Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Design And Implementation Of A Web Based Reservation System For A Hospitality Industry A Case Study Of Paragon Hotel

ABSTRACT This system has mainly been made for an online reservation of a Hotel. The system has been designed with front-end as Html!php/javascripts and backend as MySqi. The project Online Reservation System for Hospitality Industry manages and maintains the records of guests and rooms in the hotel. The rooms have different categories such as Single Rooms, Executive Twin, Executive Deluxe, Executive Suites and Apartments etc. So there charges and records will be maintained accordingly. This s...

Development And Implementation Of A Management System To Enhance Sales A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Ltd, Uganda

ABSTRACT This project is main objective of this project was to design a management system to enhance sales for Uganda Clay’s with the a view of improving data capture, ease the sales process, retrieval and production of timely reports so as to improve the decision making by management and the overall performance of the Uganda Clay’s ltd. Currently, Ugandan Clay’s is using a Traditional (manual) sales system to capture sale’s transaction. Traditional Sales system tends to be characte...

Bugolobi Nursing Home Database and Information Management System

Abstract In Uganda most health service providers are faced with a challenge of providing quality health services to the large number of patients and clients thus necessitating health service providers to continuously ensure availability of quality and timely data to enable the provision of better and improved health services to the patients. Bugolobi Nursing Home is one of the health service providers, but it uses a manual system which fails in provision of a timely and quality data for ...

Loan Management Information System Case Study Of Ishaka Famers' Sacco Limited

ABSTRACT The Loan Management Information System is a computerized database of financial information organized and programed in such way that it produced regular reports on operations for every level of management in a SACCO; it is usually also possible to obtain special reports form the system easily. The general objective of study was to design a loan management information system that could improve loan record handling and bring about timely Loan processing. The specific objectives of stud...

Online Lecturers' Assessment System A Case Study Of KIu Wc

This study was carried out in order determine the current mode of lecturer assessment at Kampala International University WC so as to come up vvith a better assessment method. Descriptive, explanatory and evaluative research designs were adopted in order to come up with valid and reliable information. Information was obtained from both primary and secondary sources. Secondary data and questionnaires were used to get information from the respondent. Research findings revealed that the current ...

Electronic Learning Resource A Case Study Of Uganda Martyrs Primary School

ABSTRACT Uganda Martyrs primary school has been using the chalk and blackboards to teach However, the chalk and black board system has many challenges which include pupils being bored sifting for hours listening to the teacher, it was not interesting, created a gap between children and computer technology, pupils who lacked self confidence and slow learners needed updated materials and interactive systems to do constant revision and practice independently. This project was aimed to intro...

Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Library Records Management System; A Case Study Of St. Johns Secondary School Bukedea

ABSTRACT St. Johns Secondary School is an upcoming school in the eastern part of Uganda. It has a growing library which operates on a manual system of pen and paper and a traditional filing system of file covers stacked on top of each other. A research project has been carried out to computerize the library by implenmenting a computerized records management system. The computerized records system will be able to retrieve information, save, print and only to authorized users. The use of passwo...

The Management Information System A Case Of Dejavour Supermarket.

Abstract, The purpose of this project was to develop a Supermarket management system for Dejavour Supermarket Limited. The researcher collected data through interviewing the company’s employees and customers/clients met at the Supermarket’s main branch, and observing how the previous system was functioning from where I based myself to come up with the project report and system. Because of the nature of this study, data was further collected from secondary sources like literature review. R...

A Students’ Records Management Information System In A Secondary School Case Study: Crested Secondary School (Css)

All in all, the study is focusing on the development of a students’ records management information System for the secondary schools while using Crested SS as the case study. A students’ records management information System for the secondary schools, shall be able to track personal record of students, ease searching and updates of students records ~nd provide better security and control over information. The system will ensure that the information is well kept and consistent. A database m...

Design And Implemention Of A Centralized Drug Distribution Information System For Busia District- Uganda Case Study: Nsemba Midi Cal Stores

The study detennines the impact of design and implementation of a centralized dmg distribution in Busia district . the purpose of the study is to design dmg distribution inf01mation system for managing dmgs in Busia district. The study intended to establish and recommend strategies polices to reduce the safety of dmgs for the district this in view of the fact that safty of dmgs is common along the supply chain management. The study was conducted through a cross sectional survey data was colle...

The Effecs Of Stock Control! Stocktaking On Stock Management A Case Study Of Tropical Supermarket Naguru

The purpose of the study was to analyze the effects of stock control on inventory in business organizations, basing on the following objectives; to find out reasons of stock imbalances during stocktaldng to determine ways of minimizing inventory costs, and to provide practical procedures that can enable business implementation and improvement of their stock management. The descriptive aspect of the research design was used to establish the company performance in relation to its stock manageme...

Investigation of typhoid fever and their associated risk factors in children

Typhoid fever is a communicable disease transmitted by the bacteria Salmonella typhi, related to serotype paratyphi A, B and C. The disease is a significant health concern in most developing countries especially Cameroon. Objectives: The study aimed at assessing the risk factors associated to typhoid fever in children (0-18 years) attending the “Deo Gratias” hospital in Douala. Method: A hospital based cross sectional study from August to September 2018 was carried out in children aged 0-...

Assessing the incidence of common bean in Cameroon

In most parts of Cameroon particularly the Menoua Division, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is usually consumed immediately after harvest or after a few months of storage. Contamination of common bean by fungi usually occurs in the field and during storage. It is possible that the incidence of food contamination by fungi varies between field and storage. The study aimed at determining the incidence of common bean infection by fungi during harvest and during storage. Six common bean cultiv...

The Management Information System A Case Of Dejavour Supermarket

Abstract, The purpose of this project was to develop a Supermarket management system for Dejavour Supermarket Limited. The researcher collected data through interviewing the company’s employees and customers/clients met at the Supermarket’s main branch, and observing how the previous system was functioning from where I based myself to come up with the project report and system. Because of the nature of this study, data was further collected from secondary sources like literature review. R...

Imports And Economic Growth In Uganda (1995-2011)

ABSTRACT This research report set out to investigate the relationship between imports and economic growth (measured by GDP) in Uganda (1995-20 1 1), the study employed time series survey data since examined data for a short time ,its objectives were; to establish the trend of import in Uganda(1995-201 1, to establish the trend of GDP growth of Uganda(1995-201 1) ,to investigate the relationship between import and GDP growth in Uganda (1995-2011), the hypothesis of the study was there is no si...

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