Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

Fixed points of relaxed (ψ, ϕ)-weakly N-contraction mappings in modular spaces

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study the existence and approximation of a common fixed point of a pair of mappings satisfying a relaxed (ψ, ϕ)-weakly N-contractive condition and existence and approximation of a fixed point of a relaxed (ψ, ϕ)-weakly N-contraction mapping in the setting of modular spaces. Our theorems improve and generalize the results in Mongkolkeha and Kumam [23] and Öztürk et. al [26]. To validate our results numerical examples are provided.

A new Lindley-Burr XII power series distribution: model, properties and applications

Abstract: A new generalized class of distributions called the Lindley-Burr XII Power Series (LBXIIPS) distribution is proposed and explored. This new class of distributions contain some special cases such as Lindley-Burr XII Poisson (LBXIIP), Lindley-Burr XII Logarithmic (LBXIIL), Lindley-Burr XII Binomial (LBXIIB) and their sub-models among others. Some structural properties of the new distribution including moments, probability weighted moments, distribution of the order statistics and ent...

Optimal control of the spread of meningitis: in the presence of behaviour change of the society and information dependent vaccination

Abstract: A mathematical model of meningococcal meningitis with incidence dependent self-protection measure and vaccination is formulated and analysed. The vaccination considered is assumed to be given to everyone and is information dependent. It is shown that the disease free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable, which implies that if the disease reproduction number R0 can be reduced to a value less than unity then it is possible to eradicate the meningococcal meningitis. In additi...

Computational identification of antibody epitopes on the Dengue virus NS1 protein

Abstract: We have previously described a method to predict antigenic epitopes on proteins recognized by specific antibodies. Here we have applied this method to identify epitopes on the NS1 proteins of the four Dengue virus serotypes (DENV1–4) that are bound by a small panel of monoclonal antibodies 1H7.4, 1G5.3 and Gus2. Several epitope regions were predicted for these antibodies and these were found to reflect the experimentally observed reactivities. The known binding epitopes on DENV2 ...

Comparison of vitronectin and fibronectin as substrates during the culture of human embryonic stem cells

Abstract: The feeder free culturing of pluripotent stem cells aims to eliminate the use of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) as substrate during in vitro culturing. Here, the potential of fibronectin and vitronectin to keep stem cells undifferentiated was compared using two different stem cell lines (HUES1 and HUES7). Cells were cultured on vitronectin and fibronectin for 3 weeks. Results showed that cells cultured in fibronectin appear to adhere slightly well initially while those in vitro...

Delay bounded multi-source multicast in software-defined networking

Abstract: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is the next generation network architecture with exciting application prospects. The control function in SDN is decoupled from the data forwarding plane, hence it provides a new centralized architecture with flexible network resource management. Although SDN is attracting much attention from both industry and research, its advantage over the traditional networks has not been fully utilized. Multicast is designed to deliver content to multiple desti...

Security of quantum-key-distribution protocol by using the post-selection technique

Abstract: The post-selection technique was proposed by Christandl, König, and Renner [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 020504 (2009)] to simplify the security of quantum-key-distribution schemes. This work applies this technique to derive the security bounds for the six-state Scarani-Acin-Rigbordy-Gisin 2004 quantum key distribution protocol. This protocol can extract secure keys from a source emitting multi-photons due to its robustness from photon number splitting attacks, making it a good candidate...

Comparison of user satisfaction between Text and Virtual Reality Based Expert Systems for diagnosing cattle diseases

Abstract: Even though usability testing of software applications has been studied for decades, little empirical researches have been conducted in Agriculture domain, especially in comparing the usability of none- immersive virtual reality and text based diagnosis expert systems for diagnosing cattle diseases. A quasi -experimental research was conducted in which 62 cattle farmers both commercial and subsistent used either a non-virtual reality based (System A) or a text-based (System B) expe...

Multi-parametric approach for multilevel multi-leader-multi-follower games using equivalent reformulations

Abstract: Multilevel multi-leader multi-follower games address compromises among multiple interacting decision agents within a hierarchical system in which multiple followers are involved at each lower-level unit and more than one decision maker (multiple leaders) are involved in the upper-level. The leaders' decisions are affected not only by reactions of the followers but also by various relationships among the leaders themselves. In general, multiple-leaders multiple-followers (MLMF) game...

Intelligent load balancing techniques in software defined networks : a survey

Abstract: In the current technology driven era, the use of devices that connect to the internet has increased significantly. Consequently, there has been a significant increase in internet traffic. Some of the challenges that arise from the increased traffic include, but are not limited to, multiple clients on a single server (which can result in denial of service (DoS)), difficulty in network scalability, and poor service availability. One of the solutions proposed in literature, to mitigat...

Antibacterial potential of extracts of the roots of Zingiber officinale against bacterial strains commonly associated with nosocomial infections

Abstract: Zingiber officinale, commonly known as ginger, has been used as a medicinal plant for decades for medical and culinary purposes. This study aimed to determine the antimicrobial potential of ginger root extracts using the Kirby-Bayer agar diffusion method to compare the zones of inhibition of the extracts to those of synthetic antibiotics against five clinical bacterial pathogens (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, taphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter aerogenes and Klebsiella p...

The exponentiated odd weibull-topp-leone-g family of distributions: model, properties and applications

Abstract: In this paper, a new generalized family of distributions called the exponentiated odd Weibull-Topp-Leone-G (EOW-TL-G) family of distributions is presented. A linear representation of the proposed model is also presented. A simulation study to examine the consistency of the maximum likelihood estimates is conducted. Usefulness of the new proposed model was assessed by means of applications to two real data examples.

Split equality variational inequality problems for pseudomonotone mappings in Banach spaces

Abstract: A new algorithm for approximating solutions of the split equality variational inequality problems (SEVIP) for pseudomonotone mappings in the setting of Banach spaces is introduced. Strong convergence of the sequence generated by the proposed algorithm to a solution of the SEVIP is then derived without assuming the Lipschitz continuity of the underlying mappings and without prior knowledge of operator norms of the bounded linear operators involved. In addition, we provide several ap...

A general split fixed point problem governed by demicontractive mappings in Banach spaces

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce an iterative process, which converges strongly to the solution of a general split fixed point problem governed by demicontractive mappings and prove strong convergence theorems in Banach spaces.

A Mathematical model of contact tracing during the 2014–2016 West African Ebola outbreak

Abstract: The 2014–2016 West African outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) was the largest and most deadly to date. Contact tracing, following up those who may have been infected through contact with an infected individual to prevent secondary spread, plays a vital role in controlling such outbreaks. Our aim in this work was to mechanistically represent the contact tracing process to illustrate potential areas of improvement in managing contact tracing efforts. We also explored the role co...

1036 - 1050 Of 8880 Results