Aim: To document the medicinal uses of homegarden plants by local healers. Study Design: Semi-structured interview was conducted with the prior approval from the gewog official. Five local healers were contacted for interview before field visits based on their popularity and experience of using medicinal plants in their locality. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at Gosiling gewog, Tsirang District, Bhutan between May and June 2016. The homegarden and agricultural pract...
ABSTRACT The cosmic limitation of high humid environment in tropic regions spurs a lot of interest to the development of low cost desiccants. Calcium chloride has been indicated as the oldest adsorbent desiccant among chemicals and gas dehydration industries. However, calcium chloride dissolution behaviour makes it difficult to be utilized well as desiccant. The first attempt to suppress deliquescence behavior for dehumidification purpose was in 1976 where silt loam was used as the host mater...
ABSTRACT Tea is one of the major cash crops in Kenya and a means of livelihood to people living around the region where it is grown. Branch and collar canker disease is among the many diseases which affect the crop hence reducing its production. Methods used to control the disease mainly involve the use of chemical fungicides which are toxic and not environmentally friendly. This study was therefore done to determine the use of plant products and extracts to manage the disease. Among the prod...
Groundwater contamination occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use. Drinking contaminated groundwater can have serious health effects. Diseases such as hepatitis and dysentery may be caused by contamination from septic tank waste. Poisoning may be caused by toxins that have leached into well water supplies. Wildlife can also be harmed by contaminated groundwater. Other long...
ABSTRACT Lead and cadmium which are heavy metals may be used as paint pigments as they speed drying, increase durability, retain a fresh appearance and resist moisture that causes corrosion. Both lead and cadmium metals are toxic, poisonous and are carcinogen, lower IQ, cause hyper activity among other effect. Their presence in decorative paints can produce toxic effect to both painters and those who live in painted houses or painted product especially children who use painted toys can be i...
ABSTRACT Magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer flow involving a fluid of varying viscosity subject to thermal radiation and Newtonian heating has various applications in industry and engineering some of the applications include designing of cooling systems used in electronic devices, cooling of nuclear reactors, harvesting of solar energy, thermal insulation, heat exchangers and in geothermal reservoirs. Heat transfer by thermal radiation is of significance to engineering processes that occurs ...
In Cameroon, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is amongst the legumes which are greatly consumed. Farmers in Cameroon especially the Menoua Division grow different common bean cultivars which after harvest, are stored to be used as food over the storage period or for sale. Storage of agricultural products become prone to fungal infection over time. Studies on the microbiology of stored common bean has identified fungi as a major contaminant. However it is possible that the incidence an...
ABSTRACT Vacuum evaporation is one of the mostly commonly used method for depositing thin films of metals, semiconductors or dielectrics on various substrates. Either molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), electron-beam (e-beam) or resistance heating is employed for heating the evaporant source material in vacuum. Resistive evaporation is the oldest method of depositing thin films in magnetron sputtering systems. As a problem common to deposition of films using resistive evaporation, the source mater...
Globally, there is a high demand for clean, sustainable and renewable energy for domestic and industrial use. Current photovoltaic cell technology relies heavily on crystalline silicon wafers. Silicon based solar cell are expensive because of their initial cost of production and they require complex deposition method. Due to these challenges, great research interest is now directed towards thin-film solar cells. In this research, chemical bath deposition (CBD) method is preferred because...
Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is recognized as the leading bacterial pathogen in children hospitalized for acute diarrheal illness reflecting a significant cost in health resources. However, asymptomatic carriage of EAEC is also high making it difficult to distinguish the pathogenic and the non-pathogenic strains of EAEC. Establishing a marker which corresponds with diarrheal illness would be of significant value in routine detection of pathogenic EAEC and its differentiation...
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is recommended up to 6 months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond. Failure to exclusively breastfeed for six months is associated with increased risk of childhood mortality and morbidity. There is paucity of information that analyses the disparity in Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) among primiparous and multiparous mothers. This study aimed to compare the KAP of EBF betwee...
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the third most valuable food crop in Kenya and the main source of proteins to smallholder farmers. However, its production is constrained by insufficient nitrogen (N) in the soil exacerbated by acidic soil conditions and phosphorus (P) fixation. Majority of smallholder farmers are resource limited hence apply negligible amount of inorganic fertilizers. Therefore, enhancing biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by bean germplasms grown by smallholder fa...
ABSTRACT Turbulent flow is a type of fluid flow in which the fluid undergoes irregular fluctuations. The velocity of the fluid at a point is continuously undergoing changes in both magnitude and direction. Turbulent natural convection has been studied both numerically and theoretically. It plays an important role in the field of heat transfer and buildings environment. A numerical study was performed on a rectangular enclosure with varying Rayleigh numbers to determine velocity, temperature ...
ABSTRACT Heavy metal pollution in soil and water arising from anthropogenic sources continue to pose a great challenge to human and animal population. In Samburu County conflicts arising from cattle rustling, military trainings in the county which have led to heavy use and disposal of arms, a growing population without proper sewerage facilities, increase in the number of aging automobiles and fertilizers from the wheat and barley farms in the highlands of Lorroki are the biggest contributors...
Genetic modification has come a long way since its inception with the first genetically engineered human insulin in 1982 and the first genetically modified tomato in 1994. The use of genetic engineering to modify crops has been a controversial issue which has raised scientific, environmental, economic, social and ethical/moral as well as religious concerns. In Kenya, the debate has been conducted with little involvement of key stakeholders, in particular farmers and consumers. Thorough e...