ABSTRACT Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic mellitus which occurs when blood glucose (sugar) increases more than normal. Diabetes management has been playing an important role on preventing or delaying occurrence of the life threatening diabetes complications. By providing a roaming operation environment, internet healthcare technologies can bring efficiencies and convenience to both diabetics and relative medics on diabetes management. The remote monitoring of patients is consider...
ABSTRACT The speed at which tourism industry growing in Uganda, East Africa and Africa as a whole has created need to extensively advertise to the rest of the world through internet based advertising. This project therefore was to develop a web solution for Abacus tours Uganda. Our study has established that unlike all other forms of advertising (Electronic and print media and word of mouth), the internet based advertising commands a wider coverage is more appealing to the user and is less ex...
ABSTRACT This research project was conducted to avail a centralized source of information concerning accommodation services provided by private hostels and other rental buildings for Kampala International University members. Current accommodations services provide by the university are limited. The research involved establishing the information one need to facilitate acquiring of these services by any individual of Kampala international University at any given time any where. This research ap...
ABSTRACT The work was carried out to determine the effectiveness of smoking and oven drying on the shelf stability and sensory characteristics of Atlantic mackerel fish fillets during storage. In the study, mackerel fish was eviscerated and cut into fillets, weighed and measured, cleaned and dipped in 75% saturated brine for 1 minute. It was smoked at a temperature of 60-70oC for 4hours. Products were then divided into four (4) batches after smoking and cooling. One batch was kept at room tem...
ABSTRACT Solution growth technique was used to deposit thin films of Manganese Suphide (MnS), Calcium Sulphide (CaS), Magnesium Sulphide (MgS), Barium Sulphide (Bas), Zinc Fluoride (ZnFz) and Calcium Oxide (CaO) on micro-slides (Substrates) at different bath parameters which include temperature, molarity of solution, Volume of solution and water, time of d.eposition and pH. The absorbance, A was measured using spectrophotometer ranging from ultraviolet to visible regions. The Transmittance, T...
ABSTRACT Extracts and powders produced from the leaves of two indigenous vegetables – ‘atama’ (Heinsia crinata) and ‘uchakoro’ (Vitex doniana) were evaluated. Four groups of processes were applied on the vegetables to obtain the samples: blanching, oven drying and milling; oven drying and milling; steam blanching, wet-milling, filtration, and fermentation; fermentation, wet-milling and filtration. After, a preliminary study to evaluate the antinutritional factors at different interv...
ABSTRACT This study is concerned with the design of a Decision Support System for finding the Shortest path to a destination. The objectives of the study is to determine the optimal shortest/fastest path to a given destination or optimal shortest distance/fastest time to a given destination amongst others. The shortest path algorithm used is Dijkstra’s algorithm with finite nodes in the road network for optimum performance. Hence, the system developed in this study, seeks for an optimal sol...
ABSTRACT This research work presents findings of the extent and distributions of saline zone and the hydrochemical characteristics of the groundwater of Awe, Keana and Giza areas in the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria.Staticwater levels(swl) of hand dug wells were measured andthe results used to generate hydraulic head data and hydraulichead map. The static water levels range from 1.0m to 13.5m at Awe, 1.0m to 4.5m at Keana and 2.2m to 9.2m at Giza. The hydraulic head maps for the three areas ...
ABSTRACT The role of water in petroleum migration has hitherto been grossly underplayed because of the unsuccessful search for a model that demonstrates the movement of water and hydrocarbons combined in a single phase, It appears, however, that many of the alternative mechanisms that have been favoured also require the availability and movement of large quantities of water at great depths for their efficiency. For example in models that favour continuous oil phase during migration, excessive...
ABSTRACT This research work is concerned with the detection, analysis and fixing of software bugs. The objective of this work was to identify software development process with a focus of identifying cost effective methods of developing and managing software systems by introducing a post-deployment debugging approach which helps track software’s stability and at same time serve as a software bug-data repository. To achieve this objective, a web-based application –BugTracker was developed t...
ABSTRACT Statistical, analytical and numerical methods have been used to develop a model for phenomenology and dynamical evolution of Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) sources through the ambient medium of density, e n , within a characteristic time, T . Results show that the empirical relation between spectral turnover, n p , and D implies that 0.34 n p e ~ n , suggesting that the spectral turnover constitutes a characteristic signature of dense gases around CSS sources. However, since the charac...
ABSTRACT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooooo ACKNOWLEDGENEIJTS .......... CONTENTS ooooooooooooooo I~ISTOFFI~IRES ooo.. 0.0.. LIST OF TABLES oooooooooo CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ooo.oooooo b 1 :l Geologica,l setting 1 :2 Na.ture of study CHAPTER TWO GENERAL GXOLOGY 0 oo 00 0 00 0 0 Phyllites ..... Schista ..... Amphibolites ..... Gneisses ..... Migmatitea ..... Dolerites ..... Gra.ni to id rocks Sedimentaxy rocks i ii v vii ix xii CONTENTS (CONTD . ) viii CHAPTER !THREE MINERALOGY AND PETROGRAPHY .**.*......
ABSTRACT The rocks and soils underlying Lambata-Minna and Minna-Bida roads in central Nigeria were mapped with the view to determine their impact on the stability of the roads underlain by them. Vertical electrical sounding was done along the roads to determine the soil profile of the roads and statistics of the roads utilization was also done to infer if the roads are overused by vehicles. The geophysical studies revealed that the soil profiles of the two roads are composed of laterite, sand...
ABSTRACT Human Resource (HR) unit is a vital department in any institution of higher learning. The unit manages the staff welfare, recruits new staff and keep track of their records until retirement. The unit is also responsible for adequate dissemination of information through official memo and online communication to the entire stake holders of the institutions and beyond. The main objective of this study was to introduce a substantial improvement to the existing website that was been used ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this work was to examine the patterns and determinants of fertility in Nsukka region, Enugu State, Nigeria. This was necessarily because most fertility studies across the nation lay emphasis on single or selected determinants, and using the findings to make recommendations on generalized terms which may not be applicable in different parts of the country. The data for this work was generated from questionnaire survey administered to 840 women of the reproductive age co...