Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Effects Of Reward And Compensation On Team Performance A Case Study Of Bushenyi Dairy Industry Cooperative Union Limited

Abstract The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between the effects of reward and compensation on team performance in organizations especially BUDICO. In chapter one the researcher covered the background the study, stated the problem statement, the scope of the study and finally the signification of the study. In chapter two, the researcher initially started by defining reward and compensation and team performance as defined by different authors. She went ahead to explain ...

A Web Based Computerised Census Management System: Case Study: Mityana District

Information technology goes beyond keeping data safely, reducing data storage and eliminating data redundancy. It involves systems that make informed decision, systems that need less human inputs to produce results. But above all, it involves sharing this information with fellow colleagues at the district. In the political, economical and social perspectives, such as those in Mityana district, where many people, resources, schools, health facilities or other business transactions may be neede...

The Impact Of Ict On Rural Development ~N South Sudan Case Study: Rialbek Internet Cafe

ABSTRACT The impact of ICT on Rural Development in South Sudan as a new State in the World and in the region needs a lot of efforts in place to improve the challenges facing the entire community in the ICT sector both private and public. The only way to overcome these challenges, is to provides the affected population with the standard services of the ICT and be sensitized on how to beneficially utilize these services. In these circumstances, we are talking about the first-hand informati...

An Automated Orphanage Records Information System A Case Study: Tumaini Center Dar Es Salaam Tanzania

Abstract Tumaini Center Is Located In Ukonga A Suburb Of The Town Center 8 Kilometers From The City Of Dar Es Salaam. This Center Is Still Using Paper Based File System To Collect And Store Data, The Paper Based File System Has Been Faced With Many Problems In Daily Working Such As Losing Of Some Document, Lack Of Security, Data Duplication, Updating Files, Therefore A Computerized System Should Be Introduced To Alleviate The Mentioned Problems.

Design and Implementation of a Web-Based E-Business System for Uganda Companies CASE STUDY: Divine Masters Ltd

Due to the increase of development of infrastructure in Uganda, many Construction Companies have emerge which do not provide the right standard of construction on this infrastructure. As a result many buildings that are constructed are collapsing due to failure to get the good companies to offer them these services. For this reason the Web Based System for e-business especially Divine Masters Ltd, have been design to raise awareness to the market of the services that is offering along side wi...

Scientific Application Software For Ordinary Level Basic Mathematics And Physics

This study focused on the subject of scientific Application and specifically investigates the applicability of software solutions to Basic ordinary level Mathematics and Physics modeling problems that can be perceived in terms of several independent variables and one dependent variable. From a mathematical perspective, mathematics is the science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement, and physics is the ~cience of matter and energy and thei...

Aweb Based Computerised Census Management System: Case Study: Mityana District

ABSTRACT: Information technology goes beyond keeping data safely, reducing data storage and eliminating data redundancy. It involves systems that make informed decision, systems that need less human inputs to produce results. But above all, it involves sharing this information with fellow colleagues at the district. In the political, economical and social perspectives, such as those in Mityana district, where many people, resources, schools, health facilities or other business transactions ma...

Students Management Information System A Case Study Of Kitebi Primary School

School management and operations could become more efficient through adoption and utilization of a customized student management based information systems. Most schools in Uganda are yet to adopt these relatively recent innovative information technologies. Like most school, the volume of records at Kitebi primary school increases annually and apparently this school keeps records on a stand alone computer, making operations of student management information systems impractical. This proposed s...

A Web Based Insurance Information System For Improving Business Processes For Pax Insurance Company Limited

Table of Contents Declaration.ii Approval iii Dedication iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v List of Acronyms ix Rth°7a~ °“J& INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the Problem 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1.3 Purpose of the Study 3 1.3. iGeneral Objective 3 1.3.2 Specific Objectives 3 1.4 Research Questions 3 1.5 Significance of the Study 3 1.6 The Scope of the Study 4 1.6.1 Geographical Scope 4 1.6.2TimeScope 4 1.6.3 Subject Scope 4 CAkPr9 F~-2-~ I LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Insurance Companies and Activi...

Designing And Implementation Of Real Estate Management System Case Study: Jitihada Agencies

ABSTRACT The Real Estate Management system is an interactive, effective and revenue-generating system designed for the Real Estate Industry. The main objective of this application is to help the Real Estate Company to display unlimited number of property listings on the website. The primary focus is to get &miliar to .CSS framework and code with Php to provide a featured GUI which contains sophisticated search engine for buyer’s to search for property listings specific to their needs. The s...

Design And Implementation Of An Online Admission System For A Campus

ABSTRACT Student admissions are a pivotal part of any University! Institution’s activities because students are what keep a University alive. A poor admissions system can mean fewer students being admitted into a University because of mistakes or an overly slow response time. Considering African Institutions, resources are scarce to facilitate the admission process, since most students who opt to join institutes for Certificate and Diploma courses are from Pool, backgrounds. However, for Af...

Electronic Data Collection System For Departments Case Study Kampala International University

The process through which data is collected from the Examination department to any department under the heads of department is done manually and is the current system which is in use. The examination department works jointly with the databank where it gives a hand in handling cases of retrieved results. The data in the databank involves information like students registration records and results records which are retrieved from the examination store. Students’ results are collected manually ...

A Database Management And Inventory System. Case Study: Christian Science Church Kampala,

ABSTRACT~ The purpose of this project is to develop a database management and inventory system for Christian Science Church (CSC). This will be used to meet the objectives of the system users. Observation, interviews, and studying of current system were carried out which enabled the researcher to get information from the sample population, secondary and primary sources of information were used. The findings indicate various reasons to use a database system like reducing costs. There were�...

Design And Implementation Of Sms Bus Booking Systemto Increase Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Bus Services A Case Study Of Link Bus Company

Bus ticketing process in Africa is one of the slowest and time wasting yet it is the mains means of travel between the capital cities to major towns. Currently use of mobile telephone is widespread and considerable penetration has been achieved. In Uganda the application of SMS-based bus ticketing system is yet to be explored. This comes in the light that Uganda’s bus travel business has grown steadily over time without matching improvement in ticketing or booking services. For long there h...

Design And Development Of Web Application On A Mail Server

ABSTRACT The significance of information technology led to an increasing recognition that communication is an essential thing in the organization. Thus, it is the duty of any organization to ensure well organized and managed information and communication for the organization to succeed. This project aims at designing and developing a mail program which will enhance communication for the university. The project gives the background and introduces the subject under study. The project includes a...

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