Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

The Effects Of Public Debt On Private Investments And Economic Growth In Kenya (1980-201

ABSTRACT The Kenya Vision 2030 aims at achieving a 10 percent per annum growth rate in the economy. Investments have been identified as a major channel through which this objective can be met. The government has undertaken various public investments to fuel economic growth. However, for this to be even more effective, private investments have to be taken into consideration. The government has taken various measures such as relying more on external debt to avoid crowding out private investmen...

Edu Frontiers 91 PAGES (18031 WORDS) Statistics Project
Evaluation Of Malaria Infection In Relation To Age, Residence And Diagnosis Of Patients Attending Kipsamoite Dispensary, Nandi North District, Kenya

Malaria imposes a huge burden upon the health and economic development of tropical nations and has been identified as a major obstacle to sustainable development by the world’s poorest regions. Diagnosis of malaria still remains a major challenge towards effective case management more so in areas with limited diagnostic facilities and lack of access to skilled health personnel. Clinical diagnosis which is the most widely used approach has several limitations leading to its low sensiti...

Prevalence, Susceptibility Patterns And Risk Factors Associated With Staphylococcus Aureus Presence In Marketed Milk And Milk Products Within Nairobi City County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Staphylococcus aureus is a major food-borne pathogen that poses a serious threat to public health. In Kenya, with the continuous water shortage, proper sanitary conditions are not sufficiently met and hence pre-disposing the community to S. aureus infections. One of the difficulties of controlling S. aureus food poisoning is that food can contain a very high population of the bacteria without being noticeably identified. It has been suggested that food-borne diseases represent one of...

SSA Research 115 PAGES (24139 WORDS) Microbiology Thesis
Gamma Ray Spectrometric Analysis Of Sediment Deposits At The Shores Of Lake Nakuru, Kenya

Natural activities like volcanic eruptions and anthropogenic activities such as excavation of rocks for buildings and road constructions expose originally concealed radioactive elements in the rocks within the earth crust. Poor agricultural practices such as excessive use of fertilizers lead to accumulation of radioactive elements in the environment. Transport agents like run-off water and rivers accumulate these radionuclides in lakes and other water bodies. Lake Nakuru is situated clo...

Behavioral Responses Of Tuta Absoluta To A Wild And Cultivated Tomato Plants And Characterization Of The Mediating Semiochemical Blends

ABSTRACT Tomato is rated the second most important horticultural crop after potato in most parts of the world. However, its cultivation is threatened by infestations of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). The pest originated from South America and is now invading fields and greenhouse production sites in the world. Tuta absoluta was first officially reported in Kenya in March 2014 at Isiolo and has spread to all parts where tomato is grown. The pest has been nicknamed tomato ‗Al–sha...

SSA Research 101 PAGES (22410 WORDS) Chemistry Thesis
Genetic Engineering Of Sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea Batata (L.) Lam) Using Isopentenyltransferase Gene For Enhanced Drought Tolerance

Drought adversely affects crop production worldwide leading to approximately 70% of yield reduction. Significant yield loss is common among the major cereals such as maize, wheat and barley due to frequent and severe drought as a result of climate change. Therefore, there is a great need for drought tolerant or escaping crops that still yield amidst erratic climatic manifestation. Sweetpotato is capable of producing high yield in a short period of time making it suitable for cultivation ...

Infection Rates Of Schistosoma Haematobium Among Primary School Children In Garsen Constituency, Tana River County, Kenya And The Types Of Snail Vectors

ABSTRACT Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharziases is a parasitic disease caused by blood flukes (trematodes) of the genus Schistosoma. Both urinary schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma haematobium and intestinal schistosomiasis caused by S. mansoni occur in various regions of Kenya, including the coastal region. River Tana which flows through Garsen, offer breeding sites for Bulinus snails which are the fresh water snail vectors for S. haematobium. Despite the WHO recommending the strateg...

