Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Comparative Of Production And Proximate Analysis Of Cake, Bread And Cookies Using Plantain Flour

Background of the study There is increased advocacy on the consumption of functional foods by World human nutrition due to different health problems related with food consumption such as diabetes and coronary heart diseases (WHO/FAO, 2003).  Food professional/industries might face challenges of producing food products containing functional ingredients in order to meet the nutritional requirements of individuals with health challenges. This is because of the effect of added sugar and lipids i...


ABSTRACT This research work is a study on the Impact of Internet Usage on Academic Performance of undergraduate students using Ambrose Alli University Physics undergraduate, Edo State as a case study. The research design adopted was sample techniques using questionnaires as the instrument for data collection. The population of the study was the students of the Ambrose Alli University of Edo State, with students randomly selected making a total sample of 154 students whom were issued questionn...

Design and Implementation of an Online Result processing and checking Portal (Case Study of Computer Science Department, Federal Polytechnic, Auchi)

1.0 Background of the Study According to Ekanem, (2005), the school Federal Polytechnic, Auchi was foundedin 1973 by the mid-western state of Nigeria. It was an off shoot of the former mid-western technical college established in 1954 as a gift of British government tomid-western   state   of   Nigeria.   The   polytechnic   took   off   as   a   multi   campusinstitution with its headquarters (main campus) in Benin City, Edo state. The nameof   the   institution  �...

Uniform factor modeling with the Relativistic Stopping Power of Silicon-carbide Targeted Semiconductor Material against the sourced Energetic Radiation

Abstract: Ion irradiation is used to analyze and modify the structure of condensed matter. It can for instance be used to form and shape nanocrystals in solids as the understanding of the fundamental processes that take place in material under ion irradiation is important for all these applications of ion beams, and great interest from a basic science point of view. The mechanisms involved during  ion  irradiation-induced  displacement  of  atoms  in  uniform  bulk  solids  are  fa...

Factor Analysis and Survey Design

This paper analyzes factor analysis, discussing both confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA), as they relate to survey design. Shi et al. (2017) is discussed and compared to another study applying factor analysis by Tungkunanan (2020). A discussion of how factor analysis is used in my current field and potentially for COVID research is also explored. First, however, a discussion of the history of factor analysis, how it was designed, improved, and is currently...

Jacob Mack 7 PAGES (1395 WORDS) Statistics Paper
Assess the Value of Hypothesis Testing

This paper discusses and analyzes the procedures of hypothesis testing, benefits, and detriments. 

Jacob Mack 9 PAGES (2022 WORDS) Statistics Paper
Design and construction of bio-gas for household use

ABSTRACT: The designed air driven engine is an economic friendly engine which operates with the aid of a compressed air. in principle, an air driven engine uses the expansion of compressed air to drive the pistons of an engine. an bio gas driven engine is a pneumatic actuator that creates useful work by expanding compressed gas. there is no mixing of fuel with gas as there is no combustion. An gas driven engine makes use of compressed gas technology for its operation the compressed air techn...

Human Activity Recognition by Wearable Sensors

The purpose of this project is to develop a model that is capable of recognizing daily basic human activities under real-world conditions, using data collected by a waist-mounted triaxial accelerometer and gyroscope built into a cellphone (in our study, a Samsung Galaxy S II). Activity recognition is formulated as a supervised classification problem, whose data is obtained via an experiment having 30 human subjects perform each of the activities. Our classification models have been trained...

Hypolipidemic Propensity of Ethanolic Extract of Xylopia

ABSTRACT  Aim:  This  study  is  aimed  at  assessing  the  effect  of  Xylopia  aethiopica  fruit  on  the  lipid  profile  of Wistar rats. Methodology: The fruits of Xylopia aethiopica were obtained from new market in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria  and  were  authenticated.  They  were  air-dried  and  extracted  using  Soxhlet  apparatus  and ethanol  as  solvent.  The  median  lethal  dose  (LD50)  of  the  extract  was determined  using  standard met...

Weight Gain Reduction and Hypoglycemic Effects of Xylopi

ABSTRACT  Aim: This study  is aimed  at determining the effect of Xylopia  aethiopica  fruit on weight gain and blood sugar level of Wistar rats. Methodology: The fruits of Xylopia aethiopica were obtained from new market in Aba, Abia State, Nigeria  and  were  authenticated.  They  were  air-dried  and  extracted  using  Soxhlet  apparatus  and ethanol  as  solvent.  The  median  lethal  dose  (LD50)  of  the  extract  was  determined  using  standard method. ...

Nephrotoxicity of Ethanol Extract of Xylopia aethiopica

  ABSTRACT  Background: The  use  of  Xylopia  aethiopica  fruit  in  folklore  medicine  is  on  the  increase  without regard to its toxicity. Aim: This study was aimed at examining its toxicity on the kidney of Wistar rats. Methodology:  The  fruits  of  Xylopia  aethiopica  were  air-dried  and  extracted  using  Soxhlet apparatus  and  ethanol  as  solvent.  The  median  lethal  dose  (LD50)  of  the  extract  was  determined using standard method....

Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Honey and Shea Butter Samples and Their Antibacterial Effect on Staphylococcus aureus AND Klebsiella pneumoniae

ABSTRACT This research work was carried out to examine the physicochemical and phytochemical constituents of honey and Shea butter samples respectively and their antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The physicochemical screening of honey showed that the honey samples used have low water activity, low moisture content, low pH value below 4.0 and Ash while the phytochemical analysis of Shea butter revealed the presence of Saponnins, Tannins, Alkaloids, Stero...

Geophysical Interpretation of Abakaliki And Bansara Area, Lower Benue Trough Nigeria Using Airborne Gravity Data

              ABSTRACT The Geophysical Airborne gravity data of Abakaliki and Bansara area of Lower Benue Trough Nigeria was interpreted qualitative and quantitative in order to determine the sedimentary thickness/depth to basement and the possibility of hydrocarbons accumulation in the area and also to determine the density contrast and different rock types or rock bearing minerals present in the area. Source Parameter Imaging (SPI) and Forward and Inverse modeling techniques were emp...

Quality of Life Meets Metropolitan Ambitions

This paper examines how people in Copenhagen interact with and perceive six of the main neighbourhoods in the capital. As a special case, an equivalent analysis is carried out for the popular food market Torvehallerne. The research was conducted by applying statistical analysis and natural language processing to captions from Instagram posts tagged with neighbourhood names. The analysis reveals that the Instagram segment have a positive perception of their neighbourhoods and like to displa...

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