Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Performance Evaluation Of NoSQL Databases On Streaming Data

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate the performance of Cassandra and HBase NoSQL Databases, that present at Column-oriented category on handling streaming data. The data set used for this evaluation were constructed with the help of the Twitter Streaming API. The environment which used to evaluate the performance of Cassandra and HBase on Streaming Data was Apache Spark with its ability to plot streaming data from source using Spark-R. Several studies have been con...

Towards Big data Governance in Cybersecurity

Abstract Big data refers to large complex structured or unstructured data sets. Big data technologies enable organisations to generate, collect, manage, analyse, and visualise big data sets, and provide insights to inform diagnosis, prediction, or other decision-making tasks. One of the critical concerns in handling big data is the adoption of appropriate big data governance frameworks to (1) curate big data in a required manner to support quality data access for effective machine learning a...

The Effect Of Change Temperature On Volumetric Coefficient Of Liquids

Abstract Two types of liquids (water and ethanol) are used to investigate the volumetric change of these liquids with change of temperature in order to find the temperature coefficient for both liquids to relate the volumetric change with global warming. It reveals great agreement with theoretical consideration. So the volume of these liquids increased with increases of temperatures. 

The Effect Of National Roaming For Service Availability (Case Study: Tracking Service In Sudan)

ABSTRACT National roaming is an important service that Facilitates can lead us to do the best utilization of available resources between different telecommunication providers in the same country. Vehicle tracking services are important for vehicle protection in different businesses. But this service is limited with the limitation of cellular coverage area especially in rural areas. As a result, the vehicle is disconnected from the tracking server until it enters an area where cellular covera...

Monte Carlo Modeling Of Effective Shielding Systems For Fast Neutrons

ABSTRACT In this thesis, we have designed a shielding system consisting of dual layers to shield fast neutrons. Monte Carlo simulation code (MCNP5) was used to simulate the spectra of 252Cf-neutron source and to verify the performance of several moderating materials and absorbers as well. The performance of high density polyethylene (HDPE) as moderating material was examined against different thermal neutron absorbers such as; borated polyethylene (BPE), Boric acid (H3BO3) and Boron carbide ...

Isolation Of Protein Concentrate From Defatted Kernels Of Balanites Aegyptiaca Seeds And Investigation Of Its Functional Properties

Abstract The aim of this study was to produce protein concentrate from the defatted kernel seeds of Balanites aegyptiaca and investigate its functional properties. The proximate chemical composition of the kernel seeds was determined. The results showed that the moisture, ash, crude protein, oil, and total carbohydrate contents were 3.89, 3.40, 42.41, 40.24 and 10.06% respectively. Protein concentrate was isolated by using alkaline extraction method which followed by isoelectric precipitatio...

Finite Difference Methods For Parabolic Equations

Abstract We present in this thesis the numerical solution to the partial differential equations of parabolic type using the finite-difference methods, namely explicit and Crank-Nicolson methods. We account the local truncation error of the two schemes by using Taylor series and discuss the consistency or compatibility, convergence and stability of these schemes for the parabolic equations. We present vector and matrix norms, also a necessary and sufficient condition for stability. Finally s...

Logarithmic Bump With Bilinear T (B) Theorem And Maximal Singular Integral Operators

Abstract We show that if a pair of weights (u, ) satisfies a sharp Ap - bump condition in the scale of all log bumps certain loglog bumps , then Haar shifts map ( ) into (u) with a constant quadratic in the complexity of the shift . This in turn implies the two weight boundedness for all Calderón – Zygmund operators. We obtain a generalized version of the former theorem valid for a larger family of Calderón – Zygmund operators in any ambient space . We present a bilinear Tb theorem for...

Dynamical Systems On Clifford And Manifolds

Abstract Dynamical Systems is the study of the long-term behavior of evolving systems. In this research we studied Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamical systems using Clifford manifolds. The Clifford analogue of Lagrangian and Hamilton Dynamical systems is introduced. In fact a new dynamics on Clifford manifold has been constructed via some local canonical basis. This construction provides wide applications to Physical equations and their geometrical interpretation. 

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity Of Acacia Nilotica (Algarad) Methanolic And Aqueous Extracts Against Wound Pathogens

Aimed to this study was to study the antibacterial activity of the different concentrations of methanolic and aqueous extract of the medicinal plants A.nilotica sub spp nilotica and sub spp adansonii pods using agar dilution method. Hundred wound swabs were collected from patients with infected wounds who attended to Soba Teaching Hospital and Alban Gadeed Teaching Hospital during period from March to October 2015. From this study it was found that wound infection had high frequency in patien...

Strategic Design, Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship And Selective Synthesis Of Some Pyrazoline Derivatives

ABSTRACT Numerous pyrazoline derivatives have been found to possess considerable biological activities; this fact had led us to model and design 120 trisubstituted 2-pyrazoline derivatives by linking pyrazoline ring system with different substituents in position 1, 3 and 5. Quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) studies were carried out in order to get models that can be used to predict the anti-cancer activity of designed compounds. Data set of compounds consisting of pyrazol...

Investigation Of Phytochemicals From Some Sudanese Medicinal Plants And Their Antimicrobial Potency

Abstract The present study was designed to investigate the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of three Sudanese plants ; (Rheumpalmatum Rutagraveolens, Moringaperegrine) Phyto chemical study was conducted to detect thebioactive compounds. The crude ethanolic extract was partitioned successively by chloroform , ethyl acetate and n-butanol. Different fractoins were assessed for antimicrobial potency against standard bacterial strains: Gram positive ( Bacillus subtilis (NCTC8236), Staphyl...

Numerical Schemes For Hyperbolic Equation In One Space Dimension

Abstract We find the approximate solution for hyperbolic equation in one space dimension using two finite different schemes: Lax- Wendroff and upwind schemes Then, we study Fourier analysis of these two schemes. we also approximate the numerical solution of system of hyperbolic equations by using finite volume scheme and leap-frog schemes. As well, we study the Fourier analysis of these two schemes. Finally, we study the consistency, convergence and stability for hyperbolic equation in one s...

Evaluation Of Plasma Interleukin-10 Levels Among Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Attending Total Lab Care Laboratories In Khartoum State.

ABSTRACT One of the most important factors playing role in chronic hepatitis B pathogenesis is cytokine release and one of the cytokines with antiinflammatory characteristic is interleukin-10 (IL-10). The aim of the present study was to estimate IL-10 levels and to evaluate the utility of using it as biomarker for monitoring the progression and treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection. Sixty patients with chronic hepatitis B disease confirmed by persistence expression of HBsAg for more tha...

Green Synthesis Of Silver Nanoparticles Using Azadirachta Indica (Neem) Leaves Extract

Abstract Noble metals nanoparticles are considered as promising material due to their unconventional characteristics owing to several technological applications. Their small size and large surface to volume ratio as compared to their bulk form leads to differences in their physical and chemical properties. As the results, these metallic nanoparticles have found a wide range of applications in almost all fields of research. Silver (Ag) nanoparticles are the most common one being employed in e...

3226 - 3240 Of 8880 Results