ABSTRACT There are several literature on the study of the relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock prices. These studies have focused largely on the developed capital market and carried out in the early 1970s. From literature reviewed,there is no study that have modelled the relationship between stock price and, both macroeconomic and micoeconomic variables in the order to explain their combined effect on stock market returns using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model at ...
ABSTRACT V Yeast mating type locus gene alpha2 (MATa2), Yeast G protein complementing gene ( YGC1) and minichromosome maintenance gene (M C M 1) have been identified by isolation of plasmids that are able to complement or suppress a gpa1::HIS3 mutation. MATa2 and YGC1 rescue both MATa and M A Ta-gpa1::HIS3 haploid cell types whereas MCM1 complements only MATa gpal::HIS3 cell type. MATa2 is known to be a general repressor and a determinant of both haploid and diploid cell types. MCM1 is known ...
ABSTRACT Background: Haptoglobin (Hp), an acute phase glycoprotein with antioxidant, antiinflammatory and immune-modulatory functions may be an excellent candidate gene to investigate human longevity. Human Hp is polymorphic and these polymorphisms have been associated with different functional capacities of the proteins expressed as a result of their distinct biochemical and biophysical properties. Aim: To determine the possible role of haptoglobin genotypes as genetic markers for longevity....
ABSTRACT Background: Selecting an ideal genetic regions for the phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmission continue to be a matter of debate, with different researches preferring different genomic region. Whole genome sequence analysis is always the gold standard for this this kind of research. But in middle income countries such as Ghana, where HBV infections are endemic, it is almost impossible to study a large number of samples because of financial constraints. Thus, ana...
ABSTRACT The study is based on the stochastic monitoring of Macroeconomic variables in Ghana. The macroeconomic variables that were considered in the study included Inflation rate and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The data covered the period from 2009 to 2017 for the monthly inflation rate and 1961 to 2017 for the GDP. All analyses were done using the R software. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test was used to test the data and the results showed that all the data were stationary after the ...
ABSTRACT Control of onchocerciasis over the past 3 decades has brought great relief to millions of people living in endemic communities, by substantially reducing blindness and other dermatological lesions. However, there are still areas where infections in human populations are high and vector transmission is ongoing, requiring a further understanding into the transmission dynamics of the disease in such communities. Furthermore the status of animal onchocerciasis is still unknown in Ghana ...
ABSTRACT Motorcyclists’ injuries and fatalities are a major recent public health concern in many developing countries, including Ghana. In Ghana, motorcycle for commercial purposes (known as Okada) is a recent development but one of the fastest transportation mode especially in the urban areas. This study focused on the perception of risk and its implications on the operations of motor taxi (Okada) in the Greater Accra region. Specifically, the study was designed to evaluate the risk pe...
ABSTRACT The Catfish, Chrysichthys Nigrodigitatus (Lacepede) is widely distributed in Nigeria.
ABSTRACT Road traffic congestion is a global phenomenon that bedevils the cities of the world.
ABSTRACT This thesis has evaluated the complimentary role water transport could play in the transport system of Lagos Metropolis.
ABSTRACT The dramatic progress of studies in human action recognition has being attributed to challenges inherent with conventional methods such as bag-of-words based description. As a result, researchers in the field of computer vision are still making efforts towards achieving structured interpretation of complex activities between multiple objects. This study proposes Pyramid of Histogram Oriented Gradients (PHOG) computed from Depth Motion Maps in a video stream as a new feature descripto...
ABSTRACT Background: Oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC) has been indicated as the most prevalent fungal opportunistic infection in individuals infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Candida albicans has been the most isolated species in OPC. However, other Candida species have been implicated as potential pathogens. Majority of these species have been found to be less susceptible to commonly administered antifungal drugs. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the distribution ...
ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study was to examine the spatial distribution of malaria incidence in the Brong Ahafo Region by using a GIS as an analytical tool. The research employed the cluster based sampling method to solicit the views of 245 households using a questionnaire. Malaria incidence indicated a variation from one household to another and from one administration district to another. Malaria clusters were determined using Getis and Ord statistic. This cluster analysis ind...
INTRODUCTION Computers have become a glamorous new adventure especially its limitless areas of application. With the society, so computer oriented literacy and application have become a must computer literacy involve knowledge of basic computer concepts that is knowing simple computer terminology, how he computer works and how it can basically be used to solve problems. The quest for computer knowledge is increasing being felt in the society, schools at all levels are vigorously acquiring co...
ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS is a public health problem that is increasingly having its toll on human resources, particularly given the fact that the most vulnerable age group is the youth. Even though tremendous achievements have been chalked through the use of antiretroviral drugs, these drugs are expensive and unaffordable by PLWHA in Ghana. Good nutrition has therefore been deemed as a complement to anti retroviral drugs for maximum benefit to this group of people. Ironically, most studies into the ...