Natural & Applied Sciences

Research Papers/Topics Natural & Applied Sciences

A Task Performance and Fitness Predictive Model Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling

Recruiters’ decisions in the selection of candidates for specific job roles are not only dependent on physical attributes and academic qualifications but also on the fitness of candidates for the specified tasks. In this paper, we propose and develop a simple neuro-fuzzy-based task performance and fitness model for the selection of candidates. This is accomplished by obtaining from Kaggle (an online database) samples of task performance-related data of employees in various firms. Data were ...

Assessing the effectiveness of the Synthenic and Rearrangement Identifier (SyRI) tool for finding genomic rearrangements; A case study of comparison between RefBeet (Chr3) and Beta vulgaris s

This project discusses the influence of genomic structure on phenotypic expression in plants and animals, emphasizing intraspecific variations arising from diverse genomic structures. It highlights historical misinterpretations of structural rearrangements and advocates for comprehensive whole chromosome comparisons. The project focuses on using the SyRI tool to validate findings from whole-genome analysis of sugar beet and sea beet genomes, revealing insights into the role of the Rz2 locus i...

Design and Construction of a Smart RFID-based Car Parking System

ABSTRACT In our rapidly advancing world, the integration of automation has become pivotal for modern living particularly in car parking management. Hence, this research project is focused on design and construction of RFID-based Car Parking System while utilizing Arduino technology. Defering from manual check-ins, this system employs RFID technology to seamlessly detect and manage vehicles, reducing congestion and enhancing the overall parking experience. The project's standout features incl...

Synthesis of Montmorillonite-silica nanocomposite and optimization of adsorption parameters for Congo red adsorption

Dyes are used in various industries such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, paper, leather, food stuff, plastics, and textile etc. The effluents are discharged into the environment by either water or land. The discharge of these effluents into the receiving environments results in hazardous health problems as most of these dyes have carcinogenic effects on the living organisms. Congo red was removed on montmorillonite-silica nanocomposite from solution by adsorption process. The percentage yield wa...

Investigating the anti-filarial efficacy and molecular interactions of thiadiazol derivative: Insight from quantum chemical calculations, pharmacokinetics, and molecular docking studies

Abstract Parasitic infections such as lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) solely result from the infestation of a slender and thread-like worm. This condition precipitates swelling, often accompanied by skin alterations, potentially leading to substantial disability and disfigurement. Recent advancements in preventive measures for lymphatic filariasis encompass mass drug administration (MDA) involving antifilarial drugs. To that effect, this investigation employs an experimental and theoreti...

Investigating the anti-filarial efficacy and molecular interactions of thiadiazol derivative: Insight from quantum chemical calculations, pharmacokinetics, and molecular docking studies.

Abstract Parasitic infections such as lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis) solely result from the infestation of a slender and thread-like worm. This condition precipitates swelling, often accompanied by skin alterations, potentially leading to substantial disability and disfigurement. Recent advancements in preventive measures for lymphatic filariasis encompass mass drug administration (MDA) involving antifilarial drugs. To that effect, this investigation employs an experimental and theoret...

Review of the Bacterial Contaminant Associated with Poultry Excrement

TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Content                                                                             Pages CHAPTER ONE 1.0       Introduction                                                                                                                1                 ...

Database Design and Management Systems (Course Code: CSC 222)

DBMS (SQL, MySQl) Transaction management, concurrency control, Object Oriented Databases, client/server systems, dataware house, databases in electronic commerce, web database development and database administration. Single table database Relational Database System of related tables Minimum redundancy, Referential integrity, Database keys, The ACID model (guarantee of successful transactions): –Atomicity („all or nothing” rule), Consistency Enforcing referential integrity, Indexing fiel...

Database Management System for Housing (A Case Study of Abdu Gusau Polytechnic Talatamafara)

ABSTRACT Overtime, manual approach of managing house allocation is being employed which has resulted in a lot of problems in Abdu Gusau Polytechnic Talata Mafara zamfara State. These problems to mention few are, allocation of already allocated apartment due to lack of proper record, difficulty in calculating the general statistics, poor data security and integrity among others. These aforementioned problems are talked with this new system by providing accuracy in general statistics, proper ke...

Unusual adsorption-induced phase transitions in a pillared-layered copper ethylenediphosphonate with ultrasmall channels

In this work, we thoroughly assess the CO2 adsorption behaviour of a recently reported, pillared-layered CuII ethylenediphosphonate of formula Cu2(H2O)1.7(O3P–C2H4–PO3)1.5H2O (Cu-EtP), that features narrow channel-like pores (diameter o 5 Å). Once the metal coordinated H2O molecules are removed, Cu-EtP features a very high density of open metal sites (0.0188 sites Å-3) and can adsorb a significant amount of CO2 at saturation (2.9 mmol g-1, 6.9 mmol cm-3). Most interesting, it displays a...

Research Proposal on the Mathematical Model of Three Flaviviruses

Majorly, the world has experienced and is experiencing several outbreaks of infectious diseases that has resulted into an epidemic. The call for proper evaluation and optimal control strategies for such outbreaks is of topmost priority and also reduction or eradication of such infectious disease is paramount. Mathematical models have been developed to this effect to determine, evaluate, predict the spread and ascertain any future effect of such infectious diseases. Our main focus will be main...


Overtime the parameters commonly used to measure the population of a location are number of population in figure, population density in and population growth in percentage. These parameters are not enough to quantify the intensity of the population of the entities of a place. The previous methods of measuring population which are number of population in figure and population density in have huge, lengthy and large figure which is difficult to work with and interpret. Knowing the magnitud...

Establishment of Kifilideen coefficient tables for positive and negative powers of n and −n of Kifilideen trinomial theorem and other development based on matrix and standardized methods

The generation of coefficients of terms of positive and negative powers of n and −n of Kifilideent rinomial theorem as the terms are progress is stressful and time-consuming which the same problem is identified with coefficients of terms of binomial theorem of positive and negative powers of n and −n. This slows the process of producing the series of any particular trinomial expansion. This study established Kifilideen coefficient tables for positive and negative powers of n and −n ...

UNMASKING FRAUDSTERS: Ensemble Features Selection to Enhance Random Forest Fraud Detection

Fraud detection is used in various industries, including banking institutes, finance, insurance, government agencies, etc. Recent increases in the number of fraud attempts make fraud detection crucial for safeguarding financial information that is confidential or personal. Many types of fraud problems exist, including card-not-present fraud, fake Marchant, counterfeit checks, stolen credit cards, and others. We proposed an ensemble feature selection technique based on Recursive feature el...

Incidence and Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Klebsiella Species Isolated From Poultry Feaces in Owo Metropolis

The wrong and excessive use of antibiotics in the poultry industry poses a threat to public health due to the release of antibiotic-resistant bacteria into the environment and its impact on consumers of poultry products. This research aimed to investigate the occurrence and patterns of antibiotic resistance found in Klebsiella species isolated from poultry faeces in Owo metropolis. Fecal samples were collected from healthy broilers in three privately-owned poultry farms in Owo, using sterile ...

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