Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT The synthesis, characterization and preliminary antimicrobial studies of some novel Schiff base ligands;  N,N/ - Bis(2-hydroxybenzylidene)-1,4-phenylenediimine(M) and N,N/ - Bis(4-dimethylaminobenzylidene)-1,4-phenylenediimine (N)  were undertaken. It was prepared by the condensation reaction of 1,4-phenylenediamine with 4-dimethylaminobenzadehyde and 2-hydroxybenzaldehde .Their Co(II), Mn(VII), Mo(VII) metal complexes were synthesized by coupling them respectively with the indivi...

Assessment And Safety Improvement Of Peanut Based By-Products From Peanut Oil Processing: Kulikuli And Khebab Powder

ABSTRACT Peanuts are very nutritious oil seeds grown worldwide but are however susceptible to aflatoxin contamination through the infestation of aflatoxigenic molds. These aflatoxins are known to have carcinogenic effects on humans and animals. There is therefore the need to put in measures to ensure that excessive levels of aflatoxins are reduced to the barest minimum in peanuts and peanut products to conform to the requirements of food safety regulations. The objectives of this study were t...

Geology of Ekerekunta And Environs documented

ABSTRACT The present study area is bound within the latitude of 5055” N to 6° 0’ 0” N and longitude of 7055” E to 8° 1’ 0” E in the Southern Benue Trough, within the Afikpo syncline and Abakaliki anticlinorium, in south eastern Nigeria. The shale unit underlie the bioturbated sandstone unit. Sedimentary structures were also observed in the study area, which include tabular cross stratification, beddings, herribone structures, asymmetrical ripples and trough cross beds. Asymmetri...

Geology of Ekerekunta And Environs

ABSTRACT We visited various locations during the time of our field exercise which include: Ekerekunta, Akpoha, Ogo ubi, Okpo ezi, Amaeta Enu. The present study area is bound within the latitude of 5055” N to 6° 0’ 0” N and longitude of 7055” E to 8° 1’ 0” E in the Southern Benue Trough within the Afikpo syncline and Abakaliki anticlinorium in south eastern Nigeria. The shale units underlie the bioturbated sandstones. Sedimentary structures were also observed in the study area, w...

Assessment Of Phthalates Migration In Polyethylene Food Packages: A Case Study In Ghana

ABSTRACT The use of plastics such as polyethylene in the food industry in Ghana as opposed to traditional forms of packaging such as the use of leaves and paper is constantly growing with different designs and compositions. These plastics contain chemicals that are added during the manufacturing process. These chemicals, such as plasticizers, are used to make the plastics flexible but are not covalently bonded to the polymer, hence are able to migrate from the food packages into food when hea...

Evaluation Of Traditional Weaning Meals, Supplemented With Protein-Rich Foods To Promote Growth In Malnourished Preschool Children

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at constituting nutritious home-made weaning meals, using local foods that would curtail malnutrition among pre-school children and facilitate a smooth transition from breast milk and cereal porridges to adequate post weaning food consumption. Nine weaning meals were formulated. Three meals each were formulated using comdough, commeal and yam as staple. To one meal in each group of 3 meals, cowpeas, fish or melonseeds were added as the effective source of protein...

Serum Biochemical Parameters And Cytokine Profiles Associated With Animal African Trypanosomiasis In Naturally Infected Cattle In Ghana

ABSTRACT Animal African Trypanosomiasis (AAT) greatly affects livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. In Ghana prevalence of AAT is estimated to range between 5 – 50%. Studies have reported serum biochemical aberrations and variability in cytokine profiles in animals during infection. However, information regarding the biochemical parameters and cytokine profiles associated with natural infections are limited. This study was therefore aimed at establishing the levels of serum biochemica...

Q Fever Infection In Patients With Febrile Illness At Selected Healthcare Facilities In Ghana.

