institution in digital formats. The advent of the Mobile Web has ushered in a new wave of mobile devices - with multi-touch facilities and thus there has been a shift from Web access to Mobile Web access. This has brought about the need to make web applications accessible via mobile devices. This study investigate...

Organochlorine Pesticide Residues In Shellfishes And Finfishes From Lagos Lagoon

ABSTRACT Organochlorine pesticides are persistent environmental contaminants which are lipophilicand hydrophobic, leading to their accumulation in biological tissues and the subsequent magnification of concentrations in organisms, progressing through to the food chain. Shellfishes, finfishes, microlayer water, mixed layer water, epipellic and benthic sediment samples were collected from the Lagos Lagoon and analysed for organochlorine pesticide residues. Sampling was conducted between Decem...

Studies Of Propagation Impairments For Fixed Satellite Communication Links At The Microwave Frequencies In Nigeriaa

ABSTRACT  The study investigates the effect of propagation impairments such as rain, cloud, gases and tropospheric scintillation on fixed satellite communication link on earth-space path for frequencies between 10 and 50 GHz at Ku, Ka and V bands for 37 locations in Nigeria. Two standard elevation angles of 50, 550 as well as some elevation angles for links to recently launched Nigeria Communication Satellite, (NigComsat-1) were used in the computation of the propagation impairments for the...

Existence And Variational Stability Of Solutions Of Kurzweil Equations Associated With Quantum Stochastic Differential Equations

Abstract The role of generalized ordinary differential equation (Kurzweil equation) in applying the technique of topological dynamics to the study of classical ordinary differential equation as outlined in [3, 4, 47, 51-58, 88-90] is a major motivation for studying this class of equations associated with the weak forms of the Lipschitzian quantum stochastic differential equations. In this work, existence and uniqueness of solution of quantum stochastic differential equations associated with ...

Continuous Implicit Hybrid One-Step Methods For The Solution Of Initial Value Problems Of General Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

Abstract The numerical solutions of initial value problems of general second order ordinary differential equations have been studied in this work. A new class of continuous implicit hybrid one step methods capable of solving initial value problems of general second order ordinary differential equations has been developed using the collocation and interpolation technique on the power series approximate solution. The one step method was augmented by the introduction of offstep points in order ...

Improved Integrated Mining Of Heterogeneous Data In Decision Support Systems

ABSTRACT The volume of information available on the Internet and corporate intranets continues to increase along with the corresponding increase in the data (structured and unstructured) stored by man organizations. In customer relationship management, information is the raw material for decision making. For this to be effective there is need to discover knowledge from the seamless integration of structured and unstructured data for completeness and comprehensiveness. This study addresses tw...

Somatic And Genetic Effects Of Low Sar 2.45 Ghz Microwave Radiation On Wistar Rats

ABSTRACT The somatic and genetic effects of 2.45 GHz Microwave radiation (MWR) on male and female Sprague Dawley rats were studied. Two hundred rats were used for this study. They were grouped into control and exposed according to the parameters under consideration. The animals were exposed to various levels of specific absorption rate (SARs) using the microwave generator, model ER660E, Serial No MX704CCR from Toshiba UK Ltd. All animals were kept in healthy, and radiation free environment w...

Characterization Of Triassic Hydrocarbon Source Rocks Of The Mandawa Basin, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mandawa Basin is an onshore pull-apart basin located at the southern east coast of Tanzania and covers an area of 16,000, it evolved during Permo-Triassic time by ENE-WSW extensional movements during Gondwana rifting and NW-SE extensional movements resulted from drifting of Madagascar during Jurassic time. Hydrocarbon exploration started in 1952, with the first deep exploration well (Mandawa-7) drilled in 1958 by BP company, there after ten exploration wells have been drilled ...

A Framework For Intelligent Voice-Enabled E-Education Systems

ABSTRACT Voice-enabled e-Education system is the enabling technology that allows users to access Learning resources on a web using a telephone. Telephony applications in the area of education are developed mainly for the visually impaired to address the limitations of user interface of a mobile learner in accessing web learning resources. However, with the proliferation of learning resources on the web, finding suitable content (using telephone) has become a rigorous task for voice-based onl...

3211 - 3225 Of 8849 Results