Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Field Persistence Of S-Metolachlor And Pendimethalin In Maize-Based Cropping System And Impact On Earthworm Activities In Ogbomoso, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Application of chemicals on weed has been an effective method of weed control. However, this is with problems of persistence and hazardous effects on non-target organisms like arthropods. Common herbicides used in maize fields in Ogbomoso include atrazine, primextra, Lasso/atrazine, diuron pendimethalin, and S-metolachlor. Information on S-metolachlor and Pendimethalin persistence under field situations is inadequate. Therefore, persistence of S-metolachlor and Pendimethalin in maize...

Evaluation Of Rhizobium And Mycorrhiza Interactions In Sustainable Maize (Zea Mays L.) And Soyabean (Glycine Max L.) Production

ABSTRACT Maize and soyabean are among the staples in the world. Their sustainable production through the use of synthetic fertilizer causes soil degradation and ground water contamination. An alternative means of boosting and sustaining the production of these staples through the use of rhizobium and mycorrhiza have been reported but there are contradictory reports on interactions between the two organisms. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the influence of Rhizobium japoni...

SSA Research 167 PAGES (42517 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Evaluation And Inheritance Of Single And Multiple Resistance To Viral Diseases Of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp)

ABSTRACT Viral diseases usually occur as multiple infections and significantly reduce yield in cowpea. Planting resistant cowpea varieties is economical and effective in controlling viral diseases. However, information on mode of inheritance of virus resistance required for cowpea breeding programmes is limited. Thus, single and multiple resistance and inheritance patterns of resistance to viral diseases were investigated in some selected cowpea breeding lines. Nine cowpea genotypes comprisin...

Bio-Control Of Cercospora Leaf Spot Disease Of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogeae) Using Extracts Of Moringa Oleifera Lam. And Jatropha Curcas L.

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in the School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (SAAT) research farm. The Experiment was laid out in a RCBD form. Extracts from roots and seeds of Moringa oleifera and Jatropha curcas were tested at 10% concentration and sprayed after 2,3 and 4 weeks in three different growing periods of groundnut; 2, 3 and 4 weeks. Some plant extrated were mixed with 3ml of an emulsifier made from castor oil known as RIMULGAN and then separately added to each of th...

Cultivation And Molecular Characterisation Of Auricularia Species In Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Mushrooms such as Pleurotus, Vovariella and Auricularia species are cultivated for food and medicinal purposes in the world. However, cultivation of Auricularia in Nigeria is limited due to inadequate information on its characteristics, nutritional contents and cultivation requirements. Hence, this study was designed to characterise Auricularia species in Southwestern Nigeria and determine suitable substrates for their cultivation. Fifty-four samples of Auricularia species were rando...

SSA Research 253 PAGES (50895 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Comparative Study Of The Growth And Yield Of Three Cultivated Pleurotus Species On Selected Tropical Trees Sawdusts

ABSTRACT The quest to boost dietary protein production from readily available and affordable sources is ever increasing in developing countries. The indigenous edible Pleurotus species (oyster mushrooms), which grow naturally on wood wastes, are potential protein supplements. However, little information is available on the usage of selected tropical trees for optimum mushroom cultivation. Therefore, this research was designed to investigate the growth and yield of oyster mushrooms on sawdust ...

SSA Research 106 PAGES (27873 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Interaction Of Meloidogyne Incognita With Botryodiplodia Theobromae On Manihot Esculenta (Cassava) And Its Biocontrol

ABSTRACT The Root-Knot Nematode (RKN), Meloidogyne incognita and fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae, are important pests that cause yield losses in cassava and other crops. Chemicals have been used to manage these pests but with undesirable side effects. Information on pathogenicity of M. incognita, its interaction with B. theobromae and its biocontrol in Nigeria is very little. Therefore, pathogenicity of M. incognita on cassava, its interaction with B. theobromae and management with biocontro...

Efficacy Of Selected Botanicals And Microbial Agents As Eco-Friendly Protectants Against Fusarium Verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg Ear-Rot Disease Of Maize, Zea Mays L.

