Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Antioxidant and phytochemical properties of Carpobrotus edulis (L.) bolus leaf used for the management of common infections in HIV/AIDS patients in Eastern Cape Province

Abstract Background: Carpobrotus edulis (Mesembryanthemaceae), also known as igcukuma in Xhosa language is a medicinal plant used by the traditional healers to treat common infections in HIV/AIDS patients. Based on this information, we researched on the plant phytoconstituents, as well as its inhibitory effect using aqueous and three different organic solvent extracts in order to justify its therapeutic usage. Methods: Antioxidant activity of the extracts were investigated spectrophotometri...

The inhibitory effect of Mesembryanthemum edule (L.) bolus essential oil on some pathogenic fungal isolate

Abstract Background: Mesembryanthemum edule is a medicinal plant which has been indicated by Xhosa traditional healers in the treatment HIV associated diseases such as tuberculosis, dysentery, diabetic mellitus, laryngitis, mouth infections, ringworm eczema and vaginal infections. The investigation of the essential oil of this plant could help to verify the rationale behind the use of the plant as a cure for these illnesses. Methods: The essential oil from M. edule was analysed by GC/MS. Co...

Micro-morphological Information of Carpobrotus edulis (L.) Bolus:A Southern African Herbal Plant

Background and Objective: Carpobrotus edulis has become one of the most recognized herbal plants in the Savanna Regions of Eastern Cape and Western Cape in South Africa. This study analyzed the foliar morphology and elemental composition of the plant Carpobrotus edulis (L.) bolus. Materials and Methods: Fresh leaves of the plant were investigated using the JEOL (JSM-6390LV) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The elemental composition of the leaf was determined by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spe...

Mathematical Model on Human Population Dynamics Using Delay Differential Equation

ABSTRACT Simple population growth models involving birth rate, death rate, migration, and carrying capacity of the environment were considered. Furthermore, the particular case where there is discrete delay according to the sex involved in the population growth were treated. The equilibrium and stability analysis of each of the cases were considered also. The stability analysis shows that the discrete delays in the population growth lead to instability in the growth. TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFI...

High Resolution Overpressure Prediction from Seismic Velocity and Field Derived Formation Parameter in the Onshore Niger Delta.

ABSTRACT Occurrence of overpressured formation is common in Tertiary basins (e.g. Niger Delta), which can result in geomechanical problems, such as “kicks”, loss of expensive drilling mud, blowout, stuck pipe, reservoir quality damage, wellbore instability etc. if it is not accurately predicted prior to drilling. This study did a critically re-evaluation of the two commonly utilized methods and practices involve in pore pressure work in the industry. The main aim was to accurately predict...

Edu Frontiers 136 PAGES (22772 WORDS) Geology Thesis
Middle Paleocene to Early Miocene Palynostratigraphy of Sediments in Bende – Umuahia Area, Niger Delta Basin, Southeastern Nigeria.

ABSTRACT Cenozoic sediments outcrop in the Niger Delta Basin. Deposits in the Basin thicken southward (down-dip) but thin northward (up-dip) around Bende – Umuahia area where approximately 260 m thick exposure was logged from base to top. Sieve analysis and petrography were carried out to establish the depositional settings of sediments while palynological analysis was undertaken in order to identify palynomorphs and establish their biozonations, determine and correlate age of sediments, as...

Edu Frontiers 273 PAGES (36005 WORDS) Geology Project
Construction of X/S Band for Nigeriasat-2 Mission Control Centre and Validation of Data from the Satellite

ABSTRACT A fully automated X/S band Mission Control Centre (MCC) for the Nigeriasat-2 (N2) and Nigeriasat X (NX) satellites was constructed in Abuja. The construction of the MCC consisted of the installation of the appropriate size of antenna and computer systems used for the control of the entire satellite mission. The MCC of N2/NX consists of three main segments: the ground station (GS) used for direct communication link with the satellite, the mission control suit (MCS) used for mission co...

