Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Enhancement of Image Steganography Using Compression Techniques

ABSTRACT  In a world of digital technology, maintaining the security of the secret data has become a great challenge. One way to achieve this is to encrypt the message before it is sent. But encryption draws the attention of third parties, which may cause the third party to seek to break the encryption and to detect the original message. Another way is steganography, steganography is the art and science of writing hidden Messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended ...


This study employed the techniques of electrical resistivity, induced polarization and aeromagneticmethods to investigate and quantify lead-zinc ore deposits. The electrical methods of geophysicalexploration were employed to measure thickness of overburden as well as width of the ore across thestudy area. IP method was used to investigate dissemination of lead-zinc sulphides. Aeromagneticdata over the area was acquired and processed to detect lead-zinc lode as well as magnetic anomaliespresen...

Hkay Hubs 13 PAGES (3150 WORDS) Geology Article/Essay
Query Processing and Optimization in Distributed Database Systems

Summary  Query processing is an important concern in the field of distributed databases. The main problem is: if a query can be  decomposed into subqueries that require operations at geographically separated databases, determine the sequence and  the sites for performing this set of operations such that the operating cost (communication cost and processing cost) for  processing this query is minimized. The problem is complicated by the fact that query processing not only depends on th...

Chemical Characterization of Some Flavonoids from Trianthema prot ulacstrum and phoenix dactylefrera and Their Biological Activity

Abstract  In the present work, the stems of Trianthema portulacastrum and Phoenix d actylefera pollens were extracted with 95% ethanol at ambient temperature. Qualitative tests on alcoholic extract of Trianthema portulacastrum stems re vealed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroids, carb ohydrates and glycosides. The crude extracts of Trianthema portulacastrum and Phoenix daclylefera w ere initially purified by column chromatography. Further purification was ac com...

Credit Scoring Using Data Mining Classification Application on Sudanese Banks

Abstract  The main aim of this thesis is to develop suitable and high performance Credit Scoring Models (CSMs) to assess credit risk of personal loans for the Sudanese commercial banks using data mining techniques. Two Sudanese credit datasets were constructed. These datasets were provided by Agricultural Bank of Sudan and Al Salam Commercial Bank. In addition to these two datasets, a German credit dataset was also employed in this research as a benchmarking dataset. Three data mining classi...

Improving Soba Solar Contact Cover for Fixed PV Modules by Using Acrylic Sheets

Abstract  In this research specifications of acrylic plate had been examined to evaluate its reliability to be used as alternative for the glass cover in the SobaSolar fixed PV modules. The maximum power of a fixed PV module composed of × . solar cell panel in outdoor test was found to be about: 3.42 Watts, that is when acrylic cover was attached to the module replacing the normal glass. This results showed that no significant change in the maximum power was made by using acrylic glass cove...

Some Essential Truths That Every Student Needs to Know about the Fourth Industrial Revolution

This is a short article on a call to action for everyone, especially the youth of today, on why they need to adjust, skill, and reskill themselves so as not to be caught off guard by the wave of the obvious and unstoppable revolution that's gradually sweeping across all sectors of the twenty-first century in the name of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR).


ABSTRACT The study area is located in the southeastern part of Nigeria. The area is predominantly, Abakaliki formation of Albian, Asu-River group, Lower Benue Trough. The area lies between latitude N060221 011 to N060 281 011 of the equator and longitude E0080 001 0011 to E0080 061 0011 of the Greenwich meridian. The study was carried out to ascertain the geology and the occurrence of groundwater in the area through detail geological field mappings geophysical investigation borehole drilling ...

Mobile Recruitment System in the Nigerian Civil Service Commission (A Case Study of Ogun State Civil Service Commission)

ABSTRACT  Traditional recruitment procedures are replaced so as to overcome most of its attendant challenges such as time-consuming and tiresome nature of recruiting a larger number of applicants into Civil Service from different parts of Nigeria considering multifaceted nature of the nation. This research obliterate favouritism, nepotism and other corrupt means that were the usual practice in short listing prospective candidate for job, electronic recruitment system are enhanced with the av...

Design of an Accident-Avoidance System

Overview In the urban life transportation is very common. A lot of mishappenings occur on the road every day .Therefore the need of security and monitoring is developed .To resolve such problems, a system is developed using GPS and GSM technologies and an application is introduced in the research work. The ability to accurately detect a vehicle location and its status is the main goal of automobile trajectory monitoring systems.& also The high demand of automobiles has also increased the tra...

Performance Evaluation of Grid-connected Pv System in Katsina State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study analyzes and compares the simulated performance of a 3.2 kWp grid-connected photovoltaic system. The system is located within coordinate of 12°15’N 7°30’E, at Government Day Secondary School Kofan Yandaka Katsina State Nigeia. The system consists of 14 Mono crystalline silicon modules connected in two strings of 7 seriesconnected modules, each facing north at a fixed tilt of 20° .The simulation is performed using Meteonorm generated weather data. The performance of ...

SSA Research 50 PAGES (9835 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Developing An Access Control System for Students’ Identification in Higher Institutions of Learning Using Biometric Technique

ABSTRACT Biometric technology is a technique that is capable of uniquely identifying a person through his/her characteristics features. The use of this approach is gaining ground in recent times, particularly in higher institution of learning where impersonation is currently at alarming rate. The technology offers a reliable solution for solving recognition problem through features such as: fingerprint, faces, iris, palm print etc. The main objective of this study is to implement a system tha...

Phytomedical assessment of two Cymbopogon species found in Nkonkobe Municipality: toxicological effect on human Chang liver cell line

Abstract Background: Cymbopogon species are widely used as herbal remedies by the traditional healers living in Nkonkobe Municipality for the treatment and management of skin and respiratory infections. According to our survey, the plants seem to be very important because of the higher demands. Methods: The leaves of C. validis and C. plurinodis were hydro-distilled and the resulted extracted oils were analyzed by GC/MS. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging from 7.8 to 500.0 μg/m...

Comparative Diagnostic Techniques for Cryptosporidium Infection

Abstract: Diarrhoea caused by Cryptosporidium is usually mild in immune competent individuals but severe in the young and those with underlying disease leading to compromised immunity. The conventional diagnosis of Cryptosporidium requires observation of the infective oocysts however, their tiny size yields indistinct results, thus limiting the effectiveness of the conventional diagnostic technique, modified Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) differential staining. Consequent to the abovementioned limitatio...

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Sour Fig (Suurvy) Native to South Africa

Abstract: Sour figs have become a provincial demand in South Africa for the treatment of common infections. The plant has displayed antioxidant activity. The plant leaves were extracted with hexane, acetone, and ethanol using Stuart Sharker, UK. The extracts' antibacterial activity was evaluated by determining the MICs in a range of 7.8-500.0 μg/ml against ten strains using micro-well dilution. Cytotoxicity was evaluated with brine shrimp using the same concentrations. The hexane extract exh...

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