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Q fever is a zoonotic infection transmitted by an intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii. The most frequently observed clinical feature of Q fever is acute febrile illness, or in rare cases, chronic illnesses. This disease is under-diagnosed and under-reported because the symptoms are nonspecific, resembling other febrile illnesses such as malaria. Due to similarity of Q fever clinical symptoms to malaria and other febrile illness aetiologies, misdiagnosis could lead to...

A Study Of “Kwahu Easter” Festival As A Tourism Hallmark Event

ABSTRACT In Ghana, the tourism sector is plagued with monotonous products, and these require urgent diversification. The questions have always been: diversify to where and with what new products? This study proposed an answer: diversify to hallmark events and to cultural tourism products. There is the need to package some of our popular, established, indigenous, traditional festivals as tourism hallmark events, to diversify Ghana‟s tourist product offering, and by large improve her domestic...

Design And Implementation of Web based Movie Ticket Reservation System

Abstract Movie Ticket Booking System is an online based application that can be accessed through the internet via a mobile device like phone, tablet and laptop etc by anyone at any time. This application is responsive and will help reserve tickets. Users are required to login to the system to book for ticket and make payment via e-payment system options. Watching movies with family and friends in theatres is one of the best medium of entertainment after having a hectic schedule. But all this...

Electrolite Imbalance in Type 2 Diabetics

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Of Study The prevalence of diabetes is increasing rapidly and electrolyte disturbances are common in patients with diabetes. According to World Health Organization, over 1.4 Nigerians are diabetic in 2017. Diabetes can be defined as a disease condition in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood. They are two major ...

Malaria Parasitaemia Levels In Relation To Antioxidant Enzyme Levels In Severe Malaria Amongst Ghanaian Children

ABSTRACT Malaria is an important infectious disease in tropical and subtropical regions. The disease presents a major global health problem with over 40% of the world`s population exposed to varying degrees of infection risk in over 100 countries. About 1 to 2 million deaths occur annually, 90% of whom are children in sub-Saharan Africa. During the course of malarial infection, the parasites as well as the red blood cells (RBCs) come under oxidative stress and the host system responds in an a...

Statistical Analysis Of Retroviral (Hiv) Status And Other Maternal Risk Factors Associated With Low Birth Weight And Low Apgar Score Of Infants: Evidence From The Greater Accra Regional Hospi

ABSTRACT Low birth weight and low Apgar score are major determinants of morbidity, mortality and disability in infancy and childhood. These are very important health indicators, but little is known about their causes among HIV-infected mothers in Ghana. They are also risk factors for long-term impact on health outcomes in adult life. Quantitatively, birth weight and Apgar score of an infant summarizes the morbidity conditions (LBW and LAS), with Apgar score measuring the extent of asphyxia. T...

Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in Acidic Solutions by Crude Leaf Extracts of Solanum melongena AND Chrysophyllum albidum

ABSTRACT Corrosion of mild steel used in industrial and engineering enviroments has posed a serious problem in the society. Hence, this research investigated the effects of ethanol, water and sulphuric acid extracts of Solanum melongena(SM), (garden egg) and Chrysophyllum albidum (CA), (sherry) on the corrosion of mild steel in I M HCl and 0.5 M H2S04 solutions using gravimetric and electrochemical techniques. The results obtained indicated that all studied plant extracts were adsorption typ...

Predicting Toxicity of Metal Mixtures to Pseudomonas Fluorescens Using Fixed Ratio Rays And Central Composite Experimental Designs

ABSTRACT  The toxicities of binary (Ni(II) + Co(II) and Zn(II) + Cd(II)), ternary (Zn(II) + Cd(II) + Ni(II) and Ni(II) + Co(II) + Cd(II)) and quaternary (Ni(II) + Co(II) + Zn(II) + Cd(II)) mixtures of metals, as well as the individual metal ions to Pseudomonas fluorescens, were assessed by using inhibition of dehydrogenase activity as an endpoint. Uniform design concentration ratio (UDCR) and equieffect concentration ratio (EECR) mixtures were designed to evaluate the combined toxicities of ...

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