Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Determination Of Bacteriological Quality Of Fresh Beef Post- Harvesting In Nyagacho Slum, Kericho, Kenya

ABSTRACT While food borne diseases remain an important public health problem worldwide, one of the most significant food safety hazards is associated with those from animals. Food borne infections and illnesses are a major international health problem with consequent economic reduction and deaths. Meat is considered the most important source of proteins consumed by humans, yet most perishable. For highly perishable foodstuffs such as fresh red meat, the threat of food poisoning is particularl...

SSA Research 86 PAGES (16484 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Aspergillus Flavus And Aflatoxin Levels In Stored Maize In Eastern Kenya And Antifungal Activity Of Some Plant Extracts

ABSTRACT Maize is the staple crop in Eastern Province of Kenya especially in Makueni, Kangundo, Kibwezi, Machakos and Kitui South Districts. It has been noted that the abiotic and biotic stresses associated with these Districts promote growth of toxigenic fungi that produce mycotoxins in maize in storage. The aflatoxin producing species of Aspergillus are a common phenomenon in maize contamination that has led to frequent outbreaks of aflatoxicoses in these regions. To address this problem, t...

SSA Research 116 PAGES (24845 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Prevalence Of The Female Athlete Triad Among Junior Female Long Distance Runners In Iten, Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Adolescents regularly participating in sports and do not meet their energy intake may develop several medical conditions, such as disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, and decreased bone mineral density, collectively referred to as the Female Athlete Triad (FAT). Limited data is available on components of FAT in adolescent athletes of African descent. This study’s aim was to investigate the presence of the components of the female athlete triad amongst a group of junior long fe...

Distorted Wave Method Applied To Elastic Scattering Of Electrons By Magnesium Atom

Abstract Knowledge of differential and integral cross sections for electron-atom or electron-ion collision is very important in the study of astrophysics, plasma physics and laser development. So it is essential to make studies of differential and integral cross sections for electron atom collision either experimentally or theoretically. In this study the Distorted Wave Method has been applied to calculate the differential and integral cross sections for elastic scattering of electrons by a m...

Effects Of Consolidation Parameters On Mechanical Properties And Thermal Degradation Of Self Reinforced High Density Polyethylene Composite

ABSTRACT The numerous applications of high density polyethylene (HDPE) in industries for production of domestic and commercial commodities have made it necessary to find ways of improving its mechanical properties. The most common way of doing this is to add reinforcement such as glass fibers. However these composites suffer limitations due to reduced recyclability, great weight and difficult to thermo-form. In order to improve properties such as specific strength, stiffness and thermo-formab...

SSA Research 89 PAGES (16766 WORDS) Physics Thesis
Amoebiasis levels in relation to sanitation and personal hygiene among patients attending Kauwi and Muthale hospitals in Kitui county, Kenya

ABSTRACT Entamoeba histolytica, an intestinal protozoan parasite, is the causative agent for amoebiasis which is the third leading parasitic disease causing deaths in humans after malaria and schistosomiasis. Globally, it is responsible for 40,000 to 100,000 deaths annually. Amoebiasis is on the rise in Kitui County and is responsible for diarrheal illnesses and early deaths in children under 5 years. There is no surveillance system in Kenya to combat the disease and its real level of occurre...

SSA Research 81 PAGES (15324 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
Genetic Diversity Of Faidherbia Albida (Del.) A. Chev Collections Held At The World Agroforestry Centre (Icraf) Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev is a tree species native to Africa and the Middle East. It is an important agro-silvo pastural species owing to its morphological and physiological dynamics that mediate improvement of soil structure and fertility while offering several other benefits to farmers and the environment. Key among these is its reverse phenology, a phenomenon that allows the tree to compete minimally with crops while providing a favorable microclimate for their growth. It ...

Simulating Natural Turbulent Convection Fluid Flow In An Enclosure Using The Two-Equation Turbulent Models

  ABSTRACT This study assesses the performance of three numerical turbulence models; k -e , k -w and k -w - SST in predicting heat transfer due to natural convection inside an air filled cavity. The heat transfer due to natural convection inside a rectangular closed cavity should be modeled to include the effect of turbulence for Rayleigh number greater than or equal to 9 10 .The non-linear terms i j u u and qi u in the averaged momentum and energy equations respectively were modeled using...