ABSTRACT Fusarium verticillioides is a major fungal pathogen of maize causing rots in seed, root, stalk and ear; seedling blight and fumonisin mycotoxin contamination of grains. Use of chemicals is being discouraged due to its human and environmental health hazards. Information on eco-friendly control method against the pathogen is scanty. Therefore, the efficacies of selected botanicals and microbial agents as eco-friendly control against F. verticillioides were determined. Six Quality Prote...

Modelling Of Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation Of Eichhornia Crassipes [Mart.] Solms And Pistia Stratiotes L. In Ologe Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Macrophytes such as Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes are known bioaccumulators found in the Ologe Lagoon which receives effluents mainly from Agbara Industrial Estate. However, the mechanism of heavy metal bioaccumulation by these macrophytes has not been fully understood. This study was designed to determine the mechanism of heavy metal bioaccumulation and model the phytoremediation capabilities of the macrophytes. Five sampling stations: Owo (before the point of discharge...

SSA Research 170 PAGES (37488 WORDS) Botany Thesis
Trace Metals In Soil Around Girl Farmlands

ABSTRACT This work was aimed at determining the concentration of four trace metals: cobalt, copper, nickel and zinc in soil. Samples were collected from both cultivated and uncultivated farmlands in Giri. The results obtained showed that the concentrations of cobalt, copper, nickel and zinc in cultivated lands are 0. 138ppm, 0. 134ppm, 0. 126ppm and 0.224ppm respectively. And the concentrations in uncultivated lands are 0. 112ppm, 0. 126ppm, 0.262ppm and 0.224ppm for cobalt, copper, nickel an...

Trace Heavy 'Metals In Fish And Sediments Or Some Rivers Around Industrial Areas Of The Kaduna River Basin

ABSTRACT The level of Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in fish and sediments of Rivers within the Kaduna South Jndustrial Zone were determined by flam e atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The HN03 - I-1202 digestion.... s ystem was used to digest the fish sample far trace m etals det ermination. Tire HN03 - H202 digestion method gave good recoveries which vCiries within 80-95 % for Cd, 85-97% for Co, 81-99% for Cu, 79-97% for Mn, 81-93% for Ni, 87- 98% for Pb Clnd 77 - 98% for Zn in a fish smn...

Toxicity Of Single And Quatenary Mixture Of Antibiotics To Natural Microbial Community.

ABSTRACT The toxicities of single antibiotics: ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, sulfathiazole and amoxicillin and their quaternary mixtures in different ratios were examined on three organisms Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Micrococcus luteus all isolated from Nworie River from three different points including the point of effluent discharge of a hospital. Toxicity of antibiotics and mixtures was assessed using inhibition of total dehydrogenase assay method. Result obtained from the s...

Toxicities And Sedative Effects Of Toloache, Datura Innoxia Miller, On The African Catfish Clarias Gariepinus Burchell, Fingerlings

ABSTRACT Studies on toxicological and sedative effects of Datura innoxia plant parts (leaf, seed, stem, pod and root) on Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were conducted under laboratory conditions using the static bioassays and continuous aeration. The aim was to develop an effective anaesthetic from an indigenous plant material that will be available at low cost to aquaculturists and which would be non-toxic to the fish and consumers. The active ingredients and their compositions in the plant ...

Time Series Ana Ysis On The Production Of Crude Oil In Nigeria (2011-2016)

ABSTRACT The word is not interested in the storm you encountered but did you bring the ship in? It's is not the time a man spends in planning, it's the faith and confidence he put in his planning that really counts. Investigation has revealed that the economic base of Nigeria base on the crude oil. Hence there is every need to take a critical look into the production pattern of this product as to ascertain the trend direction to enable us understand the progressive or regressive direction of ...

Time Series Analysis On Measles Cases In Nigeria

AB STRACT This research work describes a study that used measles disease data collected through Knoema health surveillance system to evaluate univariate time series method namely; autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). The data obtained from 1980 to 2016 were used as modeling data and forecasting samples, respectively. The performances were evaluated based on three metrics: mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and mean square error (MSE). A low normaliz...

5656 - 5670 Of 8880 Results