Abstract: Long-horned grasshopper (Ruspolia differens), an edible insect native to sub-Saharan Africa, is considered a delicacy by some communities in the region and contributes 5-10% of the protein intake. However, its full utilization as food across the different cultural constructs has been hampered by neophobia and disgust occasioned by uncommon food cultural practices, thereby limiting its potential to combat malnutrition in the region. Therefore, there is need to process and hide the i...
Abstract: Background Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is an emerging tool in ecological monitoring of aquatic habitats. When applied correctly, it can overcome the limitations of traditional aquatic sampling methods. This current study develops and validates a protocol for using eDNA analysis to detect and quantify mosquito larvae in laboratory and controlled field setting. Methods Species-specific PCR primers were designed from An. gambiae s.l and An. funestus, and qPCR primers for An. gam...
Abstract: Root-knot nematodes (RKNs) are economically important polyphagous group of highly adapted obligate plant parasites. They pose a substantial threat to crop production globally due to losses caused in a wide range of agricultural crops. To curb infestations of RKNs, several mitigation measures have been deployed to control these parasites but with minimal success. Alternative integrated strategies are therefore needed for management of these pests. A new strategy being explored at ic...
Abstract: Hippobosca camelina, also known as camel keds or camel louse flies, are the most common blood-sucking ectoparasites infesting camels in, Laisamis Ward, northern Kenya. The ability of these obligate haematophagous biting flies to transmit infectious agents is less understood. The aims of this study were to; I) screen for protozoan, bacterial and viral pathogens in camels and their biting keds, H. camelina, sampled from Laisamis Ward, Marsabit county II) assess the potential utility ...
Abstract: Ethnobotanical analyses highlight therapeutic and chemotypic variations of geographically and ecologically diverse Murraya koenigii (Spreng) samples. However, the genetic correlation of this observation remains obscure. The present study aimed at studying the intraspecific genetic variation of Murraya koenigii and the possible effect on the bioactivity of volatiles of plant samples collected from four different geographical locations of Kenya. Genomic DNA isolated from various plan...
Abstract: The long-horned grasshopper (Ruspolia differens) is a delicacy in Uganda and many African countries. It is traditionally trapped at night during the swarming seasons using mercury bulbs that consume a lot of electric energy and pollute the environment. In addition, thecollection drums used in the traditional trappingtechnique are non-selective,trapping non-target insects, some of which are allergenic to humans. Further, these traps areinefficient in retaining the insects.The Intern...
Abstract: Edible insects are now globally recognisedas alternative sources of food and feed. Currently, over 470 spp of insects are consumed in Africa alone, with Ruspolia differensbeing the most common in central Uganda.Harvesting and trading of these insects is done informally andthe post-harvest handling, processingand marketing involvesseveral people. These coupled with other factors increase the risk of microbial contamination of R. differens. This study identifiedand characterisedbacte...
Abstract: Advances in genotyping methods have shed more light into mosquito genetics and improved our understanding of vector-borne disease transmission cycles. Outside of Africa, Aedes aegypti, the main vector of arboviruses such as dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika viruses, prefers humans for a blood meal, resting and breeding in close association with human settlements. However, in its native African ecology, both domestic (Aedes aegypti aegypti) and sylvatic (forest) (Aedes aeg...
Nano electronics are part of the nanotechnology domain, which deals with the characterization, manipulation and fabrication of the electronic devices at the Nano scale. Nano electronics is one of the major technologies of Nanotechnology.
Ageing may impact proximal femoral morphometry in both males and females. However, it is not clear whether the observed sexual dimorphism is attributable to an ageing effect in the post-pubertal period. The potential effect of ageing on sexual dimorphism in the proximal femur is most significantly relevant for forensic and osteoarchaeological research. The study was cross-sectional and comprised 123 participants (females = 72 and males = 51), who were recorded between January 2017 and June 20...
Ageing may impact proximal femoral morphometry in both males and females. However, it is not clear whether the observed sexual dimorphism is attributable to an ageing effect in the post-pubertal period. The potential effect of ageing on sexual dimorphism in the proximal femur is most significantly relevant for forensic and osteoarchaeological research. The study was cross-sectional and comprised 123 participants (females = 72 and males = 51), who were recorded between January 2017 and June 20...
Abstract The objective of this present work is to introduce a new method of solving quadratic equations different from the existing methods. In this paper, we explicitly explain the new method and carefully discussed the conditions necessary for using this new approach. Finally, we apply our new approach to solve some questions and compare the result with the existing methods and results coincide. KEYWORD: The following are the keywords to be discuss namely; Affected quadratic equation,Absolu...
Abstract: Prudence is one of the important features of software quality, as it can affect the stability of software. The cost and reuse of software is also likely to make sense. To maintain software, programmers have to understand the source code. The understanding of source code depends on the psychological complexity of the software, and cognitive abilities are required to understand the source code. The understanding of source code is influenced by so many factors, here we have taken var...
Abstract: In this paper, we extend the application of generalized fuzzy metric space and generalized locations with fuzzy mapping such as quasi-pseudo-metric spaces and cone metric spaces. Some assumptions are also acceptable for α-commuting, α-weakly consistent mapping, L-fuzzy mapping for L-fuzzy sets, and a pair of βFL - L-fuzzy mappings. Based on the above definitions, some interesting coincidence points, common fixed points, and fixed point results are obtained that generalize not o...
Traditional file management systems and manual processes have presented a number of difficulties and restrictions, such as difficult administration, inadequate security, and restricted data sharing options for users and organizations. After overcoming these obstacles, file management systems have typically moved to the more advanced models of today, which offer better features and benefits, particularly in critical areas where their applications cannot be compromised. The primary goal of this...