SSA Research 79 PAGES (14851 WORDS) Parasitology Thesis
Challenges And Prospects For Sustainable Water Supply For Kajiado Town, Kajiado County

Kajiado town, the County headquarters for Kajiado County which is classified as semi-arid area, lacks adequate water supply systems. The town had a projected population of 16,003 in 2013 (KNBS, 2010) but no functional municipal water supply system. There is no permanent river near the town and the town has a formation with poor aquifer such that even bore holes have low water yields. Water is sold at an exorbitant price given that a twenty (20) litre jerry can cost on average Kshs 10 whi...

Antinociceptive Activities Of Acetone Leaves Extracts Of Carissa Spinarum And Caesalpinia Volkensii In Mice

Despite the progress that has occurred in recent years in the development of therapy, there is still a need for effective and potent analgesics for pain. Pain is defined as unpleasant feeling essential for body‘s defense system. Pain is managed using analgesics such as aspirin,paracetamol, diclofenac, morphine, opioids, among others. Conventional antinociceptives are expensive and have many side effects. Continued use of these drugs may lead to tolerance. Medicinal plants have been use...

Growth Perfomance And Phytochemical Profiles Of Prunus Africana Sampled From Muguga, Kobujoi And Karuri, Kenya

ABSTRACT Prunus africana (Hook.f.) is an evergreen tree that grows in African mountains. The species’ bark and bark extracts are used for the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia. The pharmacological efficacy of the extracts is said to be due to synergistic effect of several compounds such as phytosterols, pentacyclic triterpenoids and ferulic acid esters. High demand for the bark and bark extracts has led to over-exploitation of natural population of the species. As a result, P. africa...

SSA Research 145 PAGES (24994 WORDS) Biochemistry Thesis
Heterotic Grouping Of Selected Inbred Lines Of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Using Two Testers In Kiambu And Embu Counties, Kenya

Maize is an important staple food for most Kenyans. The increasing population trend in the face of declining yields in maize production has intensified food insecurity countrywide. The low grain yield can be attributed to foliar diseases mainly gray leaf spot and maize streak virus and expensive hybrid seeds. Hybrid testing is expensive and limited in number of hybrids that can be generated and tested each year. This has increased the need to improve maize production techniques to meet t...

Prevalence Of Plasmodium Species Infection Among Primary School Children And Performance Of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits In Baringo County, Kenya.

Malaria causes the greatest public health burden in sub-Saharan Africa where high mortality mainly occurs in children under five years of age and pregnant women. Majority of Kenyan population are at risk of malaria infection. Traditionally, malaria has been studied mainly in Western and Coastal Kenya while the rift valley especially Baringo County few malaria studies have been conducted indicating seasonal transmission. This has resulted in scanty information on actual malaria prevalence...

Changes In Immunological, Biochemical And Hematological Parameters Of Hiv-1 Positive Patients On Antiretroviral Therapy In Mbagathi County Hospital, Nairobi

ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome remains the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya being one of them. Over 407,000 patients were on antiretroviral therapy by the year 2015 nationally. Despite sustained clinical benefits associated to usage of antiretroviral drugs, adverse effects are emerging as a major safety concern. Some of the factors that have been identified as having an influence on the effect of ARV in disease control include a...

Abundance And Conservation Status Of Prunus Africana In Western Mau Forest, Kenya

ABSTRACT Prunus africana (Hook. f) Kalkman, 1965 (formerly Pygeum africanum Hook.f) is a geographically widespread tree restricted to highland forest of main land Africa and outlying islands. The species is commercially important for its bark, which is used in the treatment of prostate gland disorders. It also produces high quality timber used locally for building poles and furniture as well as fuel wood. The high demand for the bark has led to notable destruction of the species in natural f...

Elastic Scattering Of Electron By Barium Atom Using Distorted Wave Method

ABSTRACT Knowledge of differential and integral cross sections for electron scattering from atoms and molecules is very important for explanation and understanding of electron interaction with matter and for determining dynamics of collision processes. It is also important in the study of astrophysics, plasma physics and laser development. For the past three decades, experimental and theoretical results for electron-barium elastic scattering have been reported however, these results are inco...

2836 - 2850 Of 8880 Results