Abstract: The focus of this thesis was on the comparison in breakage behavior of heterogeneous diorite rock obtained at two separate quarry locations in Botswana. There are many problems associated with inefficient size reduction of quarry stones. Generally, when the material is left over sized, it will fail in its downstream operation because during separation/ screening the product will not pass to lower screens and it will require a secondary crushing activity resulting in a waste of ener...
Abstract: There has been an outcry in commerce and industry about students who fail to perform in the accounting department due to lack of “practical accounting skills”. It is from this background that the researchers were motivated to investigate the impact of a Computerised Accounting Software Curriculum that enhances an Accounting Programme. At Botho University a degree in Bsc Hons in Accounting is offered and it is perceived that the graduates of this programme will be all rounded af...
Abstract: Smart implants continue to evolve, posing tremendous opportunities to move towards personalized and pervasive healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, the adoption of smart implants is still nascent in SSA despite their tremendous benefits and the increasing demand to provide pervasive and personalized healthcare. There- fore, this study aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of opportunities and potential challenges associated with the adoption of smart implants in SSA ...
Abstract: Many elderly people have hypertension, and health systems are faced with the challenge of responding to the needs of this population. The availability of Nutrition Management Service (NMS) in Out Patient Department (OPD) services is one of the strategies that have the potential to control these patients' blood pressure. The study sought to investigate the availability of NMS for the hypertensive outpatient elderly in Thamae Health Centre and Khubetsona Health Centre. The study was ...
Abstract: The bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae is ubiquitous in nature and is found on the general vegetation and their fruits. The subspecies “pneumonia” is known to cause community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia in immune-compromised persons (Ko et al., 2002; Yu et al., 2007; Yinnon et al., 1996 and Struve and Krogfelt, 2004). Some the vegetation and wild fruits form part of the staple diet or is consumed as delicacies in Botswana. The potential presence of K. pneumoniae therefore po...
Abstract: Coal pyrolysis and gasification are promising options for the future of Botswana as the country has large coal reserves with severe limitations in terms of export options. Coal characterization facilities will be required in order to harness its full potential and methods such as proximate, ultimate and chemical structure analysis (FTIR, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques) were investigated. The paper presents a brief history of pyrolysis and gasification, typical ...
Abstract: Understanding eastern African paleoclimate is critical for contextualizing early human evolution, adaptation, and dispersal, yet Pleistocene climate of this region and its governing mechanisms remain poorly understood due to the lack of long, orbitally-resolved, terrestrial paleoclimate records. Here we present leaf wax hydrogen isotope records of rainfall from paleolake sediment cores from key time windows that resolve long-term trends, variations, and high-latitude effects on tro...
Abstract: The cloud computing offers dynamically scalable resources provided as a service over the Internet. It promises the drop in capital expenditure. But practically speaking if this is to become reality there are still some challenges which is to be still addressed. Amongst, the main issues are related to security and trust, since the user's data has to be released to the Cloud and thus leaves the secured area of the data owner. The users must trust the providers. There must be a str...
Abstract: In recent days possible attacks on the networks has been increased and causing huge financial loss for the various organization due to lack of proper security standards. Modern networks have several services and zones like Voice, Data, ISP networks, Access control, surveillance, DMZ zones and hosting websites etc. Proper planning and access control within each zone are important to avoid network compromise. This research details on how the network can be security standards can...
Abstract: Over the past thirty years, “Network Cyber Attacks” has been an increasing problem in the cyber world affecting organizations and individuals – everyone in one way or the other has been exploited. Ethical hacking and network security can be used to prevent network cyber-attacks in organizations irrespective of their size. Research has proven that cyber-attacks comes as a result of network attacks that are done unauthorized without the system administrators or users of th...
Abstract: Cloud computing is one of latest computing paradigms where computing resources like processors, hard-drives, data warehouses, servers, operating system and applications are rented to the users in pay-per-use manner and are accessed through the Internet. Cloud computing is one of Information Technology solutions that reduces infrastructure costs for governments and small to medium businesses, and enable them to access latest software versions and hardware resources. Government ...
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to establish the level Information Security among End User in order to address the Human issue and its impacts on Information Security (IS) in organizations. Human errors likely to result into excessive security breaches than technical vulnerabilities (Hinson, 2003). Notable human errors include, deleting wrong file by mistake, entering wrong value, pull out the wrong plug by mistake and configuration mistakes can leave the network ports open, firew...
The pharmaceutical develops, produces, and markets drug licensed for use as medications. They are subjected to variety of laws and regulations of the government regarding the patenting, testing, pricing and ensuring safety and efficacy and marketing of drugs. The study of sorption of rifampicin in the leaching to contaminate the under-ground water has been the concerns of researchers in the world and many results and finding has been put in place. The environment is increasingly being recogni...
A computer network comprises of a group of computers connected to each other for different purposes. In this way, resources and data can be exchanged between computers. Recent years have seen a rapid advancement in computer technology, which has led organisations to look for more resilient networks that can support both their present and future applications (Al-Bayati, 2013). Strong networking and thoughtful office building design go hand in hand in today's workplace to enhance organisational...