SSA Research 135 PAGES (28050 WORDS) Mathematics Thesis
Functionalized Geopolymers Derived From Clay And Rice Husk Ash For Removal Of Selected Heavy Metals And Methylene Blue From Aqueous Solution

ABSTRACT With the onset of industrialization, humanity has witnessed various ecological issues in the society and disturbance of ecosystem. Heavy metals and methylene blue are very toxic substances known to cause detrimental effects to human health when ingested even at low concentrations. Several techniques are available for removal of heavy metals, and dyes from the wastewater such as chemical precipitation, ion exchange, adsorption, membrane among others. Among these technologies adsorptio...

SSA Research 202 PAGES (52731 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Evaluation Of Antioxidant And Anti-Inflammatory Activities, Total Phenolic And Flavonoid Content In Selected Medicinal Plants, Non-Edible Medicinal Mushrooms And Seaweed

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants play a major role for sources of lead compounds in drug discovery. Studies done have shown that plants, fungi such as mushrooms and seaweeds are a good source of bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer and antimicrobial activities. Antioxidants play main role by hindering oxidation by protecting cells from damage by free radicals. This protects the body from cancer and other chronic ailments like heart diseases. Anti-inflammatory effect i...

SSA Research 74 PAGES (14394 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Assessment Of Levels Of Some Active Skin Lightening Compounds In Selected Facial Creams And Soaps In The Kenyan Market

ABSTRACT Cosmetics are generally used to improve the appearance by the removal or correction of blemishes and to treat diseases of the human skin and hair. Skin-lighteners which include hydroquinone, mercury, arbutin, kojic acid, ascorbyl glucoside, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate have been frequently used in skin lightening creams and soaps. However chronic exposure to mercury compounds in skin lightening creams and soaps may lead to various disorders such as nephritic, peripheral neuropathy, a...

A Numerical Study Of Turbulent Natural Convection In A Rectangular Enclosure With Localised Heating And Cooling.

ABSTRACT This study models natural turbulent convection in a rectangular enclosure with localized heating and cooling. The equations used in modeling the flow are the equation of continuity, momentum equation and the energy equation. These equations are decomposed using the Reynolds decomposition then the decomposed equations are non – dimensionalised and reduced using the Boussinesq assumptions. The model that is considered is a rectangular enclosure with one side wall being heated and the...

Determination Of Lead, Cadmium And Nickel In Henna Leaves And Cosmetic Henna Products Within Lamu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Lawsonia inermis Linn, commonly known as henna, is an ethno botanical plant which has been used since antiquity for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Henna painting is an art of beautification which is commonly practised by the people of Lamu County. Heavy metals such as Pb, Cd and Ni are toxic and commonly found in cosmetic products such as henna. The level of these metals in henna leaves and henna products from Lamu is not known. The aim of the study was to determine the level of Pb...

SSA Research 82 PAGES (17938 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Analysis Of Essential Trace Elements In Selected Medicinal Plants Used In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya is endowed with nature where hundreds of medicinal plants are available. During photosynthesis and respiration process in plants, animals and other organisms, ions of metal elements play a major role with a few of the elements being essential to the body as nutrients. Trace elements Zn, Cr, V and Se with known immunological response and healing properties were analysed from selected medicinal plants available in Kenya. These plants were; Prunus africana, Urtica massaica, Mayten...

The Study of Ethnobotanical Uses by Local Healers in Taktse Chiwog from Central Bhutan

Aim: To document the ethnobotanical uses in Taktse Chiwog (Village blocks) by local healers Study Design: Semi-structured interview and direct interview was conducted with the prior approval from the Chiwog official. Two local healers/informants were contacted for interview before field visits based on their popularity and experience of using medicinal plants in their locality. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at Taktse Chiwog, Trongsa Dzongkhag, Bhutan between July and O...

2806 - 2820 Of 8880 Results