Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Statistical Analysis And Modeling Of Prevalence Of Malaria In Nyasa District-Tanzania

ABSTRACT Malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality, leading more than 600 million cases and two million deaths each year Worldwide. Over 90% of these cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa where Falciparum Malaria is pervasive and the major killer of children less than 5 years old. This study was conducted to figure out the demographic factors that influence the prevalence of Malaria in Nyasa District and to assess the level of knowledge and awareness on malaria incurred by the domi...

Evaluation Of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals Using A New Non-Normal Process Capability Index

Abstract: This paper assesses the bootstrap confidence intervals of a newly proposed process capability index (PCI) forWeibull distribution, using the logarithm of the analyzed data. These methods can be applied when the quality of interest has non-symmetrical distribution. Bootstrap confidence intervals, which consist of standard bootstrap (SB), percentile bootstrap (PB), and bias-corrected percentile bootstrap (BCPB) confidence interval are constructed for the proposed method. A Monte Carlo...

A Model To Hasten Technology Integration For Out-Of-School Time Primary School Learning

ABSTRACT This study sought to develop a model that could be used to hasten technology integration for out-of-school time (OST) primary school learning, leading to improvement in academic performance. Using developmental design, the study deployed a mixed research approach where a total of 730 participants were involved (i.e. 16 government officials, 3 non-government officials, 2 University experts, 402 primary school learners, 205 parents and 102 teachers) from Dar es Salaam, Arusha and Mwanz...

Effectiveness Of Moodle Learning Management System For Fostering Teaching And Learning Mathematics In Secondary Schools In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT The importance of teaching and learning mathematics should be given special priority for the development of the country. Continuing to teach mathematics in the traditional way makes the learning inactive and the students dislike the subject. With this in mind, the secondary schools need to integrate ICT and pedagogy to improve teaching and learning of mathematics. Hence, this study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Learning Management System (LMS) for fostering teaching and learn...

Spatial distribution of heavy metals in soil with distance from Tazama pipeline through the Mikumi National Park, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A total concentration of six studied heavy metals Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb), Chromium(Cr), Mercury (Hg) Cadmium (Cd) and Copper (Cu) were measured in soil across distances from TAZAMA pipeline in transects which have incidences of oil spillage and those which have no history of oil spillage. All studied heavy metals were detected in the study area. As, Pb and Cr were detected in both transects, that is, with oils spills and those with no history of oil spillage to a distance of 0-35 m...

Modelling Of Malaria Inpatients Length Of Stay At St. Francis Refferal Hospital Morogoro Region Tanzania

ABSTRACT Malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality, leading to more than 600 million cases and two million deaths each year worldwide. Over 90% of these cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa where Falciparum Malaria is pervasive and the major killer of children below five (5) years old. This study was conducted through modelling the length of stay using some variables from hospital register for inpatients with Malaria. The results showed that the hospital length of stay per day at ...

The Microbial Activities Involved In The Alkaline Fermentation Of Soybeans Into Dawadawa

ABSTRACT This study was initiated to identify the dominant microbial species and investigate their activities during the fermentation of soybeans to daw adaw a. The dominant microorganism s present in both the boiled and roasted soydaw adaw a, which were spontaneously fermented for 72 h, were isolated, characterized and identified using an API kit. The proteinase and a -a m y lase activities o f the microorganism s were determined. Q quality indices such as pH, m oisture, protein and fat con...

Dependence Of Teletherapy Timer Error On Treatment Parameters In External Beam Radiotherapy (Ebrt) Using The Theratron Equinox 100 Cobalt 60 Machine

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this research work is to evaluate the variation (or dependence) of the timer error as a function of the teletherapy treatment parameters such as treatment field size (FS) and treatment depth (d) for an SSD setup and compare the method used for others. Teletherapy timer error measurements were performed in a full scatter, large water phantom using a 0.6cc ionization chamber and average photon energy of 1.25MeV from a cobalt-60 unit at an SSD of 100cm at various field ...

Genetic diversity and population structure of cowpea (vigna unguiculata (l.) Walp) accessions.

ABSTRACT The research was carried out to study diversity (phenotypic and genetic) and population structure of cowpea germplasm assembled from the DPEB and SARI. A total of 78 cowpea accessions from these two sources were used for the study. Data was collected on twelve vegetative and reproductive traits, four polyphenols, crude protein, seven mineral elements, nineteen amino acids and three SSR markers. Methanolic extracts of pulverized cowpea seeds were used to determine concentrations of p...

Improving Ginning Technologies And Reviewing Taxes To Benefit Cotton Farmers In The United Republic Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Cotton is the URT’s largest export crop after coffee and accounts for 14 percent of its total agricultural exports. Forty percent of Tanzanian’s livelihoods are linked to the cotton sector, which also provides livelihoods for over 500,000 rural households. Despite policy makers‘ efforts to boost production and productivity, yields and the technical efficiency of ginneries remain low. Nonetheless, there is a huge potential for increasing production and exports – especially sin...

Molecular clusters Cs3X3 and Cs4X4 (X = Br, I): Quantum chemical study of structure and thermodynamic properties

Abstract: The properties of trimer Cs3X3 and tetramer Cs4X4 (X = Br, I) molecules have been studied using DFT with B3LYP5 functional and MP2 and MP4 methods. Two equilibrium geometrical structures of trimers, hexagonal (D3 h) and “butterflyshaped” (Cs), and one for tetramers, distorted cubic (Td), are confirmed to exist; geometrical parameters and vibrational spectra are determined. The relative concentration of Cs3X3 isomers has been evaluated; the butterfly-shaped isomer dominates over ...

Information sources preference of poultry farmers in selected rural areas of Tanzania

Abstract This study focused on poultry farmers’ preference of information sources for accessing poultry management information in three rural districts of Tanzania. A mixed methods research design was deployed. Questionnaires and focus group discussions were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data respectively. Responses to the questionnaire which was administered by researchers in faceto- face meetings were received from 360 farmers, and 160 farmers participated in 16 focus group...

Evaluation And Design Of A Steam Cooking Process For Gakenkey Production

ABSTRACT  Kenkey is a traditional fermented cornmeal product that is native to the coastal regions of Ghana. The traditional method of cooking Ga-kenkey takes a lot of time and features a high degree of variability in the sensory attributes of the kenkey balls. A major source of variability is due to the way the Ga-kenkey balls are arranged in the cooking pot in relation to the amount of water used in cooking. The objective of this study was to develop a cooking process that would reduce the...

Demographic Factors Influencing The Prevalence Of Hiv/Aids In Mbeya Region Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study is conducted in the aim to figure out the demographic factors that fueling prevalence of H.I.V/AIDS in 2011/2012-Mbeya region. Demographic data of the cross-sectional years 2011/2012 is used. The data encompass male and female individual age group of 15-49.The binary logistic regression model was employed and demographic factors that were considered to have an impact on the prevalence of the epidemic were included in my analysis. The result shows that demographic variables...

Designing A Model For An Integrated Hospital Information Systems In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma And Manyara Regions

ABSTRACT This study, has intended to design a model for an Integrated Hospital Information System in Tanzania, and was conducted at four hospitals from Dodoma and Manyara regions respectively. A sample of 90 respondents participated in the study from a purposive and non purposive sampling. A Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the quantitative data. Findings have revealed that, Integrated Hospital Information System (iHIS) in Tanzania requires infrastructure, sys...

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