Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Synthesis of bismuth oxyhalide (BiOBrz I (1-z)) solid solutions for photodegradation of methylene dye

Abstract: The removal of textile wastes is a priority due to their mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. In this study, bismuth oxyhalide was used in the removal of methylene blue (MB) which is a textile waste. The main objective of this study was to develop and investigate the applicability of a bismuth oxyhalide (BiOBr zI (1-z)) solid solutions in the photodegradation of MB under solar and ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation. Methods: Bismuth oxyhalide (BiOBr zI (1-z)) (0 ≤ z ≤ 1) mate...

The Topp Leone-G Power Series class of distributions with applications

Abstract: We present a new class of distributions called the Topp-Leone-G Power Series (TL-GPS) class of distributions. This model is obtained by compounding the Topp-Leone-G distribution with the power series distribution. Statistical prop erties of the TL-GPS class of distributions are obtained. Maximum likelihood estimates for the proposed model were obtained. A simulation study is carried out for the special case of Topp-Leone Log-Logistic Poisson distribution to assess the performance o...

Pollution status of shooting range soils from Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn found in ammunition

Abstract: Evaluation of concentration of heavy metals found in shooting range soil is important in assessing the pollution risk posed to biota. Soil samples from five shooting ranges found in Botswana were used in this study. All the five shooting ranges accumulated high concentration of Cu ranging from 67.4 ± 0.05 mg/kg to 1569 ± 13 mg/kg followed by Mn (25.9 ± 0.1–953.8 ± 2.8 mg/kg). Pollution risk indices were used to quantify the environmental pollution risk posed by the differ- en...

Relative gottlieb groups of embeddings between complex grassmannians

Abstract: Let Grk,n be the complex Grassmann manifold of k-linear subspaces in ℂn. We compute rational relative Gottlieb groups of the embedding i:Grk,n Grk,n+r and show that the G-sequence is exact if r≥kn-k.

A novel moderately thermophilic type Ib methanotroph isolated from an alkaline thermal spring in the Ethiopian Rift Valley

Abstract: Aerobic moderately thermophilic and thermophilic methane-oxidizing bacteria make a substantial contribution in the control of global warming through biological reduction of methane emissions and have a unique capability of utilizing methane as their sole carbon and energy source. Here, we report a novel moderately thermophilic Methylococcus-like Type Ib methanotroph recovered from an alkaline thermal spring (55.4 °C and pH 8.82) in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. The isolate, designate...

Crystal Structure of Pyridin-4-ylmethyl 4-Nitrobenzoate, C13H10N2O4

Abstract: The structure of pyridin-4-ylmethyl 4-nitrobenzoate was determined by the single-crystal X-ray diffraction method. The compound crystallized in a monoclinic system, P21/n, and the unit cell parameters are, a = 9.981(2), b = 12.347(3), c = 10.161(3)Å, β = 101.450(9), Z = 4, V = 1227.3(5)Å3. The crystal structure was solved by intrinsic phasing and refined to final values of R1 = 0.0451 and wR2 = 0.1393

An iterative method for tri-level quadratic fractional programming problems using fuzzy goal programming approach

Abstract: Tri-level optimization problems are optimization problems with three nested hierarchical structures, where in most cases conflicting objectives are set at each level of hierarchy. Such problems are common in management, engineering designs and in decision making situations in general, and are known to be strongly NP-hard. Existing solution methods lack universality in solving these types of problems. In this paper, we investigate a tri-level programming problem with quadratic fract...

Vector dissipative light bullets in optical laser beam

Abstract: The dynamics of light bullets propagating in nonlinear media with linear/nonlinear, gain/loss and coupling described by the (2+1)-dimensional vectorial cubic–quintic complex Ginzburg–Landau (CGL) equations is considered. The evolution and the stability of the vector dissipative optical light bullets, generated from an asymmetric input with respect to two transverse coordinates x and y, are studied. We use the variational method to find a set of differential equations characteri...

Cabbage or ‘pesticide’on the platter? Chemical analysis reveals multiple and excessive residues in African vegetable markets

Abstract: Overuse of pesticides in vegetables and related fresh products raises serious public health concerns. However, the recognition and assessment of the magnitude of public health risk remains a low priority in low income African communities. Brassicas are a cosmopolitan crop in African horticulture, and equally so, is the major economic pest, the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.). In consequence, insecticide use on P. xylostella in brassica production systems presents persist...

A computational study of the s2 state in the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy

Abstract: The S2 state produces two basic electron paramagnetic resonance signal types due to the manganese cluster in oxygen-evolving complex, which are influenced by the solvents, and cryoprotectant added to the photosystem II samples. It is presumed that a single manganese center oxidation occurs on S1 → S2 state transition. The S2 state has readily visible multiline and g4.1 electron paramagnetic resonance signals and hence it has been the most studied of all the Kok cycle intermediate...

A strong convergence theorem for a zero of the sum of a finite family of maximally monotone mappings

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to study the method of approximation for zeros of the sum of a finite family of maximally monotone mappings and prove strong convergence of the proposed approximation method under suitable conditions. The method of proof is of independent interest. In addition, we give some applications to the minimization problems and provide a numerical example which supports our main result. Our theorems improve and unify most of the results that have been proved f...

Effect of Zr doping on the structural and electrical properties of spray deposited TiO2 thin films

Abstract: Doping is an effective material re-engineering technique, which provides a possibility of improving properties of materials for different applications. Herein, a Zr-doped TiO2 thin film was deposited applying the chemical spray pyrolysis method and the influence of varying zirconium dopant concentrations on the properties of the film was studied. Morphological studies showed that the Zr–TiO2 films were homogeneous with smaller grain sizes compared to the undoped TiO2 films. As-de...

Halpern–Ishikawa type iterative method for approximating fixed points of non-self pseudocontractive mappings

Abstract: In this paper, we define a Halpern–Ishikawa type iterative method for approximating a fixed point of a Lipschitz pseudocontractive non-self mapping T in a real Hilbert space settings and prove strong convergence result of the iterative method to a fixed point of T under some mild conditions. We give a numerical example to support our results. Our results improve and generalize most of the results that have been proved for this important class of nonlinear mappings.

Algorithm for compressing/decompressing Sudoku grids

Abstract: We describe a way to transfer efficiently Sudoku grids through the Internet. This is done by using linearization together with compression and decompression that use the information structure present in all sudoku grids. The compression and the corresponding decompression are based on the fact that in each Sudoku grid there are information dependencies and so some of the information is redundant.

Thermo-fluidic significance of non Newtonian fluid with hybrid nanostructures

Abstract: The main purpose of this investigation is to analyze the flow and heat transfer behavior of a non Newtonian fluid (Oldroyd B fluid) with hybrid nanostructure subject to externally inclined magnetic field. Cattaneo Christov heat flux model is incorporated in the energy equation. Non linear thermal radiation and viscous dissipation mechanisms are considered. Shooting technique is implemented to accomplish the numerical solution. The outcomes of the numerical computations are discusse...

1021 - 1035 Of 8880 Results