Edu Frontiers 149 PAGES (28472 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Fabrication and Capacitive Characteristics of Conjugated Polymer Composite (P-Polyaniline/N-Wo3) Heterojunction

Abstract A nanocrystalline and porous p-Polyaniline/n-WO3 dissimilar heterojunction at ambient temperature is reported. The high-quality and well-reproducible conjugated polymer composite films have been fabricated by oxidative polymerization of anilinium ion on predeposited WO3 thin film by chemical bath deposition (CBD). X-ray diffraction analysis of the deposited WO3 films revealed that as-deposited film was amorphous; however, an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition was observed by r...

Edu Frontiers 91 PAGES (21395 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Spatial Pattern of Industrial Production Subcontracting in Onitsha Metropolis, Anambra State Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at examining the spatial pattern of industrial production subcontracting in Onitsha Metropolis Anambra State Nigeria. Data were collected from documentary materials, questionnaire, in-depth interviews and field observation and were analysed using percentages, mean, standard deviation, nearest neighbour analysis and principal component analysis. The results of the study revealed that production subcontracting by firm size was more prominent in small and medium scal...

Edu Frontiers 106 PAGES (27531 WORDS) Geography Project
Global System for Mobile Communication (Gsm) Subscription Fraud Detection System Using Artificial Neural Network Technique

ABSTRACT This project is concerned with GSM subscription fraud detection system using artificial neural network technique. Fraud is a multi-billion problem around the globe with huge loss of revenue. Fraud can affect the credibility and performance of telecommunication companies. The most difficult problem that faces the industry is the fact that fraud is dynamic, which means that whenever fraudsters feel that they will be detected, they device other ways to circumvent security measures. In s...

Five Child-killer Diseases and Under-five Mortality in Yola Adamawa State, Nigeria (2001-2015)

Abstract The study was set out to investigate the prevalence of the five-child killer diseases and its cause effect on under-five mortality. It was driven by four major objectives; Determining the prevalence rate of the five child-killer diseases; Determining the proportion of mortality due to the five child-lciller diseases to the total under-five mortality in the studying area; Examining the correlation between the five child-killer diseases and under-five mortality and Determining the caus...

SSA Research 69 PAGES (17152 WORDS) Statistics Thesis
Food Craving and Aversion Among First Time Pregnant Women in Selected Health Facilities in Enugu Metropolis Enugu State

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the food craving and aversion among first time pregnant women in selected health facilities in Enugu metropolis. The objectives of this study were to determine the type of food first time pregnant women crave for or have aversion to, identify their reasons for their specific food craving and aversion, determine the first time pregnant women’s awareness of the implication of food craving and aversion in pregnancy and to identify measures taken by fi...

Study of Mechanical, Physico-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Products from Four Cassava Varieties

ABSTRACT Four varieties of cassava, namely: 91/02324, 97/4779, 98/2101 and NR87184 were processed into chips (30 x 2.0 x3.0 mm), ‘abacha shreds (0.80, 1.0, 1.6 mm thick) ‘abacha’ slices (0.5 mm x 60 mm) and gari. Part of the chips was processed into ‘abacha’ slices and gari to compare the products with those made from fresh roots. The mechanical properties of the products, the hydration kinetics of the chips and the ‘abacha’ shreds as well as the chemical, functional, rheologica...

A Non-Linear Regime Switching Models in Financial Series with Two Regimes

ABSTRACT In this study, two economic series which have changes in regimes were considered. Models considered for the two series are Simple Switching Mixture (SSM) model and Markov Switching Autoregressive (MS-AR) model. Predictions of future transition regime probabilities were performed using the Hamilton filter of m-period transition matrix for MS-AR model, while, the two state ergodic m-step ahead transitions probabilities for SSM model. Subsequently, forecast evaluation measures for the t...

Investigation of Magnetic Anomalies of Chibok and Damboa Areas in North Eastern Nigeria, Using High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data

ABSTRACT The aeromagnetic data of Chibok (sheet 134) and Damboa (sheet 112) areas, southern Chad basin were interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. Spectral Analysis, Source Parameter Imaging (SPI), Standard Euler deconvolution, Forward and Inverse modelling methods were used in the quantitative interpretation with the aim of determining depth to the magnetic source bodies, magnetic susceptibilities and the possible mineralization in the area. Oasis Montaj 6.4.2, WinGlink 1.62.08, Surfe...

Edu Frontiers 122 PAGES (21313 WORDS) Physics Thesis

1681 - 1695 Of 8880 Results